- A new legendary weapon
- Updated russian localization
- Large deposits (hematite, malachite, bauxite) and caves (sulfur, asbestos) can now be toggled in the config
- Removed recipes for most old particle accelerator parts
- Dense coils no longer have recipes either for the most part, all coils with no recipes can be recycled back into dense wires
- Natural gas can now be processed in a pyrolysis oven, 12k of gas yields 8k hydrogen and one graphite ingot
- Saturnite now has an alternate recipe, adding one pile of borax for doubled output
- All mass storage units (except wood) are now substantially cheaper
- Reduced base spread for all 12 and 10 gauge buckshot shells from 0.05 to 0.035
- Reduced legendary 12 lever action's spread multiplier from x1.35 to x1.15
- Bullet casings now spawn with randomized angular velocity
- Bullet casings now correctly bounce off walls, and change angles when bouncing
- Two previously unobtainable legendaries are now in the red room loot pool (about 10x less common than most other items)
- Fixed an issue where
would load fluids after recipes, meaning that recipes using newly added fluids would not work correctly, as the fluids don't exist by the time the recipe is loaded - Fixed bedrock coltan being way too common, drowning out almost all other bedrock ores
- Fixed rotary furnace not saving its output stack
- Fixed strand caster water check being incorrect, creating negative water by allowing operations with insufficient cooling
- Fixed radar not using the small remaining amount of power, causing the animation getting stuck
- Fixed the new system structures being way too common
- Fixed RBMKs losing all their flux when reloading the world
- Fixed issue where DODD fuel item stats would only update when the GUI was open
- Fixed muzzle flashes not being fullbright
- Fixed guns having their name permanently visible over the toolbar
- Fixed hangman being absolutely gigantic when dropped
MD5: 0a94fdc668495339c5237ef1d7851502
SHA1: 7af51e116d9d5662d44fe8ae4c72f8cf0a06efc1
- Double barrel shotgun
- Special weapon, spawns as part of certain loot pools
- Uses the new 10 gauge caliber
- Will reload after each shot, however it is not belt-fed, if ammo is depleted, the next reload must be triggered manually
- Removed the old casing items
- Reduced the flicker on the autoshotgun's holo sights
- Fixed the bullet casing molds being unobtainable
- Fixed instant crash caused by smelting certain things in the crucible
- Fixed the SPAS' alt fire having a delay of only 10 ticks instead of 20
- Fixed 240mm nuclear shells not triggering properly if they hit their target within 3 ticks of being spawned
- Fixed some items that are supposed to be hidden in NEI being visible
- Fixed dual lever action shotguns having inconsistent damage
- Fixed entities (especially players) not being affected at all by their own explosions (rockets, 40mm grenades, etc)
- To keep rocket jumping at least somewhat viable, self-damage from explosions is reduced by 50%, the knockback remains the same
- Fixed missing localization for the casing molds
- Fixed the broken CIWS turret crashing instantly
- Added safeguards to prevent any unnamed casing config from crashing
- Fixed one of the break action revolver's faces having incorrect normals, making it invisible
- Fixed the fluid trait config not loading correctly
- Fluids are now subject to the /ntmreload command
MD5: e7ead8d5683f4082137ae2d95d845b45
SHA1: 141a043d59bb3c70efa1405e28e3c94dc9abe5cd
- Any bullet that can ricochet (or at least runs the code for it) can now also break glass, as well as destroy red barrels
- Removed three old achievements which no longer work due to the gun changes
- AJR armor plating now uses niobium instead of saturnite, and yields twice as many items per recipe
- Due to the gating change, the saturnite anvil now has a tier equivalent to a bronze anvil
- Doubled the liberator's base damage to be on-par with the lever action shotgun in order to offset its poor performance due to the reload speed
- Decreased the explosive 12 gauge's damage from x5 to x2.5
- All non black powder shotgun shells now have some amount of damage threshold negation in order to not immediately become useless when used against early power armor
- Obviously shot will always fare worse against higher tier armor, in those cases either use flechettes, slugs, any of the high tier rounds or a different caliber entirely
- Bombers and cargo planes now use interpolation, making their movement smoother and fixing potential desyncs due to TPS
- Trenchmaster armor no longer displays benefits that no longer exist
- Legendaries are no longer found in red rooms, rather they have a whole new system of being discovered and crafted
- "Recipes" are still subject to change, but the base system is final
- There will some day be a completely new dungeon for those, but for now I used what I had
- Mayhaps a new legendary has appeared?
- Glyphids now make use of the same resistance system as armors, their armor is no longer completely ignored by the new guns
- Different damage types have different resistances
- Damage resistance remains the same, while damage threshold is determined by the glyphid's armor - breaking the armor off will decrease the damage threshold
- Balancing might still be off, however glyhids shouldn't be too tanky
- I still haven't bothered to fix the bolter. It's like the son I don't love
- Changed some of the sounds of the guns that still used the default black powder noise
- The flamethrower turret now uses the new flamethrower projectiles
- The now unused old gun items have been completely obliterated
- Headhot mulitpliers now apply for most conventional projectiles, by default the bonus for headshots is +25% damage
- JHP adds +50%
- Fixed 9mm soft points being called ".9mm"
- Fixed missing localization for the hard plastic and PVC autogen materials
- Fixed the fat mine's crafting recipe still using the deprecated ammo item
- Removed legacy ammo items and guns from all remaining item pools
- Fixed the rubber grip not having a recipe
- Fixed the coilgun and bolter not being classified correctly
- Fixed new death messages not working
- Fixed none of the armors having fall resistance
- Fixed survey scanners not picking up nether depth rock
- Fixed FMJ, AP and DU rounds not having damage threshold negation, making them worse against most armored targets compared to JHP
- Fixed autgen items made from unsmeltable materials being smeltable in the crucible
- Fixed 240mm shells not being visible in creative
- Fixed JHP's negative armor piercing value not being counted right, breaking the "armor is worth more" system
- Fixed the second UZI dealing more damage than it should
- Potentially fixed an issue where artillery rockets would sometimes get stuck mid-air
- Fixed the artillery rocket turret's grace range not being 250 as advertised
- Fixed black powder shotshells using smokeless powder instead of smokeful powder
- Fixed the ballistic gauntlet not working with the new system
- Since base damage is now bound to weapons, the ballistic gauntlet now has a base damage of 15
MD5: 3a68bad208c50a1cb66520a10c6204f8
SHA1: c9aa57c3466188d03865223791daad9f5b1f855b
- Automatic crafting tables will no longer accept stacks with a stack size higher than 1 via automation, items will still accumulate and form stacks inside the crafting table, however inserters/hoppers may not transfer larger stacks in a single operation
- This ensures that the items get spread out as intended instead of the inserter just placing the entire stack into one slot and then leaving the other slots empty
- Fixed crash caused by null entries in the furnace recipe list being picked up by the arc furnace
- Fixed crash caused by the automatic crafting table's input when pattern slots are empty
- Fixed crash caused by the automatic crafting table's output (pattern info was accessed OOB)
MD5: e6775847899e781eb21bedbfe7925a9f
SHA1: ef272f076fcd0c8a4e142401ebbcaee80e26a228
- Powered Floodlight
- Uses 100HE/t to create light
- Casts 15 rays in a wide beam with a maximum length of 64 blocks, each beam creates a spot with light level 15
- Floodlight can be mounted on any side and angled in any direction, angles snap to 5° increments
- Angles can be adjusted after placing with a screwdriver
- Changed bedrock ore processing time in the electrolyzer to 60 ticks
- RF converters have been reworked
- The conversion ratio from HE to RF is now 5:1 (instead of 1:4), HE is no longer way more powerful (in order to compensate for the much higher HE output starting with the first generators and becoming increasingly absurd with nuclear power)
- Converters have an internal buffer again, effectively limiting throughput. The internal buffer is 1MRF and 5MHE.
- The input energy buffer has a loss of 5% of its (unused) current level per tick, which means chaining up converters can not be abused to create earlygame super capacitors
- The loss only takes effect once the input buffer can no longer empty into the output buffer, i.e. when energy demand is too low for the input
- The buffer also fixes a bug where the HE to RF converter often behaves weirdly with certain mods, either outright destroying energy ot creating infinite energy
- HE to RF converters now by default have the connection priority of LOW, only feeding into RF networks when all other energy consumers are sufficiently supplied. This can still be changed by using diodes
- Converters now have configurable conversion rates as well as input decay per tick
- The SILEX is now fully deterministic
- Output is no longer random, instead there is now a "recipe index" which is incremented after each operation, choosing a new next output
- This means that the order of outputs for any given input is fixed, and outputs are guaranteed to happen based on the recipe's total weight (most recipes have a total output weight of 100 for simplicity's sake, meaning after 100 operations the output pattern repeats, and all outputs are guaranteed to be picked)
- Simplified the assembler recipes for the SILEX, FEL and all energy storage blocks (no more random wires and single ingots, fewer duplicate materials)
- Turrets will now only lock onto missiles if they are descending (i.e. negative Y speed), which means that launching a missile close to a turret will not cause the turret to immediately shoot it
- The fusion reactor's byproducts are now created by delay and not by chance, making the output predictable
- Tritium-based fusion fuels now have a higher byproduct output rate (900 ticks instead of 1200)
- Fixed issue where the NEI universal handler can not correctly display more than 4 outputs (now supports up to 8, which should cover all possible electrolyzer cases too)
- Fixed the metal electrolysis duration variable not being part of the config
- Removed the global energy transfer cap (only per-machine caps apply now), fixing issues where FENSUs in buffer mode would not charge past 10THE, and constantly void energy if above that threshold
- Fixed a bug where the power transfer would sometimes have leftovers due to rounding errors which are send but not used up, effectively creating small amounts of energy out of nothing
- Fixed ZIRNOX space checks omitting the top portion
- Fixed RBMK flames and mini nuke flashes being affected by fog, turning them into glowing squares when viewed at a distance
- Fixed crash caused by brimstone mines being launched from dispensers
MD5: 86e7d2d95ba48d6ed58fd91f72165e0a
SHA1: 2fa66c3c90298dc26803babcce9690d511d5fd56
- A new 3D radiation system which makes use of block explosion resistance to determine spreading
- Unlike the 1.12.2 "pocket" system, radiation isn't perfectly sealed, blocks in a 16x16x16 area are simply summed up and used as a divisor
- Using enough high-resistance blocks (or a ton of lesser resistant blocks), radiation can still be effectively blocked (either thick concrete walls or a mountain)
- Radiation is still (sub) chunk based, so the radiation on both sides of a wall in the middle of a chunk will still be the same, the wall will however affect spreading to neighboring chunks
- For TPT players: radiation can be compared to pressure, where pressure also uses 4x4 pixel regions and is affected by pixels within those regions
- The system is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the config under the radiation category
- Centrifuges and refineries now use analog circuits
- Updated the cyclotron, the GUI is now much cleaner and it uses water as coolant (produces LPS) instead of regular coolant
- Due to some people's inability to put a square peg into a square hole rather than a round one, it is now impossible to manually click soldering station ingredients into the wrong slot (you could have just shift-clicked, you know?)
- Slightly simplified a few crafting recipes, steel tanks and steel shells take the same role so the steel tanks were dropped from a few recipes
- Fixed hopper IO ignoring the stack limit on arc furnaces under certain circumstances
- Fixed the watz powerplant not dropping as many HSS bolts as it should
- Fixed grates crashing servers when placed using shift click onto blocks
- Many machines now use the much more efficient byte buffer for sending information to the client which heavily reduces lag (NBT packing is a major contributor to TPS lg)
- Fixed issue where the power system would constantly disconnect when multiple dimensions are loaded
- Fixed the rare sideways-rendering tank not using the correct UV
- Fixed incorrect resource path for the hot blood tank, causing a missing texture
- Fixed welded CMB plates being unobtainable
- Fixed the ICF pellet maker not being able to eject the output
MD5: 2188ad23010e7e09ae69e4b1a7e82cca
SHA1: 7a9fca0ef1631d7f389870dc277adc2b43dd6417
- Asphalt stairs
- Stairs, but fast
- Slabs too
- More circuits
- Control units and advanced control units are exclusively used for nukes
- CUs and ACUs are quite a bit more expensive than standard circuits and also make use of tantalum capacitors
- Nukes are no longer for people who weasel their way through progression and then get 8 uranium, 2 steel and some duct tape, instead every atomic bomb requires a large electronics production capacity
- WMDs are expensive, who woulda thunk
- Wires now use recipe autogen for anvils, meaning that all fine wires are now obtainable via tier 4 anvil
- Changed most nuke recipes
- Most assembler recipes have been de-cluttered, no longer using random extra plates or wires
- Nukes now exclusively use control units or ACUs instead of circuits
- CRTs are now crafted in the crafting table instead of via assembler, making use of vacuum tubes
- Chainlink fences now only create posts on edges or intersections
- The new chainlink fence post block will always create a post, emulating the behavior of the old fences
- Removed gold sands (frees up 2 block IDs)
- There's now two new variants of builder's choice concrete, desert storm (the texture from the launch pad) and bronze plating (the old ICF laser texture)
- Microwaves are no longer electric furnace copies, instead their recipes are restricted to things considered food
- Electric furnaces now cause minor pollution (does not connect to smoke stacks!)
- Increased the arc furnace's liquid buffer to 128 blocks (from 24)
- The arc furnace can now accept more items depending on the speed upgrade, extending all the way to 16 with speed 3 (effective cap might be lower to prevent outputs from exceeding 64 items)
- Due to technical limitations, clicking into a slot once will only place a single item, however after the item is present, the slot's capacity extends to the upgraded size
- This is especially apparent when clicking items into slots by hand, and still noticeable when shift clicking by how the items spread out
- This does not affect automation at all, items will stack up nicely without spreading out unnecessarily
- Reduced arc furnace pollution from 15 to 10 soot per cycle
- The way soot spreads has been changed
- The spreading threshold has been decreased from 15 to 10
- Every update, soot will decrease by regardless of whether it can spread or not (instead of only if it cannot spread)
- Batteries no longer transmit in all directions, instead they transmit to their own power node (since they are also considered cables), eliminating any direction-based bias when transmitting
- The base fuel consumption for the soyuz in cargo mode is now only 5,000mB
- The soyuz' fuel consumption in cargo mode is now limited to its max capacity, meaning it can now fly infinitely far
- Less bullshit mode's simple crafting now extends to the soldering station, all circuits, upgrades and control units are substantially cheaper
- There is now an alternate recipe for standard capacitors, using one aluminium dust for two capacitors (i.e. 4.5 aluminium nuggets, vs the standard 1 niobium nugget)
- Shift-clicking steel grates onto the top/bottom of a block now shifts the grate into that block (if there is space, for example for cables or ducts). The effect is only visual, and the block still occupies the position above the block that the grate has been placed at
- This allows for making pipes with grates over them which are flush with the floor
- The ore acidizer has been remodeled
- The ports are now much simpler, having universal ports for all types instead of power/fluid being separated from items
- The ports are now all located at the bottom, making it easier to connect power/fluid
- There are now more ports to choose from
- The machine is now one block shorter
- The ladder is now wider and centered on the side
- Magnetized tungsten now has a crucible recipe
- In addition to the standard placement rules, Redstone-over-Radio item counters can now also be placed on any block with an inventory tile entity, not just ones with comparator output. This means that they can be connected to the ports of machines which wouldn't give off a comparator signal.
- Standard RoR torches can now also be connected to things that provide direct power, not just comparator output, which allows them to be usable with radars
- Due to the cost changes, the desert powerplant no longer spawns a Fat Man in its cooling tower, instead it now generates a dud
- Increased most arc electrodes' durabilities
- Fixed dupe regarding conveyor grabbers
- Fixed soldering stations not saving progress or their fluid tanks
- Fixed a bug where missile debris would always spawn with a stack size of 1 and a meta of 0
- Fixed FM radios disassembling into incorrect parts
- Fixed 256k tanks yielding too much steel when shredded
- Fixed the wire mold only creating 1 wire instead of the intended 8 due to the changes to the wire oredict
- Fixed potential crashes in the arc welder and soldering station GUIs
- Chemical plants no longer output osmiridic solution at 5 PU on 528 mode, fixing an issue where it cannot supply anything because no machine accepts that type with that pressure
- Fixed crash that happens when CodeChickenCore is not installed (which is rare but sure)
- CRTs and toasters
- Found in the new silo structure
- Sentry turret "Edwin"
- A broken down version of the sentry turret with infinite power and ammo
- Also found in the new silos
- Snowglobes
- Will be found in structures in the future
- Launch code piece
- A rare drop from hostile mobs
- 8 of them can be combined into launch codes, which are required to launch the missile found in the silo
- Single-use
- Launch key
- The key is required to launch the missile found in the silo
- Updated chinese localization
- Tweaked super shotgun animations, added config for changing the animation style
- The benelli now has reloading animations and the drum mag as advertised
- Tom will now explode close to bedrock even when not hitting a block
- The assembler recipe config now uses the same system as all other recipe configs, the file has moved into the
folder- Old files are still compatible if moved to the new folder, since the base structure of the recipe file is the same
- Recipes should work as expected with the
command - Recipes now have an optional list for specifying which template folder they are made in
- Electrolyzing heavy water now has the same yields as regular water, I don't remember why this inconsistency existed and there was probably a reason for it but I don't care
- Electrolyzing fluids now only takes 20 ticks instead of 60
- Batch sizes for water and heavy water have been doubled, effectively increasing throughout 6x
- The throughput for electrolysis on chemical plants has been halved (but heavy water still has the output buff, effectively remaining unchanged)
- Custom machines now have an optional localization field which allows translations to be added within the config
- The congo lake now has reload and better firing animations
- Improved shift clicking for centrifuges, acidizers, electric furnace, arc furnaces and arc welders
- Schrabidium transmutation by fallout is now limited to the inner 40% of the sellafite conversion radius
- Fluid traits are now listed in a fixed order instead of being arranged randomly
- Hidden fluid trait descriptions will now be added below the visible part of that trait instead of below the last visible trait
- The methusalem turret no longer drops anything when broken
- Gaseous fuels now have a combusion multiplier of 1.5 instead of 1.25
- LPG now has half the base burn value, preventing an unreasonable jump in efficiency simply by liquefacting petroleum gas
- While overall slightly less efficient that petroleum gas per unit of petroleum needed, LPG is still very much desirable due to being much easier to burn at max efficiency
- Petroleum gas is now a viable alternative to LPG, yielding better results in the more expensive combined cycle gas turbine
- The ZPE is no longer craftable in 528 mode
- The silo structure has been remade. Instead of a concrete hole with a single small control room, it's now a much larger multi-level silo with a small bunker complex
- The silo will spawn with the new large silo hatch, as well as a structure-only variant of the silo launch pad
- The silo has a damaged version of the doomsday missile loaded, which can be launched using the launch code and launch key
- The missile can be released from the launch position, which renders it inoperable. Repairing it will make it usable again, as well as increase the yield considerably
- There is now a bauxite bedrock ore (spawn weight of 100, identical to iron) which yields 2 bauxite blocks per operation (equivalent to 4 aluminium ingots)
- Solvent can now be made in the mixer from all four naphtha variants (standard naphtha, crack naphtha, coker naphtha and desulfurized naphtha)
- Bats will no longer trigger landmines
- Fixed the structure toggle on the world creation screen not working correctly on most world types
- Fixed antiknock having a broken sprite and localization
- Fixed crash caused by fallout affecting spotlight blocks, crashing the game
- Fixed 528 mode bedrock ore replacements not working
- Fixed potential crashes with improperly configured custom machines
- Fixed misspelling in the custom machine config template
- Fixed custom machine item output not working with machines that have 0 input slots
- Fixed rare earth bedrock ore using the spawn probability value from redstone bedrock ore
MD5: 7ab2ee26671908f71074c46b53789618
SHA1: 41ff637282ec39c0f733a0f7d673e90c90340029
- Sped up the electrolyzer, fluid electrolysis now takes 3 seconds instead of 5 and crystal processing now only takes 20 seconds instead of 50
- Increased electrolyzer pouring speed to 3 nuggets per tick instead of 1
- Deco blocks now only drop ingots 25% of the time
- The incredibly common structures now only yield a few dozen free ingots instead of several stacks. How horrible!
- Fixed radar screens not working at all and potentially freezing the game
MD5: 00b54674b6f02bba454d8913a8ced030
SHA1: 9e264661c185204b5b69757bc4b49effbcb8baee
- Muffler
- An upgrade-like item that replaces the old muffler block
- Creates 16 when crafted, however it is not returned when the muffled machine is broken
- Should work with pretty much all machines that use looped sounds, as well as a few other noisy ones (compressors, diesel generators, presses)
- Simply right-click to install, doesn't need to be inserted into an upgrade slot, in fact it works on a few machines that have no GUI at all
- Lemegeton
- A book that can do material upgrading, like turning steel into HSS, HSS into Tc-steel, lead into gold, gold into bismuth, bismuth into osmiridium, etc.
- Basically allows a material to be upgraded to the next gating material in progression
- Obviously unobtainable in survival mode
- I don't know how this would ever be useful but I was stuck in a phonecall at work for two consecutive hours and didn't have anything else to do
- They should invent handsets that don't hurt when you hold them onto your head for too long
- Has no NEI handler because the call ended before I got to that
- Bricked furnace
- An earlygame machine made from smooth stone and bricks
- Largely identical to vanilla furnaces
- Like the wood burner, it will collect ashes from burnt fuel
- Certain recipes are sped up, sand and cobblestone are smelted at twice the speed while (fire) clay is smelted at quadruple speed
- This means that making a clay brick block now takes as much time using a bricked furnace as one single furnace operation in a vanilla furnace
- I really like bricks and I don't feel like waiting until I can get an arc furnace to mass produce them at a sensible pace
- Dwarven pickaxe
- Earlygame tool made from iron and copper
- Has the harvest level of iron, a durability of just 250 but the AoE ability
- Great for getting cobblestone quickly or making tunnels when you don't have desh or electric tools yet
- Cracked key
- A single-use item that can open red rooms like the red key, but does not work as a skeleton key for locks
- Spawns in dungeon chests or as a rare drop from hostile mobs
- Allows red rooms to be accessed without crafting the red key
- Large turbines, levis and geothermal heat exchangers now have their own sounds when operating
- Anvils will now list ingredients in red if those aren't present in the player's inventory
- Derricks now only need one set of steel pipes instead of 3. They can also be recycled by shredding, returning 32 steel
- Pumpjacks now need a single desh motor instead of two regular ones
- Rare earth ore, instead of detonating into a million fragments that are annoying to process, clog inventories and just cause everyone to not mine that ore in earlygame, will now drop a chunk of rare earth ore
- Rare earth chunks can be shredded directly into one unit of desh blend
- For efficiencymaxxers, silk-touching rare earth still works as expected, yielding two units when shredded
- The fortune enchantment should work as expected, dropping multiple chunks. Yay!
- To get things that can be useful in small amounts in earlygame like boron and cobalt (boron for Atlas and cobalt for tools), the rare earth chunk can be hammered down into fragments on a steel anvil
- Cerium and lanthanium, due to being useless, only have a 10% chance of producing a fragment
- Boron and cobalt each produce a guaranteed fragment, as well as an additional one with a 50% chance
- Neodymium and niobium both yield a shard 50% of the time
- Rebalanced all the food items so their saturation values aren't ridiculously high (turns out - the number represents a multiplier for the hunger value and not a flat number)
- Dirt MREs are now just regular low-quality MREs made from latex packaging and some easily obtainable earlygame ingredients - wheat, rotten flesh and saplings (makes 4)
- The recipe for the chemical plant has been slightly simplified (again)
- Iron furnaces now have a 20% faster base smelting speed, making them complete operations in 8 seconds instead of 10 without upgrades
- Due to rising chlorine prices and a failing halogen market, the recipe of combination smelting chlorocalcite into chlorine and calcium has been added back
- For legacy reasons, the chlorocalcite processing chain involving chemical plants and electrolyzers will continue to work
- Outer crater biomes can no longer override inner crater biomes, allowing craters to be "cleaned" by nuking them again with lower yield weapons
- Fixed basalt ores dropping their items with invalid metadata
- Fixed creative infinite fluid tanks not being able to fill fluid gauges at >0PU
- Fixed an issue where repeatedly opening and closing certain doors would cause their sound loop to get stuck running forever
- Fixed radar screens behaving weirdly when out of then intended range. The max interaction range for radars is now infinite, and radars will send a second information packet to players near connected radars
- Fixed very rare bug where waiting for wood ash to build up in the wood burner and then clearing the slot will remove twice as much ash on the internal counter for the initial ash item created
- Fixed crater biome fog tinting applying even if there is no nearby crater biome, causing oddities like underground fog being all white instead of being dark as it should be
- Crater biome fog no longer applies underwater, fixing an issue where being in water would cause the fog to be white instead of water-colored
- Fixed "pipette not empty" message crashing servers
- Fixed crash caused by certain modded blocks like Thermal's lumium lights being turned into falling blocks by impulse grenades or nuke aftereffects
- Fixed receiver subscription persisting when 256k tanks explode, causing them to infinitely receive and the void fluids
MD5: b8913a0dbdd28cb0dd990885ff23f870
SHA1: a8d5243b947e46661ac3df2e3fb4292334987b8d
- Pipettes
- Precision tools for carrying small amounts of liquids
- Come in three variants, normal, boron (corrosion-resistant) and laboratory (smaller capacity, more precision)
- Unlike most fluid containers, can be partially filled
- Capacity can be changed by right-clicking if the pipette is empty
- Updated russian localization
- There is now a config option to disable the biome change caused by fallout. The config will also determine whether the biomes are registered at all, which prevents them from conflicting with other mods' biomes when disabled.
- Chemical plants now have a timer that starts after loading/unloading fluids using item fluid containers from the input buffers, this creates a delay between switching from loading and unloading, making it possible to retrieve fluids using pipettes.
- In addition to delaying overheats, efficiency upgrades now reduce the cyclotron's coolant demand
- Removed the tooltips from common upgrades, as the info was incomplete and outdated anyway
- Meteorite swords now render their variant glint in first person view
- Meteorite swords are now a lot larger, similar to most other NTM swords
- Non-custom missile items now render in 3D
- Combinator funnels can now be configured whether to only do 3x3, 2x2 or both recipe types
- Fixed trenchmaster armor not doing most of the armor calculation, making it the worst armor
- Fixed glowing mushrooms not being able to be bonemealed
- Fixed strand caster having one port that does not work with certain rotations
- Fixed fallout being able to replace bedrock
- Fixed the upgrade info of the large mining drill being incorrect
- Fixed cyclotron not having the new upgrade info tooltip
- Fixed the large radar not actually having a larger scan range
- Fixed radar blips going out of bounds when using a radar screen with a large radar or a radar with a different config
MD5: a454fbe8eda8d05d312356c2525d1a17
SHA1: 7ec94d34dd09e3133c40288a11daa59d50ac98ae
- Satellite radar relay
- Can be linked to a death ray
- Allows the death ray to be used with the radar's targeting system
- Combinator funnel
- Has 9 input and 9 output slots
- Will automatically do single ingredient 2x2 or 3x3 recipes like compressing ingots into blocks at up to 9 operations per tick
- Input is strictly on the top and output on the bottom
- The side acts as an output for the ingredients as a way to de-clog the funnel from leftover materials
- Stealth missile
- A missile that is not picked up by radars, turrets or ABMs
- Marginally more powerful than a tier 1 HE missile
- Somewhat expensive, takes a full minute to make in the assembler
- Updated russian localization
- Nerfed scrap and dust even further
- Tiny dusts now shred into the generic tiny dust instead of scrap
- Tiny dust now shreds into more tiny dust, just like dust shreds into dust
- Updated the strange stone's texture to be more blatant about what it is
- Added more OC compat for the RBMK console
- Inverted large door's redstone behavior to be in line with vanilla iron doors
- The FEL now has a humming sound when it is active
- Updated the gadget's model
- The wires will not render on the fast graphic setting for performance reasons
- Remade Lil'Pipsqueak
- Now features proper animations for drawing the weapon, firing and reloading, as well as new sounds
- Comes with a new and improved 3D model as well as a cylinder gap flash when firing
- Is now part of the red room loot pool
- Durability has been drastically increased (31k instead of 4k)
- The boxcar now has new impact sounds and spawns fewer particles
- Powder box recipes now produce 8 boxes from the same amount of ingredients, making cyclotron recipes more affordable
- Buffed the radiation-powered engine, all valid fuels now produce 10x more energy per tick
- Removed tungsten and HSS bolts as dedicated items, they are now a single bolt item that uses the autogen system
- Regular steel is now also a valid bolt material which will replace tungsten in many recipes where tungsten just doesn't make sense
- Bolts Are now 1/8 of an ingot instead of 1/2 which makes some recipes marginally cheaper, as well as making them equal to GregTech bolts
- Bolts are oredicted and interchangeable, as well as recycleable in the crucible
- The N45 naval mine has been obliterated
- The solar boiler's ray rendering is no longer bound by particle settings, instead it will be disabled when fast graphics are enabled
- The solar boiler's internal buffer has been reduced, its steam output is now capped at 10,000mB/t (which should be 20kHE/t or 0.8MHE/s)
- All crates except the jungle dungeon one now drop themselves when mined
- Supply and conserve crates do not need a tool because they are made of wood, the ammo crate requires a pickaxe
- All of those crates are now opened with the crowbar instead in order to be consistent with each other
- Standard gauge rails are now craftable and visible in the transportation tab
- You can now play around with the new rail types in creative mode, as none of the train cars are currently craftable
- Coupling should work, but coupling info is not saved to NBT so links will be lost when leaving the world
- Trains might randomly derail on 5m curves, idk why
- Fixed afterburn upgrades not being craftable with bakelite
- Fixed bismuth block not being properly oredicted
- Powder detectors that are used in the same network as diodes should now be somewhat less wrong
- Fixed horrifying gamebreaking issue that would frequently cause crashes, corrupt worlds and bluescreen PCs where the red copper block and the advanced alloy block had inconsistent colors
- Fixed file cabinets not dropping their contents
- Fixed some sides of the pedestal not rendering
- Fixed particle accelerator window blocks not dropping when mined
MD5: f257530c00b778ed63eadb2fed57e49b
SHA1: 37ac310de2409d23deea3bc3aca0040e03695260
- Updated russian localization
- The wood-burning generator now burns 40mB/s instead of 1mB/s
- Buffed the wood-burning generator's efficiency for fluids from 25% to 50%
- The particle accelerator now has a new IO mode called single mode, which only allows one item per slot
- Added some color variance to the FEL's shell
- Fixed wood-burning generator being 100x more efficient than it's supposed to be
- Fixed arc welders eating infinite surplus energy
- Fixed small wires not being crucible smeltable
MD5: 426bf8831cb506a34dcd946265c4c671
SHA1: b594141f56aae9c1824a8fa66444d7db249d0437
- Pigeons
- Spawn on plains in large flocks
- Will alternate between walking on the ground and flying around aimlessly
- When on the ground, they can eat dropped bread (the item has a 33% of being used up)
- Fat pigeons will spawn droppings when flying, these droppings will fertilize the ground below them
- When hit with damage equivalent to twice their health or higher, pigeons will explode, dropping 10 feathers
- when killed otherwise, they only drop a few feathers and sometimes raw chicken
- Wood burner
- Replaces the old combustion generator
- A larger machine, has higher efficiency when burning logs or planks
- Collects ashes at the same rate as ashpits
- Also has an option to burn flammable liquids at 50% efficiency
- Will automatically shut off if the energy buffer is full
operator can change the radiation amount in the current chunkclear
operator will remove the radiation data from all loaded chunks
- Dense wires
- Can be made in a crucible
- Alloy and gold ones can also be made using the arc welder
- Material cost is equivalent to 1 ingot
- For ease of mass-production, 9-fold molds are also available
- Used to craft hadron magnets, reducing crafting complexity be removing annoying upgrade recipes which make automation more complicated and needlessly inflate the amount of materials required for a magnet tier that isn't even the one that's being made
- Changed many tool recipes that exclusively used polymer to now also accept bakelite
- Reduced the value of hematite and malachite blocks in the crucible down to one ingot
- Hematite veins are still giant, so a single vein will still yield many stacks of iron
- Malachite's rebalance was done to be consistent with the bedrock ores which now exist. Malachite veins are now larger to compensate.
- 1000mB of red mud now makes one ingot of iron in the coker
- Doubled coal bedrock ore's coal output to 8 coal
- A new config option now replaces the iron and copper bedrock ores in 528 mode with hematite and malachite
- the industrial generator now has three additional ports on its underside, meaning it is now a lot easier to properly automate all necessary IO
- Neodymium and DNT are now valid crucible materials
- Particle accelerators will now evenly distribute items using IO if both inputs are equal, making the antischrabidium recipe a lot easier to automate
- Due to multiple complaints regarding the plastic bag's ability to contain radiation, plastic bags now double the radiation of the item they contain
- The post impact spawning restrictions have changed, meaning that spawning things with spawn eggs is no longer broken. Due to technical limitations, this means that post impact, no mobs will spawn as part of world gen, only via random spawns.
- All energy storage blocks now have a fixed transfer limit of 5% of their capacity per tick, reducing the impact of ping-ponging considerably
- Trenchmaster armor no longer takes damage from self-inflicted explosions, knockback is still applied though
- The combination oven no longer needs blaze powder to be made, instead it uses welded copper plates. Welded copper needs 1kHE/t to make, twice as much as welded steel.
- The steam engine now only needs 4 copper coils instead of 8
- Pipe and power networks now force the chunk to be saved on transfer, ensuring that rapid changes in the fluid/energy level aren't lost when the tile entity is unloaded
- Fixed Fwatz access hatch not visually connecting to cables
- Fixed most projectiles creating explosions with the projectile itself as the attacker instead of the player that fired that projectile
- Crystalline fullerite
- A late-game crafting material that is currenly only used to make the FEnSU
- Made from extracting fullerene from fine soot using high-performance solvent and a SILEX
- Arc welder
- Similar to an assembler, but without templates
- Can combine up to 3 items and one fluid
- Recipes vary in duration and energy consumption, welding together osmiridium plates requires the output of powerful reactors
- Custom fluids
- A config for adding custom fluid types
- Sets basic stats, color and textures
- Fluid tratis can be applied using the already existing fluid trait config
- The fluid trait config has been renamed to prevent name clashes
- Recommended greyscale textures recommended for the custom fluids are
- 256k tanks do not have a label for custom fluids, but the tank's color will match the fluid's tint
- Custom machine structure positioning anchor
- Allows automatic generation of custom machine block configurations
- Simply replace the controller of your custom machine mockup with the anchor, then link it to a custom machine structure output wand and select the two diagonal points
- The resulting JSON structure will be saved in the config folder
- Welded plates
- Made from welding together two cast plates in an arc welder
- Now used in many progression-relevant machines, meaning that energy demand now more closely matches the energy production of progression-based generators
- Many recipes have been adjusted to now use cast plates or welded plates
- Schrabidium explosions now ignore all blocks at Y:0, not just bedrock. This means that bedrock ores and oil are spared
- Drone waypoint connections only show up if a drone or a logistic block is held
- Fixed RTG energy connectors being backwards
MD5: 0b77b78bca1155886eba02c7762cd13d
SHA1: a41a3c5ec8551f73f503af494896ef877b691860
- Fixed PWR still operating as normal even when the structure is dissolved
- Fixed the new watz not giving the meltdown achievement
- Fixed serverside crash caused by conveyor cranes
MD5: b03c06979bde3a0edc321790f1da2cf1
SHA1: 0c58905d7c43e6edfeb112565544c87cc8fd3e05
- The successor to the old large nuclear reactor
- Has some design similarities with the RBMK, but in 3D
- Relatively easy to build and safe to operate
- Does not use any tile entity rendering and all math is pre-calculated when the reactor is assembled, making this one even more performant than the old large reactor
- Balancing might change, so keep that in mind when updating in the future
- Sodalite
- A gem that can be extracted from fluorite or lapis ore
- Can be heated in the combination oven to make sodium and chlorine
- Liquid sodium
- Valid PWR coolant with high efficiency rating
- Made by liquefacting sodium
- Liquid thorium salt
- Valid PWR coolant
- Has a high flux multiplication rate, boosting fuels
- After cooling, the depleted salt has to be reprocessed using a chemical plant
- Creative stirling engine
- A stirling engine with 100% efficiency and no heat cap
- Still has the 10% delta-T heat transfer rate as the other stirlings
- Great for quickly benchmarking reactors without needing to set up a turbine cycle
- Bedrock fluorite ore now yields actual ore instead of fluorite directly
- Blocks that fall from fallout effects no longer drop items when falling on small blocks, preventing issues like gas blocks being dropped
- Bullets no longer need primers to be crafted, primers no longer exist at all
- The automatic buzzsaw can now use wood oil, ethanol, fish oil and heavy oil to run
- Fluorite ore is now centrifugable
- Fluorite crystals now centrifuge into slightly less fluorite but also yield sodalite
- Blast resistance values for most resistant blocks have been changed, most blocks now have much lower resistance which means there's now a practical difference between concrete and ducrete. Resistance values also match the block's cost more closely.
- Using a screwdriver, the input and output sides of conveyor cranes (inserters, ejectors, etc) can now be configured, allowing them to operate around corners
- Sandstone's blast resistance is now as high as stone's, but only against nuclear explosions
- The tsar bomba model has been updated
- The nuclear explosion animation has been replaced with the TOREX system, instead of a static model that moves around, the mushroom clouds are now made of simulated particles
- Sellafite now uses random ticks instead of scheduled ticks every second, while this does reduce its radioactivity quite a bit, it prevents the tick queue from slowing down to a crawl with large amounts of sellafite from nuclear explosions
- Conveyor blocks now have tooltips explaining what they do and how they can be configured
- The large reactor still works despite the PWR being added, but the parts have been made uncraftable
- Unused watz parts have been hidden from the creative inventory
- Removed the bedrok coltan ore, since it was replaced by generic bedrock ores anyway
- Updated decal on the congo lake grenade launcher
- Fixed FEnSU's IO limit not working properly
- Fixed overflow caused by uncapped Spk values of DFC beams, they are now capped at 9,200,000 Spk
- Fixed smooth lighting not working on connected textures
- Fixed the Thermos preventer not working on Crucible type servers
- Fixed pollution save files not working correctly on certain Thermos forks
- Fixed blast furnace output overstacking
- Fixed potential crash caused by centrifuges trying to create a recipe using non-registered items
- Fixed chemplant GUI crashing when too many upgrades are applied to a short duration recipe
- Corium is now a finite fluid, fixing an issue where a single fuel rod can be used to create a giant blob of corium, lagging out the server
- Fixed bullets not being able to pass things like tall grass
- Whether the player has received a guide book is now saved as part of the extprop which might fix an issue where offline mode players get a new book on every start
- Fixed electrolyser fluid recipes not showing the input amount
MD5: 7f77d8b27d21290b60734d4af5b7a8eb
SHA1: 8ec15d46e8114be43d1448561ff7b787f534b399
- Industrial boiler
- A slightly taller variant of the boiler with higher capacity
- Unlike the regular boiler, it can't explode
- This is ideal for applications where closed cycles are not possible, like crude oil refineries, as the machines after the boiler are usually the bottleneck, causing the boiler to run full
- Redstone-over-radio counter
- Can count and send the amount of an item stored in a container
- Counting supports filters by item ID, ID+meta and ore dictionary names
- Each torch can count up to three items and output the results on different channels
- This allows for more precise control over things like assembler chests, like turning off the ejector for an item that is already full but not other ejectors
- This process works fine with the chemical plant, chemical factory and the assembly factory. The small assembler currently still uses older code which doesn't limit the amount of items pulled, so fully preventing clogs is not possible as of now.
- Expect a fix next week
- This property makes automating things with multiple inputs a lot easier
- Due to the ore dictionary ability of the counter, buffered items can precisely match the requirements of the recipe
- Particle collider cooling unit
- A block that can replace coils in a particle collider
- Will increment a new "cooling" value which depletes over time and makes coils more effective
- Overcooling causes a penalty, so coolers cannot be spammed and need to be carefully spaced out
- Allows for even more compact particle accelerator setups
- Comes in two tiers
- The first tier has a flat bonus if the particle is cooled, with a penalty after the overcooling threshold has been crossed
- The second tier has a cooling function that peaks at a certain point and slowly decreases below 1 if overcooled, requiring more precise placement to get the full efficiency
- Benelli M4
- Automatic 12 gauge shotgun with a drum mag
- Coilgun
- A single-shot gauss pistol that fires tungsten balls
- Shots penetrate blocks
- The regular boiler now only holds 16k instead of 64k (which is still a lot)
- Added labels to the large mining drill's levers
- Glyphid eggs can now be broken apart using an anvil, yielding glyphid meat, bones and experience bottles
- The assembler now uses the new multiblock system, making it less annoying to playe and less ear-piercing to break
- The conversion happens automatically so it's not necessary to remove the assemblers
- While this process has been tested, it's still good practice to make a backup of your world beforehand
- Reload canceling is no longer possible if no rounds have been loaded yet, preventing single round weapons like dart guns to be reload canceled
- The saturnite rifle now has a functional scope
- Rechambered the bolt action rifles to 7.62mm, with a mag of 5 rounds
- The compressor can now turn 4,000mB of petroleum into 2,000mB of LPG
- The lunatic marksman now has a crafting recipe
- Glyphid armor no longer absorbs all incoming damage when breaking off, instead 25% of the damage will bleed through, making it possible to oneshot them with powerful enough weapons
- Fixed quantity of the fusion reactor's construction recipe not being displayed right
- Fixed fluid valve and redstone fluid valves having the wrong behaviors, being effectively switched
- Fixed mobs' max health getting buffed by pollution, but the actual health staying the same
- Fixed bug regarding the loot pools of satellite miners
- Fixed rocket artillery creating the wrong type of slag
- Fixed fluid valves not being able to have a fluid assigned by clicking directly on them
- Fixed the kyiv special not actually exploding
- Fixed combuston generator not properly syncing the burntime
MD5: b1a0565faf8c1bcc1ce007db0ae57f82
SHA1: ac87ade3ae225444c9f8a7c54649d269a5920be8
Also contains changes from version X4441, X4445, X4473, X4474, X4476, X4480, X4501 and X4515. For a comprehensive list of changes, consult the releases page on github.
A short list of the most notable changes and additions:
- Combination furnace, a new type of furnace that uses an external heat source to efficiently make charcoal and coal coke, with liquid byproduct
- Large mining drill with a lot of options which works like the laser miner but smaller, also allows access to infinite bedrock ores
- Bedrock ores, they need a mining drill and are only mined at a slow rate, but using increasingly large acidizing and centrifuging setups allows up to 64 ores to be extracted from a single bedrock ore item
- Sentry turret "Brown", uses 5mm with a low rate of fire but is extremely cheap
- Added M2 heavy machine gun, almost all guns now eject casing particles when fired or reloaded
- Closed cycle gas turbine, used to efficiently burn natgas, can use other new fluid types too like artificial syngas
- Automatic buzzsaw, a rotary saw attached to a crane fueled by wood oil which automatically cuts down nearby trees
- Geothermal heat exchanger, uses nearby lava blocks to heat up fluids, can be boosted by geothermal vents created by nuking bedrock ores
- Heat exchanging heater
- A TU source that uses hot fluids with the "heat exchangable" tag to generate heat
- Can be configured to change the conversion rate and conversion delay for even more fine-tuning
- Gas tester
- Will click when flammable gasses are nearby
- Will beep when hazardous gasses are nearby
- Will detect most gas types except meltdown gas and tomb gas
- Can also be installed onto armor to reduce inventory clutter
- Golden wirecutter
- An armor mod that will defuse nearby creepers
- Creepers that have been defused will reverse their fuse progress, lose the AI trait for igniting and either drop copper wire or safety fuse
- Due to AI traits not being saved, constantly reloading the world allows for repeated defusing of the same creeper, but who does that?
- Industrial combustion engine
- A multiblock version of the diesel generator
- Has an on/off switch in the GUI as well as a slider for changing the burn rate from 0-6mB/t in increments of 0.2
- Accepts all combustible fuels, the efficiency depends on what type of pistons are installed
- Steel is cheap and works very well with low-grade fuels like heating oil, but diminishes in usefulness with higher tier fuels
- HSS Works well with mid to high-grade fuels
- Desh works at full efficiency with high-grade fuels, and decently with aviation-grade ones
- Starmetal has higher efficiency all across the board but is a lot more expensive than all other sets
- Uses revolutionary "send now, ask questions later" technology that allows it to burn fuels at very high HE-rates if connected to a power grid, energy is only lost if the grid cannot support as much and the buffer runs full. This allows it to utilize extremely high-tier fuels like NITAN and BF
- Updated russian and chinese localization
- Boiling recipes using the TU-powered boiler are now shown in NEI
- More fuels have been rebalanced
- NITAN now has a fixed burn rate, being exactly 25x higher than kerosene
- Coal oil and gas have been rebalanced with coal's burn value in mind
- Ethanol has been rebalanced to be half as powerful as diesel, and the sugar requirement has been increased
- Biogas is now almost as powerful as normal diesel and requires ethanol in addition to biogas
- Biogas has also been rebalanced but remains an un-viable fuel due to a low flammability penalty
- BF rocket fuel can no longer be made from liquefying BF solid fuel
- Biomass recipes have been changed as well, some ways like using all wood have been removed entirely, and all recipes have a fixed requirement of 1x sugar and 2x sawdust
- Skulls now shred into 4x more biomass
- Apples, sugarcane and carrots now shred into sugar directly, making them viable sources for ethanol
- Oil wells can now be configured using
- HEP-239 plate fuel now has double the reactivity, making it significantly more useful
- Updated ivy mike model and texture
- All .44 revolvers now use the new model as well as updated textures
- In addition to spawning in regular veins, hematite now spawns in larger strata-like layers that are more common but significantly smaller than schist strata
- Regular generation still exists but will be removed soon
- The oredict suffixes
are now recognized by the hazard system and made radioactive blockSolid
is now a recognized ore dict prefix for the crucible of GT6 is installed- If GT6 is installed, three new near identical steel recipes will be generated, one for wrought iron, one for pig iron and one for meteoric iron
- These three new iron types are recognized by NTM and visible in the creative inventory even if GT6 is not installed
- Processing of trixite has changed, regular centrifuging no longer yields any special powders while spark blend is only obtainable by acidizing and SILEXing with UV. All options other than centrifuge ore will still yield NITAN blend
- Steel furnaces now have a glowing animation and lava particles when operating
- RBMK heating columns now use the fluid system's standardized heating values, making them consistent with the TU system
- As a consequence of being both compatible with heat exchanging heaters and being consistent with the new system, using cooleant, mug or even oil is now a viable way of cooling a reactor
- The "new" hazard system finally reacts to dropped items again, making gunpowder dropped in fire or lithium dropped in water explode
- Coal and asbestos hazards now correctly use the stacksize to apply lung disease and damage filters
- To prevent people's filters from breaking instantly when holding a stack of shredded coal, the damage is no longer guaranteed and instead happens based on chance, being stacksize/64. A full stack will do the same damage as before the update and a single item only 1/64th
- Guutted RBMK heat exchanger, the small block is now obsolete and was never that great anyway
- The stilring's gear and sawmill's blade will now jump higher when overspinning at higher heat
- Oil bubbles and bedrock nodes now have configs for changing the spawn frequency
- Flamethrower turret Fritz can now use any liquid (even if gaseous at room temperature) and flammable fluid. Ones with higher heat will deal more damage. Fritz is now generally more powerful, and only requires 2mB/t instead of 10
- Dedicated fluid storage blocks like barrels, tanks and magnetic storage now use a fair distribution system (similar to batteries) that eliminates side-bias when connected to multiple networks at once
- The rotary performance engine has had its efficiency lowered and no longer has an exponential power gen bonus when using more pistons
- Fixed levi efficiency being 100% instead of the stated 85%
- Fixed barrel item IO being on backwards
- Fixed half of the fallout config not being loaded and/or saved properly
- Fixed pre-identified fluid duct items not properly setting the type of the duct they place
- Fixed all remaining instances of the new fluid system not working with some machines (thanks to Lyeo for the list), as well as the RBMK pieces that weren't on that list, and RBMK connectors
- Fixed new fluid ducts often not visually connecting to machines, especially generation 1 multiblocks
- Fixed bug where excess water that cannot be distributed anywhere else would land in a chemical factory even if the cap is already reached, overfilling the gauge
- Fixed the hazard system's explosive traits going off with stacks of stacksize 0, making zombies holding gunpowder explode constantly when on fire
- Fixed discrepancy with stacksizes concerning the asbestos and coal hazards
- Fixed N2 GUI texture not existing
- Fixed power saving upgrade not doing anything in the liquefactor
- Fixed stirling sawmill not saving progress or whether it lost its sawblade
MD5: 129de06758f4799b5bd325d3b0dc627e
SHA1: 21692b20ad237056f10f3b62614c444bbff78053