New Version After 2 months :3
Watched stream from Celestialstory and fixed many Forge Side bug :3
Forge Side Fixes:
- Fixed Fox settings cannot do reset all command, but it's still unpredictable
- Fixed optional powers not being removed upon losing this origin
- Fixed sleep sound trigger when dash the second time
- Fixed Pounce Vulnerability not working at all. Now it is fixed at the default OP level 4 modifier for Forge.
- Fixed Death Sound not playing, but effect is worse than Fabric side
- Fixed Fire on yourself not visible, at the cost of both Fabric & Forge performance
- Added an inferior automatic detection to check if you are in a Forge Server, to remove the powder snow power.
Foxsize Layer: Reset your scale when you choose a size, avoid size stacking
Active Skill [Foxify]
Changed Content
- You are no longer invulnerable to attacks from the entity you are riding
- Interaction to Fox Mob will emit Heart Particle as well
- Added more tellraw instruction into the Figura Mod button
Fixed Bug
If you have [Figura Mode] ON, you can now safely use /trigger foxtype set [0-3]
without worrying your size goes back to normal
Active Skill [Pounce]
Changed Content
If the Heavy Armor penalty is triggered, your pounce strength is greatly reduced
Fixed Bug
Fixed Killing Streak not triggering properly
Passive Skill [Foxiality]
Changed Content
- Play Fox.bite sound when you hit a prey mob, with Cooldown = 10 ticks
- Buffed the Negative effects you received from being hit by Predators
- Wake up Item Gift will prioritize Offhand, and tell you which one you get
- Night Vision can now be nullified if you are holding a light-emitting block (light level > 13). You can also permanently turn it off via the [Fox Setting]. There is also a short blindness effect when you swap a light-emitting block to your offhand to simulate light adaptation
- Kill a fox will impose penalties on you
- "Climb Powder Snow" is disabled if you are wearing leather boots
Passive Skill [Weak]
Changed Content
Armor Restriction: You are now not restricted by armor material, instead by the amount of armor points you have
Triggering at Armor points > 15 (equal to a full iron set)
Passive Skill [Smol]
Changed Content
You can now [Left Click] a dropped item within 3 blocks to pull it towards you. This subpower can be disabled in the Fox Setting Book
Hidden Skill [Fox Sound Pack]
Changed Content
- Added heart particles to all interactions to you, not restricted by cooldown
- Added message sent to the interactor if they are given / revoken the tag "foxie_trust" (so they won't be feared by fox origin player), when interacting 3.Interaction can only be done when the person being interacted is not moving
Optional Power [Mute Fall Sound]
Changed Content
You are now no longer safe from Stalagmite (Might not work properly for Forge side, again)
Optional Power [Powder Snow Walker]
Changed Content
- The power is nullified if armor restriction is triggered
- This power is deleted from 1.21+, as it can be properly achieved in Passive Skill [Foxiality]
New Optional Power [Leash] Default ON
- You can be leashed by another player using a Lead.
- Once you are being leashed, you are distance bounded to the leasher, just like vanilla minecraft leash
- The leash breaks if relative distance > 10
- After you are leashed, the leasher can bind you to a fence
- You can spam [sneak] to escape. or log off? idk man cuz
- I have absolutely no idea whether this power will work in multiplayer. It works perfectly on Mobs in Single Player tho :3
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.12+mc.1.21.1
Updated to V4.2.0 for 1.21.1
Changed Content
- Removed Optional Power [Powder Snow Walker]
- "Climb Power Snow" in Passive Skill [Foxiality] is now [Powder Snow Walker]
- Fixed Most tellraw commands
Updated to V4.2.0 for 1.19-1.19.3
Nothing particular differs from the changes in main 1.20.1 version
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.12+mc.1.21.1
Updated to V4.1.2 for 1.21.1 Origins-1.13.0-alpha.12+mc.1.21.1
Change Contents Hide Cape, Elytra, Held Items when you are invisible using the Skills
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.11+mc.1.21.1
Updated to V4.1.2 for 1.21.1 Origins-1.13.0-alpha.11+mc.1.21.1
Nothing else was changed
A small version that implemented some QOL changes
New Layer [FoxSize]
You are given 3 dedicated sizes to choose from, upon choosing this origin.
M, S and XS
M is the default size that is always used,
S allows you to sneak into a 1 block hole
XS allows you to walk into a 1 block hole
Active Skill [Foxify]
Changed Contents
- If you are riding anything, you will not go into [Sleepin Mode] automatically anymore. To avoid you accidentally becoming a fox while operating a tactical nuclear submarine.
- Your disguise fox will shrink proportionally w.r.t your [FoxSize]
Passive Skill [Unique Taste]
Changed Content
You no longer get instant_health anymore, instead you are healed 2 hearts directly
Passive Skill [Agility]
Changed Contents
- Fall damage is now not from 0 to lethal, instead you will now start receiving fall damage from 24 blocks onward.
- Crouch reducing fall damage is nerfed to accommodate this buff (-80% -> -50%)
Hidden Skill [ThTrackers]
Fixed bug
Fixed Optional Powers not removed when you change origin.
Updated to V4.1.2 for 1.19-1.19.3
Nothing particular differs from the changes in main 1.20.1 version
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.11+mc.1.21.x
Updated to V4.1.1 for Origins-1.13.0-alpha.11+mc.1.21.x
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.9+mc.1.21.x
Old Change Log
Updated to V4.1.1 for 1.21.1
New Change Log:
This is an emergency quick fix version V4.1.1.1
Fixed a serious dupe glitch found by HeartlessRiku369
Nothing else was changed in comparison with V4.1.1
New Change Log for V4.1.1.1
This is an emergency quick fix version V4.1.1.1
Fixed a serious dupe glitch found by HeartlessRiku369
Nothing else was changed in comparison with V4.1.1
Old Change Log
This is a version mainly about Bug Fixing and introducing some features.
General QOL Changes:
- Removed Welcome Message that displayed whenever you chose this origin.
- Removed the [Reset All] function, shifted into [Fox Setting Book].
- You get the [Fox Setting Book] whenever you chose this origin.
- The Destroy Book Button in the [Fox Setting Book] can be triggered by Non-admin.
- Manually Mathf.Clamp() -ed the Foxtype between -1 and 6
Active Skill [Pounce]
Fixed Bug:
Pounce Magnet Direction should now be fixed to be as intended.
Changed Contents:
Pounce now only execute on Server-side. Does not change anything in Single player, but you won't pounce twice everytime you pounce in a server environment
Active Skill [Foxify]
Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Riding non-player entities causes your size to sink
- If you are holding W (When riding a boat etc,) you won't go into [Sleepin Mode]
- Possibly Fixed cannot mount player in Forge side (Thanks HeartlessRiku369 for testing)
- Possibly Fixed you get launched 500 blocks up when you exit [Sleepin Mode] while riding someone in a server environment (Found by Aceydia)
- Possibly Fixed you can't remain in Sleepin Mode if the player you are riding is moving (Found by Aceydia)
- In 1.19 Versions, the Hat fox will automatically dismount in Server but not in Client, causing desync, Can't find a way to fix this so you can dismount whatever fox you had on your head, without needing to relogin the world everytime.
Changed Contents:
- The [Sleepin Mode] disguise fox will have whatever you hold in your main hand in its mouth.
- You can Stack Hat Fox infinitely
- Added Pet interaction to normal fox
Passive Skill [Foxiality]
Fixed Bug:
Fixed Wolves can be angered when you are in Creative and closed to them
Changed Contents:
- Added Predators' EXTRA STRIKE effects to the Origin GUI
- Predator's EXTRA STRIKE is buffed to limit your movement and regen for 3 seconds
- Introduced Predator's EXTRA STRIKE to 1.19-1.19.3
Hidden Skill [Fox Sound Pack]
Changed Contents:
- The Pet interaction now no longer require the interactor to sneak (To avoid conflicting with Carry On)
- The Pet interactions and Boop interactions are now interactor-interactee head-rotation based (Face each other for Boop, else Pet)
- Added Hug interaction, based on Distance. Processed before Pet and Boop
I got into a server to test the real time performance :3
Huge Thanks to Aceydia and Floofer Central Server for providing the testing opportunity
Old Change Log:
Updated to V4.1.1 for 1.19-1.19.3
The Predator's EXTRA STRIKE now works in this Version. Delayed by 10 ticks instead of 4, and bypasses armor as usual Also Fixed your EXTRA STRIKE triggering multiple times on a single target
New Change Log:
This is an emergency quick fix version V4.1.1.1
Fixed a serious dupe glitch found by HeartlessRiku369 Nothing else was changed in comparison with V4.1.1
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.9+mc.1.21.x
Updated to V4.1.0 for 1.21.1 with a whooping 76.8% reduction in Server Load
BUT, my CPU throttles when running this origin. There is nothing I can do to address that. This might be alleviated as Origin Mod updates.
Other Changes
Fixed EXTRA STRIKE particles not triggering
Added more and less into Mace nerf :3
A mostly Nerfing & Performance-focusing update
For Comparision with V4.0.1(Last Version):
Tested using Spark Server Profiler 1 min
1.20.1: ~34.5% Server load decrease
1.21.1: ~76.8% Server load decrease
Note: For 1.21.1 Version, my CPU is constantly throttling when running this Origin, and hit high 85 even in Human Origin.
The Client might have some issues rendering. This might be fixed in later Origin version, nothing I can do for now.
Main Changelog
General QOL Changes:
- Reduced server load by optimising code structures
- Added more infos and highlighted some important info for most powers, on Origin GUI
- Removed 2 custom damage types and added 1 that will be used against you
- Implemented an Optional Power System, where you can choose to disable inconsistent powers in exchange for performance and consistency. Currently you can remove "Remove Fall Sound" and "Walk on Powder Snow(Added in this version)"
Active Skill Pounce
Changed Contents:
- Corrected After-Pouncing Vulnerability Damage Bonus to be as intended (+100% to you by Default OP Level 4)
- Redistributed Damage Bonuses:
- Pounce Damage Boost is reduced (+200% -> +100%)
- Magnetic Field Enhanced Pounce Damage Boost is increased (25% -> 125% and 15% -> 62.5%)
TL;DR: Redistributed damage bonuses so that High Damage is more difficult to achieve, but you still get the same highest possible damage.
Active Skill Hunt
Changed Contents:
- Extra Strike Damage Reduced: 3 -> 2
- Extra Strike Damage now bypass Enchantments and Resistance (TRUE DAMAGE) [Not available for <1.19.4]
Active Skill Foxify
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed Hitbox Height not resetted properly.
Changed Contents:
- Foxtype change is now in real time, you don't need to re-enter [Sleepin Mode] to change Fox displayed
- Tweaked the Hitbox Height and Eye Height so that your view is always slightly above the Fox displayed
- Fox on your head sleep when you enter [Sleepin Mode], and Return to sit when you change to Sit
- If you right click a fox with no item, you can Boop them (Use the same cooldown of 3s of the interactions done to you)
Passive Skill Foxiality
Changed Contents:
- When you break a sweet berry bush, you get back a sweet berries in case you place one down accidentally
- If you are invisible using Active Skill Hunt, Wolf and Polar Bear will notice you if you get too close to them
- Removed predators damage bonus to you [Not for <1.19.4]
- Whenever predators (Wolf, Polar Bear and Entity with Tag "foxie_predator") deal damage to you, they will do a even deadlier EXTRA STRIKE to you (Negative Effects, Bypass Invincible Frame, Armor, Resistance and Enchantments) [Not for <1.19.4]
Passive Skill Fast-Paced
Changed Content:
Removed Emergency Starvation System. Realistic but mostly useless and confusing
Passive Skill Agility
Changed Content:
Shifted Fall Sound Mute to be an Optional Power due to its inconsistency
Fox Player Model
- Adjusted Script w.r.t Base Fox's V4.1.0
- Better Crouching Animation, added crouch walking
- Your offhand item will be held in mouth
- Pouncing will make your root model rotate based on your velocity
- You only have 1 tail if you only use Base Fox
- If you are using Fox evolutions, as your Karma grows (+ve or -ve), you gain more tails. And unlock 9 tails when either Karmic Fox is unlocked
- Added a new action into the emotion wheel, that lets you change the number of tails displayed (Limit between 1-Your current karma tails)
- If you pounce straight down into snow block, and face directly down, there will be a stuck animation playing, and stopped when you move
Updated to V4.1.0 for 1.19-1.19.3
The Predator's EXTRA STRIKE to you will not be available, you still get the legacy +100% damage to you
The "Walk on Powder Snow" Optional Power isn't available
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.9+mc.1.21.1
Updated to V4.0.1 for 1.21.1
Nothing particular differs from the changes in main 1.20.1 version
This version can ONLY be used with Origins-1.13.0-alpha.8+mc.1.21.x
Updated to V4.0.1 for 1.21.x
Nothing particular differs from the changes in main 1.20.1 version
This will be the last version for Origins-1.13.0-alpha.8+mc.1.21.x
Spent my whole recess week on this, I have 6 Assignments due tmr, this is fine
General QOL Changes:
- Re-introduced a better [Fox Settings] Book filled with more buttons and more unnecessary stuffs
- Integrated the 2 Figura Functions and Refresh settings function into the book, and removed from /function commands
- Further optimized performance
- Kills with extra strike will correctly count towards your kill and display correct death message
Active Skill [Pounce]
Changed Content
Added support for "Damage Muffler"
Active Skill [Hunt]
Fixed Bug
You can no longer trigger flash by spamming shift after triggering magnetoreception pounce
Changed Content
- Added support for "Damage Muffler"
- Extra Strike will now be affected by your Foodlevel-based damage modifier
Active Skill [Foxify]
Removed a really cool mechanics that didn't work before, spent hours fixed and ultimately found out it cannot be used in Forge Origins :(
Passive Skill [Fluffy]
Fixed Bug
Fixed in rare occasions, shake water / snow is not triggered
Passive Skill [Foxiality]
Changed Content
Fox near you will not shake head
Passive Skill [Unique Taste]
QOL Change:
The power now works with the item tag system, meaning that:
- The modded foods are no longer affected
- You can add in / remove foods from the tag file to your needs (Even include foods from installed food mods if you want)
Changed Contents:
- Buffed foods will no longer be always edible
- Added milk and honey into the food list that give you regen
- Nerfed Berries a bit more
- Refill your hunger if you are in Creative mode
Hidden Skill [Fox Sound Pack]
Fixed Bug:
Fixed interactions(Boop/Pet/Feed) Messages not being translated
Changed Content:
It is now using the same food tags as the Passive Skill [Unique Taste]
Hidden Skill [Universal Setting]
Added a new setting: "Damage Muffler"
It's a new damage bonus system if you want a serious nerf of damage output.
Hidden Skill [Ticks]
Removed. Reverted to legacy coding standards.
For 1.21: Fixed Mace Nerf condition
Integrated into Origins.Alpha.9
Fox Player Model:
Added detection for Kitsune / Ninetails Pounce
This Version Can be used for expanded fox V3.0.0
Updated to V4.0.1 for 1.19-1.19.3
Nothing particular differs from the changes in main 1.20.1 version
A tiny Version dedicated for 1.21.x Because I randomly found a bug.
Fixed Bug: You can now correctly get 2 foodpoints with extra strike triggered in Pounce and Hunt Abilities. The Feed Interaction will also correctly give you 6 foodpoints.
Also I just tested, this thing can run in Quilt. Will likely to also run in NeoForge, but I never tested, because idk how to get Origins in NeoForge :3
But I'm sure datapack can definitely run as long as Origins can run
Updated to V4.0.0 for 1.21
Added a restriction on Mace cuz you can literally one-shot a full health warden with two pounces.
It is recommended to use this fox origin in [Origins-1.13.0-alpha.8+mc.1.21.x], this is the one I used to do forward porting.
Newer / older versions might break, considering how both Origins and Minecraft are carrying out a serious restructuring.