New Version After 2 months :3
Watched stream from Celestialstory and fixed many Forge Side bug :3
Forge Side Fixes:
- Fixed Fox settings cannot do reset all command, but it's still unpredictable
- Fixed optional powers not being removed upon losing this origin
- Fixed sleep sound trigger when dash the second time
- Fixed Pounce Vulnerability not working at all. Now it is fixed at the default OP level 4 modifier for Forge.
- Fixed Death Sound not playing, but effect is worse than Fabric side
- Fixed Fire on yourself not visible, at the cost of both Fabric & Forge performance
- Added an inferior automatic detection to check if you are in a Forge Server, to remove the powder snow power.
Foxsize Layer: Reset your scale when you choose a size, avoid size stacking
Active Skill [Foxify]
Changed Content
- You are no longer invulnerable to attacks from the entity you are riding
- Interaction to Fox Mob will emit Heart Particle as well
- Added more tellraw instruction into the Figura Mod button
Fixed Bug
If you have [Figura Mode] ON, you can now safely use /trigger foxtype set [0-3]
without worrying your size goes back to normal
Active Skill [Pounce]
Changed Content
If the Heavy Armor penalty is triggered, your pounce strength is greatly reduced
Fixed Bug
Fixed Killing Streak not triggering properly
Passive Skill [Foxiality]
Changed Content
- Play Fox.bite sound when you hit a prey mob, with Cooldown = 10 ticks
- Buffed the Negative effects you received from being hit by Predators
- Wake up Item Gift will prioritize Offhand, and tell you which one you get
- Night Vision can now be nullified if you are holding a light-emitting block (light level > 13). You can also permanently turn it off via the [Fox Setting]. There is also a short blindness effect when you swap a light-emitting block to your offhand to simulate light adaptation
- Kill a fox will impose penalties on you
- "Climb Powder Snow" is disabled if you are wearing leather boots
Passive Skill [Weak]
Changed Content
Armor Restriction: You are now not restricted by armor material, instead by the amount of armor points you have
Triggering at Armor points > 15 (equal to a full iron set)
Passive Skill [Smol]
Changed Content
You can now [Left Click] a dropped item within 3 blocks to pull it towards you. This subpower can be disabled in the Fox Setting Book
Hidden Skill [Fox Sound Pack]
Changed Content
- Added heart particles to all interactions to you, not restricted by cooldown
- Added message sent to the interactor if they are given / revoken the tag "foxie_trust" (so they won't be feared by fox origin player), when interacting 3.Interaction can only be done when the person being interacted is not moving
Optional Power [Mute Fall Sound]
Changed Content
You are now no longer safe from Stalagmite (Might not work properly for Forge side, again)
Optional Power [Powder Snow Walker]
Changed Content
- The power is nullified if armor restriction is triggered
- This power is deleted from 1.21+, as it can be properly achieved in Passive Skill [Foxiality]
New Optional Power [Leash] Default ON
- You can be leashed by another player using a Lead.
- Once you are being leashed, you are distance bounded to the leasher, just like vanilla minecraft leash
- The leash breaks if relative distance > 10
- After you are leashed, the leasher can bind you to a fence
- You can spam [sneak] to escape. or log off? idk man cuz
- I have absolutely no idea whether this power will work in multiplayer. It works perfectly on Mobs in Single Player tho :3
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Game versions
25Publication date
March 5, 2025 at 7:59 AMPublisher
