This mod added a fox origin with many powers focusing around fox's behaviours in game and irl.
Current latest version: V4.2.0
This is my first time writing a mod.
Technically it's not a mod, I just created the datapack first (also my first time) and added the fabric header file then converted it to .jar to make it work in mods folder.
In this way I can use resource pack and datapack together >:3
Somewhat inspired by origin used by Fundy in Origin SMP...
Currently Known Imcompatibilities:
Fabric Side
Entity Culling will disable the Hunt Skill's "See Mobs Nearby" effect (Because mobs are culled and you can't see them qwq)
Forge Side
- Alex Cave will disable your Passive Night Vision Power (This occurs for ALL origins, not just this one)
- Entity Culling will cause Debug Log to throw A LOT error (and potentially lag?)
- Your first use of [/origin gui] will be blocked. You have to use it twice. (Forge Origins Bug)
Language 可选:
简体中文 & English
Brief Intro:
Slightly more Detailed Explaination:
Click to expand (a lot!)
[NOTE] You can view more info in-game, this list is only a preview of preview :3
Press [Primary Skill Key] to launch yourself
While falling down: You deal and receive 2x damages
This skill can be combined with the Hunt skill for more ouchie
Fox Pouch
Press [Secondary Skill Key] to open up a 5-slots inventory that keeps items upon death.
1. Disguise as a fox when going AFK :3
2. Able to command fox to [Stay still / Drop item / Hat]
3. Ride Some Entities (Players included)
Activate by double-tap and hold the sneak key to:
1.Turn Invisible
2.Make mobs around you glow
3.Increase attack for the next 5 seconds
(+)Running speed and Running jump height increase.
(+)Ignore fall distance under 24 blocks.
(+)Crouch when falling to greatly reduce fall damage.
(+/-)Shrinked Size.
(+)Less noticable to mobs.
(-)Max Health Reduced.
(?)Left click a dropped item to pull it towards you
(-)Cannot use shield
(-)Cannot wear armor heavier than **full** iron armors
(-)Use up air twice as fast when under water
(-)Secret Surprises when use mace :3 [For 1.21+]
(+)Permanent night vision when not holding torch in Offhand
(+)Foxes trust you.
(+)Quadrupled damage against chicken, rabbit, fish, turtle.
(+)Ignore berry bushes.
(+)Hold jump to levitate in powder snow.
(+)Receive an item when waking up. Weight of items depending on the items foxes hold when spawn naturally.
(+)Dig very fast with empty paws
(+)Deal more damages to Merling and Avian
(-)Recive more damages from Blazeborn
(-)Can't sleep when expose to sky
(-)Wolf and Polar bear around you will become hostile. Unless you are invisible using the skill [Hunt]
(-)Predators are 1000% more deadly to you, even in late game
(+)Ignore Freezing damage.
(-)Fire and explosion deal more damage to you.
(-)Slowdown when get wet. Wear Water Protection armors to avoid.
When out of water + under cover + not moving, will do a lil shaking animation to shake the water and slowdown effect off.
Shake snow animation also available, just an animation......
(+/-)During these conditions, you will get fear effect, a.k.a shaking animation, speed 1 and weakness 1:
-Near a Polar bear or a wolf
-Near a Villager (No longer applies after having advancement hero_of_the_village)
-Near a Warden (No longer applies after killed 3 wardens)
-Near a Wither (No longer applies after killed 1 wither)
-Near an Ender dragon (No longer applies after killed 1 Ender dragon)
-Thunder (No longer applies after struck by lightning 16 times)
-Low Health (No longer applies after died 8 times)
-In the nether (No longer applies when equipping elytra or having fire_resistence or armours fire_protection enchantment level sum >=4) (Or after 10 min inside)
-In the end (No longer applies when equipping elytra)(Or after 10 min inside)
-Near Human / Enderian / Blazeborn / Shulk Origin Player (Temperarily disabled after interacted)
-Near a player / mob with tag ("foxie_fear") (No longer applies when Booped / Pet / Fed :3)
Unique Taste
(+)Glow berries and Sweet berries buffed
(+)Prey foods buffed lesser.
(+)The above foods apply regeneration 1 for 3 seconds.
(-)All other foods except for apple, rotten flesh, 3 golden foods are nerfed, half as effective as before.
(+)Chicken and rottenflesh will not give you negative effects.
(+)When consuming sweet berries or glow berries:
A small chance the berry is not consumed.
An even smaller chance for you to receive a random positive effect:
(+)Increased Attack Speed.
(-)Easier to get hungry.
(-)Damage you deal is proportional to your current food level. From 105% at max food level to only 40% at lowest.
Fox Sound Pack
1. Make various fox sounds in different senario
2. Can be Interacted by other players to boop / pet / feed :3
3. Replace hit sound with bonk if you are hit by a stick
Optional Powers [That are inconsistent, and can be turned off for performance]
1. Mute the annoying Fall Sound
2. Walk on Powder Snow
3. Lead by other Players
You can also config some settings about this origin, by using [/function thorigins:fox_settings] to get a Fox Setting Book, or..
Open with text editor the [For Server Admin] inside the .jar file for more info on permanent modification.
There is also a "DLC" for this origin. Featuring some transformable evolutions only for this fox origin. Check [ThDilos Fox Origin Expanded]
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