New Change Log for V4.1.1.1
This is an emergency quick fix version V4.1.1.1
Fixed a serious dupe glitch found by HeartlessRiku369
Nothing else was changed in comparison with V4.1.1
Old Change Log
This is a version mainly about Bug Fixing and introducing some features.
General QOL Changes:
- Removed Welcome Message that displayed whenever you chose this origin.
- Removed the [Reset All] function, shifted into [Fox Setting Book].
- You get the [Fox Setting Book] whenever you chose this origin.
- The Destroy Book Button in the [Fox Setting Book] can be triggered by Non-admin.
- Manually Mathf.Clamp() -ed the Foxtype between -1 and 6
Active Skill [Pounce]
Fixed Bug:
Pounce Magnet Direction should now be fixed to be as intended.
Changed Contents:
Pounce now only execute on Server-side. Does not change anything in Single player, but you won't pounce twice everytime you pounce in a server environment
Active Skill [Foxify]
Fixed Bug:
- Fixed Riding non-player entities causes your size to sink
- If you are holding W (When riding a boat etc,) you won't go into [Sleepin Mode]
- Possibly Fixed cannot mount player in Forge side (Thanks HeartlessRiku369 for testing)
- Possibly Fixed you get launched 500 blocks up when you exit [Sleepin Mode] while riding someone in a server environment (Found by Aceydia)
- Possibly Fixed you can't remain in Sleepin Mode if the player you are riding is moving (Found by Aceydia)
- In 1.19 Versions, the Hat fox will automatically dismount in Server but not in Client, causing desync, Can't find a way to fix this so you can dismount whatever fox you had on your head, without needing to relogin the world everytime.
Changed Contents:
- The [Sleepin Mode] disguise fox will have whatever you hold in your main hand in its mouth.
- You can Stack Hat Fox infinitely
- Added Pet interaction to normal fox
Passive Skill [Foxiality]
Fixed Bug:
Fixed Wolves can be angered when you are in Creative and closed to them
Changed Contents:
- Added Predators' EXTRA STRIKE effects to the Origin GUI
- Predator's EXTRA STRIKE is buffed to limit your movement and regen for 3 seconds
- Introduced Predator's EXTRA STRIKE to 1.19-1.19.3
Hidden Skill [Fox Sound Pack]
Changed Contents:
- The Pet interaction now no longer require the interactor to sneak (To avoid conflicting with Carry On)
- The Pet interactions and Boop interactions are now interactor-interactee head-rotation based (Face each other for Boop, else Pet)
- Added Hug interaction, based on Distance. Processed before Pet and Boop
I got into a server to test the real time performance :3
Huge Thanks to Aceydia and Floofer Central Server for providing the testing opportunity
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Game versions
267Publication date
December 17, 2024 at 6:19 AMPublisher
