- Fixed client crash with Enderport enchantments on multiplayer servers
- Fixed Runic Grindstone to remove runes even from unenchanted items
- Fixed multiplayer server crash on startup
- Removed default affinity definitions from chainmail armor
- Changed Runecarving Table slots to be filtered by tags instead of hard-coded items
- Added rune combinations for some previously missing enchantments
- Changed rune combination definitions to be modifiable by datapacks
- Treefolk will now barter with players in exchange for bone meal
- Treefolk will now occasionally throw spontaneous dance parties when idle
- Treefolk will now fertilize most nearby bonemealable plant life when idle
- Baby treefolk can now be grown from special seeds, which adults will sometimes offer in barter
- Added Chinese (Simplified) translations; thanks ArgonCrystal!
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19.2
- Added Essence Casks, to keep your essence stocks tidier
- Added Wand Glamour Tables, to change the appearance of your wands
- Added missing recipe for Bomb Casings
- Added Dissolution Chamber recipe for Glowstone Dust
- Gave attunement-dropped glow fields a minor particle effect
- Replaced lesser Sea attunement bonus with flat swim speed buff
- Fixed a bug causing spells to cast when using a wand on an interactable object such as a mana font
- Added required research to JEI recipes
- Updated ores tag data for mod ores
- Fixed crash when using Essence Thief enchantment on mobs without affinities
- Incremented to Forge version 43.1.1
- Set minimum required Forge version to 43.1.1 for loading
- Incremented to Forge version 41.1.0
- Set minimum required Forge version to 41.1.0 for loading
- Added Humming Artifacts, as some arcane dungeon loot
- Added Recall Stones, to whisk you away home
- Pixies are now drained instead of destroyed upon taking fatal damage, and can be revived with essence
- Made Infernal Pixies immune to fire
- Players must now travel lower to complete the research Source: The Earth
- Players must now travel higher to complete the research Source: The Sky
- Earthshatter Hammers may no longer be combined at a workbench for repairs
- Dissolution Chamber recipe changed to use an Earth Crystal instead of an Earthshatter Hammer
- Inscribing a spell onto a wand will now make that spell active on the wand as well
- Added more guidance for uncovering the secrets of the universe
- Added hints to some of the more oblique research requirements
- Added wand HUD
- Added radial menu for wand spell selection
- Made wand GUIs offhand friendly
- Added finale research, to let you know when you've finished
- Fixed crash when conjuring stone underwater
- Incremented to Forge version 41.0.109
- Set minimum required Forge version to 41.0.109 for loading
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19
- Removed vestigial worldgen config options
- NOTE: Generation of marble, salt, and quartz is now controlled via datapacks
- Changed Sanguine Core recipe for Goats to use Goat Horns
- Add Zephyr Engine and Void Turbine, to generate wind tunnels
- Fix issue with wand transform mod compatibility
- Fix bug allowing players to get extra companions through clever use of game mechanics
- Greatly increase spawn rate of quartz ore in new Overworld chunks
- Add Dissolution Chamber recipe for breaking down quartz blocks
- Decrease required Magitech crafts for tier progression
- Add theorycraft speed config to modify Research Table theory yields
- Increase drop chance of Four-Leaf Clovers
- Increase Sea and Sky affinities of several items
- Add a secret means to befriend witches, RIP Corspilla
- Prevent hellish chain attacks from targeting team mates
- Prevent smaller healing spell absorbs from applying when a larger absorb is already active
- Update model for essence furnace