- Added recipes to un-attune Humming Artifacts
- Improved mouse navigation options for the Grimoire
- Added a hint to the Upcoming section of discipline pages in the Grimoire for when available leads have been exhausted
- Disabled repairs for Earthshatter Hammer to fix a duplication bug
- Allowed all blocks in the common crafting tables block tag to be transformed into Arcane Workbenches
- Fixed a bug causing calcinators to output only Alchemical Waste when their owner is logged out
- Fixed a bug preventing staves and mundane wands from being enchanted at an Enchanting Table
- Fixed missing Alchemical Bomb localizations for new 1.21 potion effects
- Fixed a bug allowing some low-level Break spells to be cast for free
- Fixed a bug allowing Concocter recipes to sometimes overwrite existing output items
- Fixed a bug that in some heavy mod packs would prevent Primal Magick from loading
- Added NeoForge support to Primal Magick
- Updated to Forge 52.0.40
- Fixed a crash that would occur when pixies or the Inner Demon would attempt to cast a spell
- Updated to Forge 52.0.15
- Added affinity data for new items and creatures
- Added sanguine cores for new creature types
- Added rune enchantment definitions for new mace enchantments
- Runecarving Table recipes now properly grant expertise
- Fixed a crash that occurs when a thrown magickal metal trident strikes a creature
- Fixed a bug preventing the Silk Touch property for Break spells working in certain circumstances
- Fixed concocter recipes to properly recognize water flasks and water bombs as ingredients
- Fixed an issue where some Earthshatter Hammer and Dissolution Chamber recipes were not being recognized
- Made the Shear spell payload's research entry no longer require shearing things as a prerequisite
- Removed the shear use statistic from mod tracking
- Fixed Dissolution Chamber research requirements to use metal dust tags instead of specific items
- Updated the Conjure Animal spell to allow summoning armadillos
- Fixed a bug where conjuring light could crash a multiplayer server in certain circumstances
- Prevent Treefolk from fertilizing Alpha Grass blocks from the mod Regions Unexplored to prevent a crash
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21.1
- Added ancient libraries, for those seeking knowledge of the past
- Added story advancements, because they're a great teaching tool
- Replaced item craft count requirements for tier research with a new system: expertise
- Many sword/axe/trident enchantments can now also be applied to staves and maces
- The Aegis enchantment now also reduces fire burn time and explosion knockback suffered
- Decreased the rarity of the Spell Power enchantment at the Enchanting Table
- Some rune enchantments (Lifesteal, Enderlock, and Guillotine) are now available at the Enchanting Table
- The ward shield bar now renders on top of the health bar, instead of above the armor bar
- Essence Furnaces can now be transformed from any block in the forge:furnaces block tag, instead of just the vanilla Furnace
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
- Added backgrounds and tooltips to most mod device slots
- Added Earthshatter Hammer and Dissolution Chamber recipes for common modded ores
- Added ability for datapacks to specify recipes that output a tag instead of an item
- Fixed a page navigation bug in the Grimoire
- Glow fields from sunlamps should no longer interfere with things like tree growing
- Full release for Minecraft 1.20.2
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.2
- Fixed a client crash when picking up the Dream Journal in some modpacks
- Fixed a potential server crash in instances of malformed theorycrafting data packs
- Fixed a bug where research entries in the Grimoire would sometimes overrun available space
- Fixed a bug where shift-clicking device output would not record the item as having been crafted
- Added hints to some ambiguous research requirements
- Made the Arcane Workbench show final modified mana costs
- Added Bamboo Jungles to the list of biomes in which Sky shrines can spawn
- Removed redundant output when a player executes a debug command on themselves
- Datapacks can now specify additional non-theory rewards for theorycrafting projects, such as experience or items
- Added additional non-theory rewards to several theorycrafting projects
- Added text searching to the Recipes section of the Grimoire
- Fixed a bug where Incense Braziers could be chosen for activation twice in a row during a ritual
- Added many new theorycrafting projects to the pool
- Increased rewards for some theorycrafting projects and bonus materials
- Rebalanced material requirements for some theorycrafting projects
- Made some low-value theorycrafting projects less likely to show up as you advance in research
- Added Synthetic Gem Buds, for a different kind of farming
- Made the Earthshatter Hammer and Dissolution Chamber able to refine and multiply Rock Salt
- Reduced break time of the Celestial Harp to a more reasonable level
- Made datapack template generation tool include sourceless entities as well as items
- Made devices which were previously compatible with hoppers also compatible with modded pipes, etc
- Made Essence Furnace compatible with both hoppers and pipes
- Fixed a bug with the Infernal Furnace which could delete existing output upon selecting a recipe book entry
- Fixed client crashes when an item's affinities cannot be calculated due to cyclic recipe chains
- Fixed a client crash when picking up the Dream Journal in some modpacks
- Fixed a bug causing upcoming research entries to be hidden in the Grimoire when they shouldn't be
- Allowed salted steak and potato variants to be used as materials in research projects
- Added Enderwards, to keep those pesky Endermen out
- Added Earthshatter Hammer and Dissolution Chamber recipes for Rock Salt and Ancient Debris
- Gave Phantom Membranes some moon affinity
- Fixed tooltip Z-order issue with Runecarving Table screen
- Fixed tooltip Z-order issue with Research Table screen
- Changed research projects to use the Forge milk tag instead of just the milk bucket
- Added new theorycrafting project to the pool
- Made research projects refund container items, such as empty milk buckets
- Increased base processing speed of most magitech devices
- Increased total mana capacity of the Dissolution Chamber
- Fixed a multiplayer display bug in the menu of the Mana Nexus
- Fixed a bug preventing ops from granting research via debug command in multiplayer
- Fixed a display bug with long player names on the Dream Journal
- Made Flying Carpet drop in world upon taking sufficient damage instead of being destroyed
- Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when initializing the arcane recipe book
- Eliminated toast spam when granting research via debug command
- Added Creative Grimoire, for creative players who don't want to fiddle with debug commands
- Made Endermen take additional damage from Sea spells; they remain immune to ranged attacks
- Fixed a bug where the Bounty enchantment could recursively multiply bonus loot
- Improved the Bounty enchantment to increase yields of all members of the vanilla crops block tag
- Added a command to help debug from where items are sourcing their affinities
- Added Guillotine enchantment, to help you get a head
- Added a Cryotreatment recipe to turn magma cream into slime balls
- Fixed a bug where Consecration fields caused suffocation
- Added Shear spell payload, to help you keep things neatly trimmed
- Added theory gain preview to the Research Table
- Fixed a client crash that could sometimes occur with the arcane recipe book
- Increased affinities for bamboo blocks and their byproducts
- Increased Void affinity for chorus fruit
- Allowed Earthshatter Hammer and Dissolution Chamber to work with deepslate
- Added more Stonemelding recipes
- Fixed a bug with Mana Nexus research prerequisites
- Made Treefolk attempt to find land instead of swimming all day
- Fixed typos in the scan entry for Humming Artifacts
- Reduced break time of Ritual Bells
- Reduced the requirements for Expert, Master, and Supreme Ritual Magick research
- Added the Arcane Workbench as a JEI catalyst for vanilla crafting
- Added the Infernal Furnace as a JEI catalyst for vanilla smelting
- Fixed a bug causing Sunlamps to break when attached to phasing blocks such as Moonwood Logs
- Made runescribed enchantment results consistent in the face of conflicting combinations
- Fixed an error preventing granting users all scan research via debug command
- Added Hydromelons, a refreshing crop rich in Sea essence
- Added Blood Roses, a gothic decoration rich in Blood essence
- Added Emberflowers, a bright decoration rich in Infernal essence
- Added ability to make torches in bulk using Ignyx
- Various internal refactoring
- Fixed a progression-breaking bug with the Analysis Table and Arcanometer
- Fixed a bug causing empty requirements sections to be shown for research entries in the Grimoire
- Fixed some error spam when reloading resource packs
- Moved affinity calculation to a background thread to improve performance in large modpacks
- Fixed a bug preventing players from receiving observations for scanning mobs
- Improved arcane recipe book performance in large modpacks
- Added a Tips section to the Grimoire
- Fixed a multiplayer client crash when using the Auto Charger
- Refactored how the Dream Journal's text data is stored
- Made the Dream Journal able to be cloned
- Made enchanted books readable, at least if you're fluent in Standard Galactic
- Made enchanted books placeable on vanilla lecterns
- Changed ritual lectern to now retrieve books by shift-right-clicking
- Added debug command to grant mod books
- Added affinities to some items that were missing them
- Added tools to help mod and datapack authors identify items needing affinities; thanks Issaferret!
- Updated to Forge 47.2.0
- Fixed a bug causing some attunement buffs to fall off upon player death
- Converted localization strings to a code-generated asset
- Allowed ritual-enhancement and Hallowed enchantments to be placed on books
- Added Infernal Furnace, to really heat things up
- Fixed a crash that could occur when changing game language
- Fixed a bug causing Ancient Mana Fonts to refill on every server restart
- Updated wand charger texture
- Added Mana Nexus, to better keep your arcane power
- Added Sanguine Core types for camels and sniffers
- Made Grimoires placeable on chiseled bookshelves
- Made Grimoires placeable on vanilla lecterns
- Fixed a bug with several devices causing their first input to be processed instantly
- Added GUI labels to some devices missing them
- Fixed a connectivity bug with Hallowed Marble Walls
- Added Warding Modules, to provide some extra magickal protection
- Renamed Wand Charger to Mana Charger to reflect its expanded scope of purpose
- Fixed a localization bug in JEI integration
- Added Attunement Shackles, for those who don't want to embrace magickal attunement
- Fixed compatibility issue with the mod Create
- Changed allow and ban lists for the Polymorph spell to use tags instead of inter-mod comms
- Made mod robes and armor compatible with vanilla armor trims
- Added Runic Armor Trim, to better target your robes' mana discount
- Added support for several common ore types from other mods to the Lucky Strike enchantment
- Allowed datapack customization of ores supported by Lucky Strike's loot modifier
- Upgraded the Dowsing Rod to mark expected symmetry location if no matching block is found
- Fixed symmetry calculation bug with Offering Pedestals
- Performed miscellaneous refactoring and code cleanup
- Converted most hand-written blockstate, model, sound, and structure files to code-generated assets
- Fixed alchemical bombs with dud potions showing up in creative tab
- Made sunwood and moonwood trees use a solid render type when fully phased in
- Changed the Essence Thief enchantment to work better with high damage weapons
- The Essence Thief enchantment can now also be applied to wands and staves
- Runic Grindstones will now grant hints to rune combinations when grinding off enchantments
- Reduced material requirements to make Power Runes
- Limited Power Runes to one per runescribe
- Added Insight Runes, to start empowering rune enchantments sooner in a limited fashion
- Added Grace Runes, to get the maximum power from your rune enchantments
- Rebalanced requirements in research and recipes that needed Power Runes
- Allowed rebinding of the View Item Affinities key, previously Shift, now by default Left Shift
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.1
- Improved lag when reading affinities from items in large modpacks; thanks Issaferret!
- Fixed pixies' recognition of their owner upon spawn
- Breaking blocks bare-handed for the Break spell payload no longer requires an empty offhand
- Fixed race condition when syncing capability data
- Added missing affinities to Blood-Scrawled Ravings
- Allow datapack customization of biomes containing mod worldgen features
- Allow datapack customization of blocks on which mod trees can be placed
- Protect certain precious items from being consumed in the Analysis Table
- Fixed an issue preventing certain mod projectiles from breaking Chorus Flower blocks on impact