fixed a recipe bug
ported more changes from 1.20
- LANG: Updated zh_cn - @ChuijkYahus
- WoodTypeRegistry & LeavesTypeRegistry: Added methods for EveryCompat
- BlockTypeResTransformer: Improved RegEx to fix a bug in EveryCompat
- made it so fake players fromm both loaders dont try to adjust their spawn position. technically this could be considered a vanilla (or forge/fabric) bug as when spawn radius is large the setting of spawn position can take a tremendous amount of time, obviously not even needed for fake players
- fixed some important code that was accidentally commented out for some god knows why reasons
fixed an issue where wood types and leaves types were not initialized if no mod registered stuff with them. relevant for sawmill specifically
- fixed another issue related to recent changes, minor this time and forge only
- fixed an issue on server close with possible memory leak
- fixed an issue due to last fix... cant get one straight today... apologies for version spam, ths issue has been though