--- 1.21.1 Beta Release ---
Vinery 1.4.27
- Removed a redundant recipe
- Fixed Cherry Leaves being not bushy when using the built-in resource pack
Vinery 1.4.26
- Fixed an Issue where players havent been able to store Noir Wine
- Potential fix for an Issue with REI/JEI
Vinery 1.4.25
- Removed Infinite recursion in TraderMuleEntity#remove
- Fixed Noir Wine not healing
- Fixed a WineBottle duplication bug when drinking Grapejuice
- Fixed conditional create recipes
Vinery 1.4.24
- Fixed Villagers Freight recipe conflict
- Fixed Noir Wines Effect duration
Vinery 1.4.23
- Fixed GrapeBush spawn rate
- Added a potential fix for Issue #77
Vinery - 1.4.22
- Fixed a crash when equipping a Straw Hat
- Slightly improved Grapevines on Stems (texture)
Vinery - 1.4.22
- Fixed a crash when equipping a Straw Hat
- Slightly improved Grapevines on Stems (texture)
Vinery 1.4.21
- Fixed Basket registration which caused a crash on start up
Vinery- 1.4.20
- Added Grape Bags for all Grape Types
- Reworked all GrapeBush Textures (Wild Variants)
- Reworked all GrapeBush spawn rates
- Reworked BigWineStorageBlock - you can now place all sorts of Wine Bottles inside of it
- Reworked StrawHat
- Reworked GrassSlab
- Reworked Config and marked it as experimental. Use it with caution. You can now change Wine Strength, Duration and a few more things
- TraderMules should now properly despawn when they are still leashed to a WanderingWinemaker
- GrapeBushes don’t have thorns - therefore removed TaigaGrapeBush damage when an entity is inside
- Changed default fermentation Time to 5 Minutes (you can change it in the config - but 2 seconds was a bit too fast!)