- Capes for certain people...
- Earthshaker, Rainfell and Wayward Wind added.
- Keyblade armour added with 3 variants, Terra, Aqua and Ventus
- Chains for the new keyblades.
- W.I.P block added (doesn't work)
- 9 Music discs that all work
- Blast Blox added that works like TNT for now
- Spanish translations by Abelatox
- Update checker
- Fixed crashing on servers
- Added the Oblivion
- Added Key chains for every Keyblade
- Changed Keyblade recipes
- Modified all Keyblade stats
- Modified generation of Prize Blox so they do generate
- Fixed texture bugs with the Key blades and Organization Armor
- The Kingdom Key D now renders in 1st person
- Added drops for Horses, Donkeys and Mules
- Updated for Minecraft 1.6.2
- HP orbs, Munny and Potions added
- Potions fully restore the players health
- Prize Blox generate in the overworld where dirt spawns down to layer 0
- Normal Blox, Hard Blox, Metal Blox and Danger Blox generate in the End on the Endstone and Obsidian Pillars
- Added crafting recipes for the Organization armor
- Added Dark Leather which is simply just a crafting ingredient for the Organization armor
- The Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D and Oathkeeper spawn as dungeon loot in Strongholds, Pyramids, Dungeons and Mineshafts
- Normal Blox now break quicker than Hard Blox
- Changed the stats of the Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D and Oathkeeper
The previous versions before v0.3.0 were unreleased and unstable and will not be available
- Initial release
- Organization Armour added
- 3 Key blades added, Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D and Oathkeeper
- Hearts added that drop from all mobs
- Bug blox from Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded added