- Added support for blocks that don't normally use tile entities, like torches.
- Added by default: torches, chests (and trapped chests), ender chests, ladders, flowerpots, signs, skulls
- Added compatibility with MCPC. Not tested. Added a config option to disable it in case it doesn't work.
- Did not make glowstone microblocks glow, because that would let you get 32 times as much light from the same amount of glowstone.
- Did not add full-grass or rotatable grass microblocks because this mod should not add new block types.
- Known bug: place a microblock on a torch, then push it with a piston. Both the microblock and the torch will be destroyed!
- Microblocks prevent Buildcraft pipe connections. This can be disabled in the config file.
- Now plays a sound when placing microblocks.
- If a block throws an error during auto-detection it will be printed, but will not crash or break auto-detection (that block will be ignored instead).
- Added basic support for something asiekierka is working on. Technical details in <jar file>/mods/immibis/microblocks/changelog.txt.
- Fixed "java.lang.RuntimeException: Error at instruction 4: Insufficient maximum stack size. func_71921_a(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;IIILnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)V"
- Fixed particles when punching microblocks placed on blocks set in the config file.
- Probably fixed NullPointerException when auto-detecting with FMP installed.
- Probably fixed "MicroblockSupporterTransformer cannot be used on this block" happening on most blocks.
- Fixed compatibility with TE3.
- Fixed crash on startup on servers (thanks asie for pointing this out)
- Removed debug spam.
- Fixed particles when microblocks are broken.
- Fixed grass block side textures being squashed vertically in some positions.
- Removed particles when microblocks are sprinted on, because there doesn't seem to be a way to fix them.
- Fixed rendering of grass hollow covers/panels/slabs.
- Fixed transparency of part previews.
- Fixed "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderBlocks at mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MSTHooks.overrideRenderType(MSTHooks.java:20)" on servers.
- Sides that line up with the block grid should have seamless smooth lighting.
- Added grass, oak leaf, birch leaf, spruce leaf and jungle leaf microblocks.
- Should fix a potential crash on servers related to Bibliocraft. (http://pastebin.com/ACSn0k9p)
- Better client-side prediction (for SMP).
- Contains incompatible API changes - requires update to Immibis Core.
- Another attempt at fixing resource loading.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4.
- Still haven't got a reply from cpw, so didn't fix textures and names.
- Probably fixed problems with updated Forge.
- Re-added NEI plugin.
- Fixed crash with ACT2 when BC is not installed?
- Fixed crash with buffer when BC is not installed in SMP?
- Didn't fix buffer not working with pipes, yet.
- Added a special case for placing strips that overlap covers, so you can make tables in one block.
- Fixed config not generating properly causing microblocks to not work on anything.