- Fixed wrong name in mod list.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.5.
- New bug: when breaking a microblock, particles have "missing texture" texture.
- Refactored microblock API again - required update.
- Fixed a bug with config generation the first time you open Minecraft.
- Fixed mod page crash with NEI?
- Added config option to hide microblocks from NEI, because I'm told ChickenBones still hasn't fixed the lag.
- Might fix not being able to mark Forestry planks as cuttable.
- Fixed bottom and sides of microblocks not being darker than the top.
- Fixed transformed blocks being black in inventories.
- Config format changed and config file renamed to immibis-microblocks.cfg.
- Changed the way autoDetectCuttableBlocks works.
- Added manual cuttableBlock list in config.
- Added support for mods that mix coverable and non-coverable tile entities in the same block ID (eg Applied Energistics)
- Added the following Applied Energistics blocks to the default list: ME Cable, ME Export Bus, ME Import Bus, ME Level Emitter,
- You can no longer craft a microblock by itself to get the same one back.
- Fixed flickering on overlapping microblocks with the same texture (yay!)
- Fixed some stacking issues.
- Included microblock API in this jar file, as well as immibis core (as I can't remove it from there until 1.5).
- Re-added IC2 cables to the default list of blocks to affect.
- Probably fixed NPE when loading a world or connecting to a server.
- New handsaw sprite from Kaza, slightly modified (just the blade). Thanks Kaza!
- Fixed dupe bug with Buildcraft pipes.
- Fixed selection boxes not rendering.
- Fixed placement ghosts not rendering.
- Middle-clicking a microblock placed on a cable/conduit/liquiduct/pipe in creative will select the microblock, instead of the thing it's on.
- You can place torches, etc, attached to microblocks on cables/conduits/liquiducts/pipes.
- Separated microblocks into a separate coremod like they should have been from the start.