What's Changed
- Add magnet filters
- Add assembler recipes for fishing rods
- Add Day/night Recipe Condition
- Add campfire extinguishing behavior to shovels
- Add
builder for KJS - Add log-stripping recipes in the lathe
- Enable cover behavior for basic (untiered) solar panels
- Add hardRedstoneRecipe for target block
- Add decomp for various Copper Blocks
- Add ability to ignore tag prefixes when building Material
- Fix
explosion logic - Colorize Cable Tooltips
- Fix harmful effects applying for a tick with QuarkTech Helmet
- Fix data bank not requiring energy
- Fix Parallel Hatchs starting with 0 parallels
- Fix Robot Arm Keep Exact functionality with item pipes
- Fix ME machine copy-paste tooltip
- Fix Research Machines not respecting Maintenance Config
- Change circuits for tungsten carbide and titanium carbide
- Fix conflict between Gold Drum and Gold Pressure Plate
- Fix Maintenance GUI text
- Fix prospector waypoint message showing when no waypoint created
- Make steam miners break miner pipe when broken
- Stop showing "Running 1 parallel." in Jade/TOP.
- Fix ME hatches crash
- Fix Machine Controller Cover crashing without anything to control
- Fix machines being valid spawn points
- Fix temperature for sulfuric light fuel
- Fix Detector Comparator calculation and add Latching toggle
- Machine slot texture change
- Fix radaway dust decomposition resource dupe
- Fix fusion reactor rendering
- Fix Charcoal Pile Igniter crash
- Fix map overlay caches not clearing when they should
- Make drums and cells respect acid properties
- Use Casing config value for Cleanroom Glass/Plascrete
- Config option to enable/disable ore indicator generation
- Configurable Electric Singleblock miner speed
- Change Muffler hatch particles to campfire smoke
- New Dough texture
- Update ru_ru
- Update zh_cn
- update ja_jp
Full Changelog: https://github.com/GregTechCEu/GregTech-Modern/compare/v1.6.3-1.20.1...v1.6.4-1.20.1
Version 1.6.3 for 1.20.1
- Add FTB Chunks Visual Prospecting integration
- Add durability-based recycling to Rotors and Tools
- Add Sign and Sheep coloring to Chemical Dyes (We do not condone using RED-40 on your livestock)
- Add freezing immunity to QuarkTech Chestplate (Brrrr)
- Add ability for Powered Armor boots to walk on powder snow
- Add Fluid Containment tooltips to Cells/Vials
- Fix more Cleanroom structure issues (It's ok not to be square)
- Fix Voiding Cover and Soft Mallet interaction
- Fix Cleanroom not allowing 4 full doors in structure
- Fix Sand to Glass Arc Furnace recipe not accounting for other Sand types
- Fix Large Miner duplication for self-dropping blocks like Ancient Debris
- Fix various Steam Miner issues
- Fix Chanced Recipe outputs in Jade/TOP
- Fix Rotor Holder lighting emissivity
- Fix Prospecting inconsistencies
- Fix Rotors not being distinguishable by recipe viewers
- Fix Empty Bucket showing fluid tooltip
- Fix Solvent Spray Can not actually removing paint color
- Refactor internal methods in the
class- Addon devs should be aware of this - see the PR for more details
- Remove ULV Buses from Steam Multiblocks
- Allow Maintenance Hatches on the second layer of the Distillation Tower
- Remove Quartz Slab Cutter recipe due to conflicting recipe
- Change intermediate products in the ore processing page to act as both input and output for recipe viewers
- Mark required research data as a catalyst in recipe viewers.
- Change parallel line in Multiblock GUIs to show the exact number of parallels
- Change various Steam Bus GUI elements
- Change RTM coil texture to look more like RTM
- Change recipe progress loss to be a property of a Machine's definition rather than its class
- Potentially useful for addon/pack devs - see here
- Update zh_cn translation
- Update ru_ru translation
Version 1.6.2 for 1.20.1
- Add High Pressure version of the Steam Miner (This is perfect for early game)
- Add Production Efficiency Modifier for use in addons/packs
- Fix Cleanroom floor check
- Fix recipes not maintaining their parallel amount properly, leading to bad chanced outputs
- Fix Pyrolyse Oven and Multi-Smelter not running recipes properly
- Fix Distillation Tower machines crashing with Dual Hatch in bottom layer
- Fix Overclocking Logic not using correct tier for OCs
- Fix Smart Filter not saving mode
- Fix Pipes being visually connected to covers but not actually connected
- Fix KJS replacement ingredient order & custom JSON recipes
- Fix oil spouts not updating the fluid on generation
- Fix furnace recipe serialization
- Fix Cleaning Maintenance Hatch not updating its controller properly
- Fix Stone Variant maceration having conflicting recipes
- Fix bucket being voided by TankWidget without enough space
- Steam and Plasma turbines no longer require mufflers (Check your turbines!)
- Update ru_ru.json
Version 1.6.1 for 1.20.1
You know the drill...
- Fix crashes caused by the PBF/Primitive Pump
- Fix KubeJS issues on Servers
- Fix Multiblock Preview Patterns not registering properly in Recipe Viewers
- Fix Air Scrubber working when Environmental Hazards config is disabled
- Fix killing/shearing mobs adding empty NBT tags to items
- Fix Robot Arms not prioritizing existing stacks in slots
- Fix Programmable Circuit Page not having a title
- Add new Continuous Rainbow Tooltips
- Add new GT:Refreshed Textures
- Add new Advanced Jetpack item sprite
- Remove Deprecated Dual Hatch config
Version 1.6.0-1.20.1
- Remove Create integration
- Rework Recipe Modifiers and Overclocking See here
- Rework how machines are registered via KJS
- Refactor Machine and Material block/item classes
Ask for help regarding these changes on Discord!
Some documentation regarding the changes
- Add Potion Brewing to Brewery Machines (Now the tooltip makes sense!)
- Add fluid rendering to select Multiblocks (Lava in your pbf anyone?)
- Add fill-level fluid rendering to Quantum Tanks
- Add Circuit Configuration page to Recipe Viewers
- You can now also view the usages of a single configuration of Programmable Circuit
- Add the ability for Quantum Storages to hold more than INT_MAX items/fluids
- Add the ability to use certain non-Cleanroom blocks in the floor of a Cleanroom
- This is dictated by the
tag and has some default elevator blocks included
- This is dictated by the
- Add Rotor Holders for High-Tier Content (For the LGT lovers)
- Add the Machine Memory Card
- Add the ability to open Covers with an empty hand (Forgot a screwdriver?)
- Add molten fluid for Ruridit
- Add custom recipe category support to KubeJS
- Add support for untagged items in tag filters
- Add the ability for batteries to charge items in Curio slots
- Add more error logging to recipe builders
- Add tooltip coloring to machines without it
- Add stone slab cutting recipes
- Add a recipe for Glass Dust from full-size Flint and Quartz sand dusts
- Fix crashes caused by invalid GTOreDefinition references after reload (Reloading custom ore veins works now)
- Fix GT Fluid Attributes (like acidic) not functioning properly in pipes (Your pipes might corrode now)
- Fix Data Stick not copying distinctness from ME Input Parts
- Fix EU/t generation GUI text for Large Generators
- Fix empty crates and drums not stacking with newly crafted ones
- Fix item pipes "remembering" disconnected destinations
- Fix crash due to Distillation Tower allowing 0 hatches
- Fix pattern encoding for Multiblock previews in EMI (Now you can request Multis from AE2)
- Fix unclear tooltip for LV & MV Macerator
- Fix various issues and crashes with going over
tier in Machines - Fix crash with FTB Teams integration
- Fix Coke Oven Hatch model gaps
- Fix ME Output Parts being inefficient
- Fix Visual Prospecting with Xaero's showing ores in the wrong dimension
- Fix ME Input Buses being extractable
- Fix Programmed Circuit crashing when used on output parts
- Fix Advanced QuarkTech™ Suite's fire immunity not working as expected
- Fix various Tag Filter issues
- Fix the Shutter Cover(Oops.)
- Fix Rotor Holders reporting as obstructed when facing up or down
- Fix incorrect time display on
/medicalcondition query
- Fix pipe interaction box not expanding on empty-hand interaction
- Remove the "Compass" guidebook
- Remove Overclock Factor config options
- Rework how Spray Paint works on pipes and cables
- Allow LCR to use any coil (Got a good use for those old EBF coils now)
- Make Cleanroom require a centered controller
- Change stone block recipes to not use the laser engraver
- Improve RAM performance of Ore Generation
- Add explicit constructor to transfer covers for addons that want to specify custom rates
- Update translation files
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
~ The GregTech Modern Team
Version 1.5.4 for 1.20.1
- Add ability to orient large miners upside down (Nether ores stand no chance)
- Add higher tier Fisher Machines, which have an improved fishing pool (Free fish anyone?)
- Add ladder behavior to Frame Boxes (You can make the jungle gym of your dreams)
- Add ability to scroll to set the Ghost Circuit config in machines
- Add prospecting information when breaking surface indicators
- Add directionality to Fluid Filters
- Add Machine Pausing description to Mallet tooltip
- Add Machine Pausing to certain specialized machines
- Add depletion time to Electric Tool tooltips
- Add Voltage, Amperage, and Capacity information to Energy Hatch tooltips
- Add Steam Boiler heat information to Jade
- Fix Item Tag Filter bricking worlds (Sorry)
- Fix fluids dragged from EMI/JEI causing improper behavior in ghost slots
- Fix chance logic not adjusting roll chance in small parallel situations (This one is for you, Pansmith)
- Fix battery timer sometimes showing incorrect time units
- Fix large numbers sometimes being improperly rounded due to localization
- Fix battery slots allowing more than one battery at a time
- Fix NVGs giving infinite night vision
- Fix Recipe Output crash for TOP
- Fix environmental hazard tooltips showing when disabled
- Fix ME Parts not handling items/fluids correctly in certain cases
- Fix cases where machines would not calculate the correct number of parallel recipes to run
- Fix Large Boilers causing integer overflow
- Change Ore Processing Widget to now show the raw ore instead of ore block
- Rework Fluid Slot behavior - they will now try to fill/drain to your cursor, if possible
- Remove Distinct functionality from Output Parts
- Remove ability to machine magnetized materials into magnetic parts
Version 1.5.2 for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Fix more critical bugs regarding Dedicated Servers (Sorry!)
- Fix Conveyor and Pump Covers crashing the game when you interacted with the UI
- Fix Prospector crashing the game when you clicked to add a waypoint in Fluid Mode
- Fix Multiblock Machines starting up instantly when reformed even when paused
- Fix Large Miner tooltip showing double the working area
- Fix duplicate lens maceration recipes
- Fix Advanced Item/Fluid detectors not actually having RS Latch behavior
- Tweak and add various Recipe Categories to declutter the important pages
- Move Harder Dye recipes into a config option
Version 1.5.1 for Minecraft 1.20.1
- Fix critical bug affecting Dedicated Servers
- Fix Large Miner tooltip not displaying its working range
- Fix Pump and Conveyor String format issue
- Fix potential pipe collision bug
Extra patch notes from 1.5.0
- Fix Long Distance Pipelines having issues with the endpoints
- Fix covers being buggy when placed using the 3D Machine GUI
- Fix ME parts crashing if you point an AE bus into them
- Fix covers not updating if you change the neighboring block
- Various QoL features have been added
- Locked output hatches will be prioritized for machine output
- Fluid Tanks in machine UIs now show GT fluid properties
- Filled Fluid Cells now show GT fluid properties
- Creative Tanks and Chests now show an infinity symbol
- Creative Tanks and Chests can now be set and cleared using your held item (or lack thereof)
- Creative Tanks now fully fill your held item if it can
- Quantum Chests now store all valid items in your inventory on double right-click
Version 1.5.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1
!! BREAKING CHANGES for Addon Devs
- We have moved from using LDLib's IFluidTransfer and IItemTransfer to Forge's native IFluidHandler and IItemHandler. This includes the FluidStack class.
- If you made use of these at all, you may have to make the according changes. See the PRs here and here.
- Add selective voiding and ME Output Hatch capabilities to the Distillation Towers (4000B of Nitrogen going straight to the ME system)
- You can now leave out hatches on layers, which will cause that layer's outputs to be completely voided.
- Add the ability to pause machines after they complete a recipe cycle (You can upgrade your EBF without voiding ingredients)
- Done via shift + right-click with a soft mallet
- Add Smart Filters that filter materials based on the selected mode (Electrolyzer, Sifter, and Centrifuge) (Your oreproc is saved)
- Add Visual Prospecting, which marks your minimap when you prospect or find surface indicators (Ores are on your map now!)
- You can also click on a vein in your prospector to create a waypoint
- Add Recipe Categories for recycling recipes (No need to sift through 1000 pages of arc furnace recipes)
- Add Tier-Boosted Chance overlay and tooltip line in Recipe Viewers (Mental math may not be your strong suit)
- Add Power Substation battery capacity to the tooltip
- Add coloring to the Power Substation UI
- Add OP bypass for machine ownership
- Add Fusion Tier to recipes in Recipe Viewers
- Add BlastBuilder and Vacuum Freezer recipe overrides (for addon/pack devs)
- Add more information to Large Turbine tooltip
- Fix Large/Extreme Combustion Engines consuming excess oxygen and lubricant (Maybe your freezer can keep up now)
- Fix Large/Extreme Combustion Engines not consuming enough fuel per cycle (Sorry Moni players)
- Fix Research Stations halving computation cost when overclocked
- They now give you a partial discount if you overclock them
- Fix tape slot in Maintenance Hatches (We require more tape)
- Fix GT Axe Tree Felling behavior (Sorry, not sorry, no free trees)
- Fix Research Stations allowing more than two energy hatches
- Fix rare gems not being able to be macerated
- Fix Large Bronze Boiler GUI
- Fix Power Substation in-world preview
- Fix Power Substation display when there is no input or output
- Fix Aluminium Cell not showing its contained fluid in its texture
- Fix input/output tooltip mismatch
- Fix ME Part IO category
- Fix Cables emitting smoke on first tick
- Fix multi output lines not showing on a per item time evaluation
- Fix bonemeal and bone dust recipe collision
- Rework the Tag Filter so that it actually works (Jank begone)
- Change various material blast temperatures; Nichrome now requires EV to blast
- Swap Red and Blue Steel composition and usage - you will need to change any autocrafting patterns
- Change non-consumable recipe ingredients to catalysts - this will exclude it from AE2 patterns and EMI crafting trees
- Change Jade to show proper mB/t for Steam Machines (Your steam machines are not that hungry, I promise)
- Swap emitter/sensor ingredient for Laser Input/Output Hatches
- Change EV-tier Voltage Coil material to Platinum
- Change Wooden Tank Valve recipe to use copper rotor instead of lead rotor
- Change Machine Ownership Config Wording
- Hide converters if they're disabled
- Increase density of Realgar in Copper/Tin Veins
- Change Tungstensteel heating components with RTM Alloy ones
- Change the gas-filter texture to be semi-isometric like circuits/lenses/etc
- Add debug option for superflat ore gen
- Update zh_cn.json
- Update jp_jp.json
- Update zh_tw.json
- Update ru_ru.json
Version 1.4.5
- Ownership integration with FTBTeams/Argonauts for Machines
- Add Storage Covers for your machines! (Like the alloy smelter or the extruder)
- Add dough and various baking recipes (GT cookies yay)
- Add ability to craft fluid recipes using drums (you can finally batch craft treated wood)
- Add ability to place torches using hammers and pickaxes
- Add output text for Multiblock UIs
- Add magnetic pull for mob drops on kill
- Add tags for GT components
- Add in-line filtering for item and fluid pipes
- Add placable surface rock items
- Add cutting recipe for stained glass panes
- Add ability to set ghost circuit using held circuit item
- Add missing sign & trapdoor recipes
- Fix machines inside Cleanroom not registering properly (you don't need to open your door anymore)
- Fix fluid drilling rig not working with 2 energy hatches (sorry)
- Singleblock pump machines now properly find and pump fluid
- Fix coil temperature not providing an EU discount in EBF-type machines
- Fix Heat Capacity not showing in ABS and RHF
- Copy the EBF's temperature tooltip to the ABS and RHF
- Fix Steam Multiblocks allowing greater than LV recipes
- Fix broken treated wood recipes
- Fix miner pipes not being destroyed when the miner is finished
- Fix tools not generating properly due to missing flags
- Fix ME part visual connection to ME cables
- Fix progress UI lines for some machines
- Fix Wooden sign recipes
- Fix Lighter interactions and behaviors
- Fix Large Miner not requiring an output bus
- Fix Assembly Line not respecting ordering for certain orientation
- Fix Gem downcrafting recipes
- Fix drums not respecting material properties as an inventory item
- Fix rubber wood and rubber logs
- Fix Frame Block being deleted upon shift-click with pipe
- Fix Debrominated Brine not having any usage
- Fix voltage floor formula causing negative values
- Fix insertion and extraction of rotors in rotor holders
- Fix magnetic double plate overlay
- Fix various recipe and item issues
- Update tooltip capitalization for consistency
- Remove sand from Ore Veins
- Replace wrench with plate in bender recipe
- Change Wooden Multiblock Tank recipe to use copper instead of lead
- Change Steam Multiblocks to be able to have variable parallel amounts
- Rework seed oil recipes
- Change iron rounds -> iron rings for a few recipes
- Update for ru_RU
- Update zh_cn.json
What's Changed
- Coke Oven Hatches are now able to be automated again (#1948)
- All sounds are now mono-audio (you will no longer be haunted by the global Research Station sound) (#1966)
- Fixed Large Turbine logic which stopped them from running properly (#1983 and #2010)
- Machine auto-export will now respect attached filter covers (#1982)
- Quantum Tanks will no longer void fluids that don't match the stored fluid (#1976)
- Quantum Chests will now properly drop items if your inventory is full rather than just voiding them (#1976)
- The Multi Smelter now applies overclocks properly (#2004 and #2008)
- ME Pattern Buffer Proxies now show a hand animation when opened (#2005)
- Fixed ME parts not showing tooltips (#1993)
- Rubber log variants now have the burnable tag (#1914)
- Fixed solid boilers not being able to burn some vanilla furnace fuels (#1998)
- Various texture fixes (#1974)
- Multiblock machines now calculate their tier correctly (#2019)
- Recipe fixes 🔥 (#2022 and #2023)
- Other miscellaneous fixes
- ADDON DEVS: Recipe Conditions and the GTRegistry class have changed slightly - please take note (#1955)
- ADDON DEVS: We now publish to the official GTCEu Maven - check the updated README for further information
- Chanced outputs for parallel recipes are now deterministic and guaranteed a minimum amount (#1948)
- The highlight grid for tools and covers will now only appear if a possible interaction exists (#1949)
- Optical Pipes can now hold covers (#1953)
- Covers that have no plan to be implemented have been removed (#1961)
Full Changelog found here
What's Changed
- Coke Oven Hatches are now able to be automated again (#1948)
- All sounds are now mono-audio (you will no longer be haunted by the global Research Station sound) (#1966)
- Fixed Large Turbine logic which stopped them from running properly (#1983 and #2010)
- Machine auto-export will now respect attached filter covers (#1982)
- Quantum Tanks will no longer void fluids that don't match the stored fluid (#1976)
- Quantum Chests will now properly drop items if your inventory is full rather than just voiding them (#1976)
- The Multi Smelter now applies overclocks properly (#2004 and #2008)
- ME Pattern Buffer Proxies now show a hand animation when opened (#2005)
- Fixed ME parts not showing tooltips (#1993)
- Rubber log variants now have the burnable tag (#1914)
- Fixed solid boilers not being able to burn some vanilla furnace fuels (#1998)
- Various texture fixes (#1974)
- Other miscellaneous fixes
- ADDON DEVS: Recipe Conditions and the GTRegistry class have changed slightly - please take note (#1955)
- ADDON DEVS: We now publish to the official GTCEu Maven - check the updated README for further information
- Chanced outputs for parallel recipes are now deterministic and guaranteed a minimum amount (#1948)
- The highlight grid for tools and covers will now only appear if a possible interaction exists (#1949)
- Optical Pipes can now hold covers (#1953)
- Covers that have no plan to be implemented have been removed (#1961)
Full Changelog found here
Version: 1.4.1
- Added Textures for Computer Casings styled around the new texture standard
- Fluid Tags for Molten Fluids & Plasmas
- Datasticks will now render the primary item within contained data when holding SHIFT
- Parallel Hatches can no longer be shared.
- SI Formatting for large fluid amounts
- Updated all hatches and busses recipes to match GTCEU : 1.12.2
- Hazard gear works in curios slots
- Changed the location of the dimension icon for dimension based recipes
- KubeJS Support for research methods
- Research recipes now display CWU total in JADE and use the proper EU values.
- PACK DEVS ! - Can now define render toggles for multiblocks
- ADDON DEVS ! - OCLogic has been modified, please verify your addons reflect these new changes.
- Fixed Rubber Leaves and Saplings not being able to compost.
- Fix fluid output slots accepting manual inputs
- Large variety of recipe logic and OC logic fixes
- Fixed AEParts in assembly lines having wrong recipe voltages
- Fixes Crashes due to null recipes caused by HighTier being disabled
- Fixed PartialNBT usage in recipes
- Various KubeJS recipe fixes
- ME Export Bus is now considered an "EXPORT_ITEMS" part ability
- Fix bedrock ore miner not overclocking
- Assembly line Structure no longer allows MEBufferParts