Functional Blocks
Updated Chest, Sea Lantern, Observer top, Shulker Box and some items.
January 22, 2023

Natural Blocks
Some natural blocks... Grass Block top and Podzol side are updated, and Melon side is consistent with Pumpkin side.
January 22, 2023

Colored Blocks
Colored Blocks are retextured to meet the new standard for Minecraft block textures.
January 22, 2023

Wood-related things
The "bark outline" at log tops are now consistent with new Oak Log, instead of the one in TU beta pack v2; also, stripped log sides now have new proper palettes, instead the ones in Programmer Art.
January 22, 2023

Changed paintings! They are now closer to their original works and more consistent with new textures.
January 22, 2023

Some items changed in this pack - signs, bow, music discs, dyes, iron nugget, nether wart, blaze rod, blaze powder, firework star and spawn eggs.
January 22, 2023