Changes the vanilla sky to look more like the sky in real life
The sun during daytime
The sky when the time is 12000
The sky when the time is 12500
The sky when the time is 13000
The sky when the time is 13500
The sky when the time is 14000
The faint sun during a rainy weather without the glare
Nothing visible except for the dark sky during a thunderstorm
The visible sunrise / sunset with the slight yellowish color
Full Moon at midnight
The gibbous moon when the time is 20000
The moon with its regular white color when it rose high enough above the horizon
The moon with the light yellowish color a couple moments after it rose
The moon with the golden color a few moments after it rose
The moon with the orange reddish color after it started rising
The 3rd quarter moon when the time is 23000
The faint crescent moon during the day