A small showcase showing off a lot of the features of the pack. Some textures are from non-final stages of development

Dev Team
An image showing the off the roles and Twitter handles of the members behind OSRP

Banner showing off OBSYDIA themed features of the OSRP Resource Pack. ----[Note: Some of the textures featured are development art, and have since been updated]

Title Screen Panorama, featuring custom themed Petra Gurin GUI [Note: Since release the "PETRA" text is now orange]

Penguin Whispers
Animated Painting depicting Petra as "Lofi Girl" by @FungiWizard: https://twitter.com/FungiWizard

Forbidden Rose
Animated Painting depicting Rosemi, based on her VN by @FungiWizard: https://twitter.com/FungiWizard

Training Grounds
Animated Painting depicting Selen and Ember training by @FungiWizard: https://twitter.com/FungiWizard

Work Harder
Animated Painting of Rosemi pumping iron by @Potatoooo_W: https://twitter.com/Potatoooo_W

Penguin Snack
Animated Painting of Petra eating a tasty fishy snack by @Potatoooo_W: https://twitter.com/Potatoooo_W

Animated Painting of Selen laughing by @Potatoooo_W: https://twitter.com/Potatoooo_W

Custom Entity Model for the Enderman, modelled and textured by @Bleu_2ay: https://twitter.com/Bleu_2ay_VT

Rosemi Golem Vines
Custom "crackiness" textures for the Iron Golem, textured by @Bleu_2ay: https://twitter.com/Bleu_2ay_VT

Pendora Dragon
Custom Entity Model for the Ender Dragon, modelled and textured by @Bleu_2ay: https://twitter.com/Bleu_2ay_VT

Custom Entity Model for the Drowned, modelled and textured by @AuriHungry: https://twitter.com/AuriHungry

Rosemi Golem
Custom Entity Model for the Iron Golem, modelled and textured by @AuriHungry: https://twitter.com/AuriHungry

Selen Bear
Custom Entity Model for the Polar Bear, modelled and textured by @AuriHungry: https://twitter.com/AuriHungry

Petra Golem
Custom Entity Model for the Snow Golem, modelled and textured by @NBeeMC: https://twitter.com/NBeeMC

Pomu Allay
Custom Entity Model for the Allay, modelled and textured by @NBeeMC: https://twitter.com/NBeeMC

Reimu Vex
Custom Entity Model for the Vex, modelled and textured by @NBeeMC: https://twitter.com/NBeeMC

OBSYDIA Animated Paintings
Animated Paintings of Selen laughing, Petra eating a tasty fishy snack, and Rosemi pumping iron, by @Potatoooo_W: https://twitter.com/Potatoooo_W

Custom Item Textures by Potatoooo_W
Custom Item Textures of OBSYDIA themed items, as well as Pomudachi Potatoes, modelled and textured by @Potatoooo_W: https://twitter.com/Potatoooo_W