Not Serious Bare Bones Mod Compat
Bare Bones Compatibility for Various Mods! Wood Armor, More Ladders, Pure Copper Tools, Wheelbarrow, Amethyst Equipment, Inmis, Bronze, Copper Golem, Simple Copper Pipes, Basic Weapons, Snow Pigs, Nears, Nemo's Creatures, Sandwich Mod, and more!
!!! UPDATE !!!
Apparently, Bare Bones 1.21 changed MANY of their texture and I kind of losing time and hope to update this resource pack, so it's archived now. Still, feel free to download it if you want, it should still match bare bones, but I recommend using Bare Bones 1.20
Another Bare Bones Compatibility for Various Mods! Dream, Expanded Copper, Pure Copper Tools, Wheelbarrow, sn0wfrog_capybara, Exline's Copper Equipment, Inmis, Bronze, Copper Golem, Simple Copper Pipes, Basic Weapons, Snow Pigs, Nears, Nemo's Creatures, and more!
This Resource Pack is another Bare Bones Mod Compatibility which aim to get you 'Minecraft Trailer-look' in your modded Minecraft World! At first, it was just for myself, but I wanted to share so everyone can get beautiful Minecraft Trailer look for their modded world without running through effort that I do and other people who made Bare Bones compat have to. This resource pack also have custom panorama, although it doesn't really review texture from this resource pack, just me wanted to have Bare Bones Panorama with Shaders.
It will grow, i think. As I am one of 'that player who only play Modded Minecraft', so surely I will add more mod compatibility if this resource pack went nice without a problem. Currently supported mods are:
- Dream: Vanilla Expansion
- Expanded Copper
- Pure Copper Tools
- Wheelbarrow
- Sn0wfrog's Capybaras
- Cuprum
- Inmis
- Wooden Jetpack
- Bronze
- Copper Golem Mod
- Exline's Copper Equipment
- Simple Copper Pipes (Only normal,exposed,oxidized, and weathered copper pipes)
- Hollow Woods (Tools only, because log texture is automatic by mods) (CurseForge)
- Nemo's Woodcutter
- Snow Pig
- Nears
- Nemo's Creatures
- Basic Weapons
- Wood Armor
- Sculk Redstone Component
- Sandwich Mod
- Pine (I should already textured this and it should work but I can't show it in gallery because somehow my game crashed when I want to place block from this mod.)
- More Ladders
- Resource Nether Ores
- Mace Variants
- Healing Soup
- Amethyst Equipment
- Emerald Equipment
DISCLAIMER: Not all mods that supported by this resource packs are in the same minecraft version. So, you might find some mods are not available in 1.20.1 and some not in 1.21, and also not in the same modloader.
All the Minecraft screenshot in Gallery is using Bare Bones resource pack with my resource pack compat, and with BSL Shaders.
If there's issue for this resource pack, reach me on discord @tarosaiya. Thank you for downloading this resource pack!
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