~ fixed quartz stairs and slabs using vanilla texture
+ added 45° rotations to lily pad
~ retextured quartz block, stairs, slab, bricks
~ recoloured crimson roots
~ retextured spider eye and fermented spider eye
~ fixed magma cube texture in 1.21.4
+ added random rotation to pale moss carpet
~ recoloured colormap for pale garden biome [optifine/continuity]
~ retextured quartz block, chiseled quartz, and quartz pillar
~ fixed spore blossom texture
~ fixed waxed copper blocks
~ fixed infested stone blocks
+ textured bundle ui
~ animated inventory slot highlight
+ textured eye blossom
+ textured resin block, resin bricks, chiseled resin bricks
+ added random rotation to azalea and flowering azalea
+ added proper break particles from all signs
+ added proper break particles for banner
+ added unique textures for cake bites
+ added texture variants to bookshelves
+ textured resin clump and resin brick
~ retextured potion, splash potion, and lingering potion
+ coloured resin armour palette
~ fixed crashing in 1.21.2-pre2/3
~ retextured gold and diamond blocks
~ retextured moss and pale moss
~ retextured all fences and fence gates
~ retextured air hud icons
+ textured empty air hud icon (1.21-pre1)
+ textured pale oak log and stripped log (24w40a+)
+ textured pale oak planks, button, fence, fence gate, and pressure plate (24w40a+)
+ textured pale oak door and trapdoor (24w40a+)
+ textured pale oak sign, and hanging sign (24w40a+)
+ textured pale oak sapling (24w40a+)
+ textured pale oak boat (24w40a+)
+ textured creaking heart (24w40a+)
+ textured pale moss block and carpet (24w40a+)
+ added new biome palette for pale garden (24w40a+) (optifine/continuity which arent even out yet lol)
~ retextured moss block
~ retextured farmland side
~ tweaked cracked deepslate bricks
~ tweaked mangrove leaves
~ recoloured foliage in terralith:lush_desert biome (optifine/continuity)
~ fixed firework star tint not working
~ retextured tipped arrow
~ retextured anvil, chipped anvil, and damaged anvil
~ retextured all buttons
~ tweaked tnt minecart
~ tweaked hopper minecart
~ tweaked furnace minecart
+ textured creaking (24w40a+)
+ textured pale oak boat (24w40a+)
+ textured flow and guster shield pattern
~ retextured banner base
~ retextured bundle (24w38a+)
~ textured all dyed bundles (24w38a+)
~ retextured all signs and hanging signs
~ fixed humanoid, horse, llama, wolf armours, and elytra (24w36a+)
~ fixed armour trims (24w36a+)
~ retextured bamboo sign and hanging sign
~ retextured top bar of all hanging signs
~ tweaked end gateway beam
~ textured container slot hightlight (24w36a+)
~ retextured 'destroy item' slot in creative inventory
~ retextured crafting table bottom and tweaked sides
~ tweaked barrel top
~ tweaked tipped arrow
~ fixed stray white pixel on netherite axe
~ fixed cluster on bow texture
~ retextured hearts
~ retextured hunger bar
~ retextured tooltip background (24w36a+)
~ retextured offhand hotbar slots
~ retextured clouds
~ tweaked advancement UI
− removed unused GUI texture elements
~ updated redstone torch colour and fixed model (24w33a+)
~ updated redstone torch colour (24w33a+)
~ retextured open bundle (24w33a+)
~ retextured bundle progress bar (24w34a+)
~ disabled cloud and tooltip shaders in 24w34a-23w35a (for now, until shaders are fixed)
+ textured chiseled copper, copper grates, bulbs, doors, and trapdoors
+ textured chiseled tuff, chiseled tuff bricks, and polished tuff
+ textured crafter
+ textured heavy core
+ textured trail spawner and vault
~ retextured nether sprouts
~ fixed short grass break particles
+ retextured wolf spawn egg only for version 24w09a or higher
+ textured bogged and breeze spawn eggs
+ textured breeze rod
+ textured bolt and flow armour trim smithing templates
+ textured flow and guster banner patterns
+ textured flow, guster, and scrape pottery sherds
+ textured mace
+ textured creator, creator (music box), and precipice music discs
+ textured ominous bottle
+ textured trial key
+ textured copper doors
+ textured waxed chiseled copper, copper bulbs, grates, doors, and trapdoors
+ textured wind charge
~ retextured nether sprouts
~ animated end crystal
+ textured backyard, baroque, cotan, humble, lowmist, meditative, pond, tides, passage, finding, and unpacked paintings
+ renamed 'Backyard' painting to 'Courtyard'
+ textured flow and guster banner patterns
+ textured breeze
+ textured flow, guster, and scrape decorated pot patterns
+ textured wind charge
+ textured bogged
~ updated all paintings' frames
~ retextured Skull & Roses painting
~ retextured vex face to parallel allay
~ recoloured highlighted buttons to green
~ recoloured end sky
+ retextured menu panorama
+ textured crafter ui
+ textured bad omen, infested, oozing, raid omen, trail omen, weaving, and wind charged effect icons
+ textured gust particles
+ textured ominous spawner and trial spawner particles
+ textured infested, raid omen, and trial omen effect particles
+ textured bolt and flow armour trims
~ recoloured savanna grass (optifine/continuity)
~ tweaked hopper inside
~ fixed locked hopper
+ textured armadillo spawn egg
+ textured armadillo scute
~ retextured wolf spawn egg if in 1.20.5
~ changed cauldron and hopper to use block models rather than item sprites
~ fixed turtle scute
+ textured new wolf variants
+ textured wolf armor
+ textured armadillo
~ tweaked zombie villager
~ tweaked silverfish
~ fixed cod fins
~ fixed bamboo chest raft
~ fixed shaders making resource pack fail to load in 1.20.5 (credit to DartCat25 and ShockMicro)
~ recoloured wooden planks toast icon
Backported for 1.7.X
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
+ textured heavy core and removed ambient occlusion
+ textured ominous trial spawner
+ textured ominous vault
~ tweaked and recoloured parts of trial spawner and vault
+ textured guster and flow banner patterns
+ textured guster, flow, and scrape pottery sherds
+ textured ominous trial key
+ textured ominous bottle
~ retextured and animated wind charge
+ textured guster and flow banner patterns
+ textured guster, flow, and scrape decorated pot patterns
~ tweaked and recoloured silverfish
+ textured bad omen, infested, oozing, trial omen, weaving, wind charged, and raid omen effect icons
+ textured infested, trial omen, wind charged, and raid omen effect particles
+ textured inworld footer and header separators
~ fixed cloud fog shader (credit to ShockMicro)
~ fixed flow and guster banner patterns not having proper names
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
~ retextured wolf spawn egg
~ tweaked bogged spawn egg
+ textured new wolf variants
+ added bogged mushrooms
+ textured wolf armor dye overlay
+ textured wolf armor cracks
~ retextured menu header and footer
~ retextured scroller background
THIS IS NOT THE MAIN PACK! This is an add-on pack for MS Painted which includes texture changes for the 1.21 update! Get the main pack here.
+ textured vault
~ tweaked hopper inside (is used in vault)
~ fixed locked hopper
~ tweaked trial key
+ textured vault connection particle
~ updated menu panorama
~ fixed leash shader (credit to DartCat25)