Changed in this version:
- Fixed an issue with mace, when it's dropped;
- Changed a pack file.
Project is released.
Changed in this version:
- Changed a model of the breeze rod from generated to handheld;
- Fixed the issue with mace, when it's not displayed correctly on the head.
Changed in this version:
- A pack version is now supporting all new future versions:
- min pack format is 29;
- max pack format is 99999999999999999.
Changed in this version:
- A 3D mace have now more consistent look to vannila one;
- A mace size in item frame and on ground is changed to vannila settings;
- Changed a pack format from 18 to 29;
- Changed size of sprites:
- mace_rod.png is now 16x16;
- mace_head.png is now 32x32.
- Changed an icon of the pack.
Created project.
- 3D mace model.