This is the CARTOON version of the pack, there is also the Vanilla version, so check that out
In this version, the bat will look like this
- Updated to 1.20/+ Versions
- Bats Sleeping have their own unique new animation
- Optmized and Slightly changed the model
This is the VANILLA version of the pack, there is also the Cartoon version, so check that out
In this version, the bat will look like this
- Updated to 1.20/+ Versions
- Bats Sleeping have their own unique new animation
- Optmized and Slightly changed the model
Make Sure to UNZIP it so you can get the MCPACK file!
- Updated the pack version to 1.20.2 (can still be used in older versions)
- The Rename option to get a specific texture now works with other types of bats
- Fixed a little inconsistency thing
- Added a bat texture for the 23w45a bat, even tho, it will probably not be used, made just to add something to make sure the pack is ON even if you dont have the required cem activated
🦇Better BATS🦇 1.2
- Added more 4 types of common bats
- Rare Bats will now spawn more often in deep caves
- Added 3 ULTRA-RARE BATS, you can also get them trough renaming them to "Zubat" "Swoobat or Kokoromori" and "Noibat or Onbat"