- Fixed item removal bug
- Fixed bug reloading config and lang files.
- Added debug toggle in config to help troubleshoot issues.
- Fixed bug removing items from a post box.
- Added config and lang file versioning.
- Added hopper checks to config and disabled by default to prevent lag.
- Optimization/tweaks to barrel protection logic
- Fixed bug reading _ in world names
- Fixed bug with registering/claiming a post box
Please note: This is essentially a re-write of the plugin in a lot of areas and will require you to setup your players post boxes again - but will better allow me to add new functionality to the plugin moving forward. Lots of cool stuff to come!
To install this plugin, it's best to download a backup of your existing config and then start fresh. You can follow the setup guide here:
Change Log
- Plugin now uses player UUIDs, no longer relying on player names!
- Post boxes are now stores in a barrels config once registered.
- New permission node allows a player to claim a registered post box by themselves if desired.
- Post boxes are now registered/claimed using commands - no longer restricted by their name fitting on the line.
- Added visual "You have mail" message to the post box sign.
- Added StructureGrow event checks to post box protection.
- Rewrote config handling/reloading.
- Players now receive a notification when a post box is set up for them, if they're online.
- Moved all messaged from config to a new lang file.
- Better handling color codes in lang file.
- Added additional keys to the lang file.
- Disabled update check if unable to pull latest version from API.
- Disabled update check if using a dev build.
- Added use permission node, deny this to prevent players from using the post office system.
- Large scale project cleanup/refactoring.
- Changed default mail notification delay to 1 second
- Added extra checks to post box protection
- Changed default "post box created for.." messages from red to green
- Added check for hopper minecart when removing items from a postbox
- Prevent protected post boxes/signs being blown up by tnt or creepers
- Prevent items being moved out of a post box with a hopper if post box protection is enabled
- Removed unused "/postoffice barrelname" command
- General bug fixes
- Added 1.21 support
- Added post box (barrel and sign) protection. Easily disabled in the config if using your own.
- Prevent players from swapping cursor items out of a post box.
- Prevent players from dropping items out of a post box.
- Prevent players from condensing items out of a post box.
- Add a 10 second delay to the "You have mail" notification when connecting.
- Added a plugin update notification system.
- Added extra language translation options to the config file.
- Removed the barrelname command as this should only be set once. Edit the config directly and use /postoffice reload to update the barrel name.
Post Office has now been added to GitHub as a GPL3.0 Open Source project. You can find it here: https://github.com/shantek/PostOffice
- Coming soon, v2 will update the plugin to use a players UUID and add additional flexibility to the plugin.
- Fixed issues with reloading the plugin
- Added additional checks to reloading the config file
- If keys are not found in the config, they will now revert to the default options
- Fixed issues with showing the correct sent/received messages
- Fixed issue with off hand swapping out of a post box
- Removed ability to take items out of a post box using offhand or hot bar shortcuts.
- Added offhand-error & hotbar-error to the config file to customize the errors displayed.
(Thanks to XaosKoltron for reporting the issue)
Have suggestions for future updates? Join my Discord
- Added shantek.postoffice.removeitems permission node. Give this permission to your server mods/staff to allow them to remove items from Post Boxes
Added additional message customization when sending notifications to the player.
cant-stack-items: "&4You don't have permission to do that." - A generic error shown in some circumstances when trying to stack items in another players post box. remove-item-error: "&4You don't have permission to remove items from this post box." - The error shown when a player tries to remove an item from another players post box.
- General cleanup of the plugin.
- Added the following customizations available in the config file
sent-message: '&aMail sent to %receiver%.'
received-message: '&eYou got mail from %sender%!'
got-mail-message: '&a[Post Office] &fYou have mail!'
Have total control over what the plugin sends to your players!
- Added support for 1.20
- Included a new notification system, receive a notification when joining the server, open your post box to clear it