[+] fixes command not working due to the last update of heads
[+] now it save instantly all data to config(report and lag)
[+] ability to use player heads in vouchers and give skins
To use this change the voucher item to PLAYER_HEAD
then get some player skin URL from minecraft-heads.com
and put in the voucher section head_ID(its hidden so you need to add in config or use GUI to auto add)
head_ID: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/1b4b5c74830609f9ce7bfb8ca26fac171edbc6b27c637ea101fc1ae1a2fac441
name: '#ff0000☛#ff2a00 #ff5500V#ff7f00o#ffaa00u#ffd400c#ffff00h#aaff00e#55ff00r#00ff00
[+] Now have gui to help edit your vouchers this is a kind of rush update so might contain bug do report to get fixed
[=] fixed a error when doing /voucher
[+] now supports timed voucher
command: /voucher give <player> <type> <arg> <minutes>
for no time limit leave it blank it takes time in minutes.
[=] voucher will be now droped instead of doing nothing on inventory full
[=] fixes an issue where other players can get your droped vouchers so now plugin will give in players inventory.
[=] no negative values in vouchers
[=] reload command changed due to conflict with another plugin
[=] command added to list all vouchers
new commands are:
- pvadmin list
- pvadmin reload
[+] reload command "/pv reload" perms: pv.admin
[+] giveall command "/voucher giveall <type> <arg>"perms: pv.admin
[=] console spam fix
[+] option to disable message on redeem
add this in config
soundtoggle: true
titletoggle: true
actiontoggle: true
messagetoggle: true
major update for users who is on 2.0!!
due to a wrong ":" anti dupe seems to not work perfect pls use this version thank you
complete rewrite
[=] a console error spam
[=] redeem by other player are fixed
forgot to add permission to the command
[+] code clean up
[+] %player% and %arg% support in player command
no bugs reported so its stable now
[=] redeem error fix
[=] ban message fix
[=] discord message fix
new start