- Implemented use of TranslatableComponent's fallback parameter
- Fixed client plugin messages not dropped on velocity
- Fixed support for chat component shadow color
- Fixed shutdown error
- Fixed getItemStackDisplayName for 1.12.2 or below
- Support for Minecraft 1.21.4
- Support for Minecraft 1.21.3
- Support for Minecraft 1.21.1
- Support for Minecraft 1.21
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.6
- Updated Excellent Enchants Hook
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.4
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.2
- Added ExcellentEnchants Hook
- Replace null matching groups with an empty string
- Fixed fake maps desync
- Fixed Toast on 1.20
- Various Bug Fixes
- Support for Minecraft 1.20
- Added a few config options related to proxy messages
- Support for Minecraft 1.19.4
- Various bug fixes
- Fixed some chat messages not intercepted by packet listener
- Get rid of nicknameManager disable error if plugin did not start properly
- Apply fallback formatting for escaped components
- Experiment with internal improvements to pattern component matching
- Workaround PaperMC player profile method signature change
- Use HTTPS when downloading resources
- Support for Minecraft 1.19.3
- EcoSetLoreOnMainThread option
- Check vanished on mention
- Ess nick fixes
- Attempt to support modded materials
- Handle empty CustomPlaceholder config section
- LegacyComponentSerializer should enable hex colors
- Support purpur custom enderchest size for offline players
- Check slot number is within bound
- Better compatibility with ChatControlRed
- Fixed Playername matching with color codes inside
- Don't split lines in config
- Reapply fallback color to mention tags
- Apply mention highlighting for everyone
- Fixed EcoHook with empty UUID
- Apply event cancellation state to paper chat event
- Support Minecraft 1.19.1, note that chat verification will be effectively disabled
- Added new debug command "dumpnbt"
- Catch packet cloning errors
- Fixed font tags eating into components without fonts
- Make previous color carry into custom placeholder replace text
- Improved handling custom sounds
- Workaround valid literal chat components