v1.8.1.295 Hotfix & Placeholder
Added: Placeholder %havenarena_alive_ARENA%.
# %havenarena_alive_ARENA%
# Placeholders:
# %alive% - Alive Players
# %players% - Players Count
alive: '&f%alive% / %players% players alive'
Changed: HavenArena's internal ready-list is now updated when a player leaves the arena lobby. If the player was on the list, remove them, if not, check if all are ready as usual.
Fixed: The Minions ability should now work when boss-specific entity types are specified.
Fixed: Fixed a bug causing arenas to not start, if a ready player left the lobby. Only if using the HavenArena's custom ready block.
v1.8.0.286 Placeholders & Boss Ability Title
Added: PlaceholderAPI placeholders:
- %havenarena_status_ARENA% (Returns a text as defined in placeholders.yml)
- %havenarena_players_ARENA% (Returns a text as defined in placeholders.yml)
- %havenarena_progress_ARENA% (Returns a text as defined in placeholders.yml)
- %havenarena_wave_ARENA% (Returns the number of the current wave)
- %havenarena_finalwave_ARENA% (Returns the number of the final wave)
- %havenarena_active_arenas% (Returns the number of active arenas)
Replace ARENA with the arena's name, as defined in MobArena's config.
Added: onBossAbility Title.
# Settings for the onBossAbility title.
# Requires the setting "boss-abilities" to be enabled.
# Should we disable the title for specific bosses?
# Such as those with a low ability interval.
boss1: false
boss2: true
# Title shown on boss abilities.
## Placeholders ##
# %ability% - Name of the ability.
on-boss-ability: ''
on-boss-ability-sub: '&c%ability%'
on-boss-ability-sound: 'BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BELL'
v1.7.0.248 MobArena 0.109 and Updates
Recommended: Update MobArena to v0.109, as a fix was made to one of the main events HavenArena uses. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mobarena.34110/update?update=565214
Recommended: Update ValorlessUtils to 1.9.0. It's less spammy, and invalid config files are no longer vanishing. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/valorlessutils-1-17-1-21-1.109586/update?update=563981
Added: Arena Advancing.
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Arena Advancing | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Here we'll define specific waves for specific arenas,
# where the players will be teleported to another section of the arena.
# Careful not to have MobArena's config setting "spawnpoint-max-distance" set too high,
# Otherwise mob can spawn away from the advancing point, possibly soft-locking the arena.
# Arena name, as defined in MobArena's config.
# Entry names can be whatever you want.
wave: 35
# Where we want players to teleport to.
# The center of blocks are .5
x: 100.5
y: 65
z: 326.5
# If offset is 0, all players spawn directly on the target.
# If offset is 2, all players spawn within 2 blocks around the target.
# Offset only affects x/y.
offset: 2
# Where we want spectators to teleport to.
# The center of blocks are .5
x: 100.5
y: 75
z: 326.5
# If offset is 0, all players spawn directly on the target.
# If offset is 2, all players spawn within 2 blocks around the target.
# Offset only affects x/y.
offset: 2
# Entry example with comments stripped.
wave: 35
x: 100.5
y: 65.5
z: 326.5
offset: 2
x: 100.5
y: 75.5
z: 326.5
offset: 2
Added: Custom Ready/Unready events!
Added: You can now see how many players aren't ready, and which player is the last to not ready up!
# Show how many players arent ready?
ready-missing: true
# Actionbar message when readying up.
# # Placeholders ##
# %missing% - Amount of players not ready.
ready-missing: '&c%missing% players aren''t ready.'
# Actionbar message when readying up, and only 1 player is missing.
# # Placeholders ##
# %missing% - Player's name.
ready-missing-last: '&c%missing% isn''t ready.'
Added: 2 new boss abilitites: MinionsExplode & MinionsSacrifice
heal: 4 # How much the boss is healed per minion. 2 = 1 heart
damage: 10.0 # How much damage should the explosion deal? (Does not drop-off with distance)
power: 2.0 # The power of explosion, where 4 is equivalent to TNT.
radius: 2.0 # Range of the explosion
In both cases, the minions die.
Added: You can now specify the min and max iframes for bosses.
Added: You can now define different names, types, and health for the Minions ability, depending on the boss.
# Minions don't despawn when the boss dies.
amount: 4 # How many minions should we spawn?
radius: 1.0 # How far from the boss should we spawn the minions?
# Placeholder: Boss' name - %boss%
name: '%boss%''s Minion'
boss1: 'Spawn of %boss%'
type: ZOMBIE # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
health: 20 # 2 = 1 heart
Replace "boss1" with the wave key in the MobArena config.
Added: Titles for Swarm and Special waves!
Added: You can now assign class-specific colors for %class% in lang.yml
# Class specific colors for the %class% placeholder.
# CaPs SeNsItIvE :D
Knight: '&e'
Tank: '&b'
Archer: '&a'
Chemist: '&d'
Oddjob: '&c'
Added: Class preview now supports class chests.
Changed: The onBoss title now has it's own title-timings.
Hotfix: BarrageTarget no longer cause errors when the target is null.
Hotfix: Fixed a bug causing HavenArena's internal arena instances to not be removed, if the config "titles.onPlayerDeath" was set to false. Minor bug, as in most cases this would only have a tiny tiny impact.
Hotfix: Fixed some minor bugs where spectators were counted as a part of the arena.
Removed: Teleport-on-end.
v. Boss Abilities & Updates
Added: Boss Abilities:
- Arrow Rain
- Barrage All
- Barrage Nearby
- Barrage Random
- Barrage Target
- Potion Rain
- Potion Rain (Lingering)
size: 7 # How far around the boss should arrows spawn?
altitude: 7 # How high above the boss should arrows spawn?
speed: 0.3 # How fast should arrows fall?
count: 7 # How many arrows are fired?
speed: 1.0 # How fast should arrows travel?
delay: 2 # How much delay between each arrow? (In ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second)
radius: 3 # How close players must be to be affected by the ability.
size: 5 # How far around the boss should potions spawn?
altitude: 7 # How high above the boss should potions spawn?
speed: 0.3 # How fast should potions fall?
effect: POISON # Potion Effect or RANDOM - https://helpch.at/docs/1.20.3/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
duration: 60 # How long should the potion effect last? (In ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second)
level: 1 # What level of the effect should be used?
Added: Option to clear enchants from mobs.
# Clear weapon enchants on mobs?
clear-enchants: false
Added: You can now give the onNewWave event a delay.
Not all servers are the same, so some might start their wave right away, and some might have a delay.
You can give onNewWave a delay, to better match your arenas wave delay.
Added: You can now change on the lang settings of class previews.
## Placeholders ##
# %class% - Their class.
gui-title: 'Previewing: %class%'
class-unknown: 'Unknown class.'
no-permission: 'No permission.'
Changed: HavenArena now automatically reloads MobArena, to load custom abilities.
Fixed: The ability "Minions" now correctly loads the decimal of the setting value.
Was being loaded as a whole number.
v. Class Preview & Hotfix.
Added: You can now preview classes with "/ha preview <class>". Do note that you have to set up permissions required to preview.
Fixed: The permission "havenarena.reload" is now correctly required to reload the plugin.
v. Hotfixes
Added: Option to teleport players to the arenas exit, should there be a bug preventing it.
Fixed: Supressed an error where the wave type returned null, when trying to glow mobs in the arena.
v. Ability, IFrames, and hotfixes.
Added: Custom boss abilitites, with the option to customize their settings! Abilities:
- Minions
# Minions don't despawn when the boss dies.
amount: 4 # How many minions should we spawn?
radius: 1.0 # How far from the boss should we spawn the minions?
# Placeholder: Boss' name - %boss%
name: '%boss%''s Minion'
Added: Title for : onUpgrade, onSupply, onEnd, onComplete.
Added: You can now specify boss' i-frames.
# How many ticks until the boss can be hit again?
# The lower the number, the better for more players.
# 20 is Minecraft default.
# Cannot go below 1.
## Placeholders ##
# %players% - Players in the arena.
enabled: true
formula: '20 - (%players% * 3)'
Added: Wave title will no longer be shown, if the current wave is higher than the last wave.
Changed: Title timings have been split up into their separate event.
Changed: Mob glow no longer trigger on boss waves. Wasn't an issue, but would be with the Minions ability.
Fixed: Fixed an issue where healing didn't trigger, if you had the newWave title disabled.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where HavenArena was unable to fetch the MobArena config file.
Fixed: Fixed an issue causing the special-multiplier to not work at all.
Fixed?: Fixed a bug flipping the config values for titles. Either fixed, or I missed something originally..
Added: You can change the settings of the default MobArena boss abilities!
Added: Custom boss abilitites, with the option to customize their settings! Abilities:
- KnockupAll
- KnockupNearby
- KnockupRandom
- KnockupTarget
- ShuffleHotbar
Added: You can now specify a formula to increase mob count on Special waves.