- Added 1.21.4 support
- Fixed some issues with commands on 1.21+ versions
- Added 1.21.2-1.21.3 support
- Gui improvements, now you can put items on multiple slots
- slot:  - "0-9" # horizontal  - "8|53" # vertical
- The gui now auto updates
- Added 1.21.1 compatibility
- Fixed the /axrank addrank command setting the buy-actions incorrectly
- Added a warning for missing buy-actions
- Added 1.21 support
- Added an update notifier, you can customize it or disable it in the config
- Fixed a warning that appeared on startup when using paper 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Made all the command error messages customizable
- Fixed commands double registering when reloading the plugin
- Added a new /axrankmenu addrank <rank> command
- Changes to the command system, now you can edit the command aliases
- Added BeastTokens currency hook
- Added 1.20.5 and 1.20.6 support- Added 1.20.5 and 1.20.6 support
- Fixed CoinsEngine and UltraEconomy hook settings.
- Added PlaceholderAPI support to the item names and lores in the rank gui
- Fixed the ranks.yml not reloading properly
- Fixed an error that happened when a rank was added to the menu but it did not exist.
- This update is a rewrite to most of the internals, a converter will be run at startup, make sure to take a backup of axrankmenu files before updating just in case!
- Moved the menu section to a seperate ranks.yml file
- Added 3 highly requested settings: prevent-downgrading, discount-ranks, force-buy-order
- Fixed command execution on folia
- Fixed an issue with reloading economy hooks
- The "hook is set in the config, but not installed" warnings will not appear now If at least 1 hook enabled
- Fixed an issue with hooks
- Added UltraEconomy hook
- Spigot/Bukkit support
- (internal) Relocated a dependency
- Release