You're thrown into a post-nuclear world overrun by parasitic creatures focused on consuming what's left of humanity. The world will push you to your limits as you fight to survive against the relentless onslaught of these horrifying parasites.

Something terrible has happened and the city is in ruins. When trying to gather your thoughts it seems you aren't too safe yet as the water levels are rising.

The Mustard Virus has gone global and wiped out humanity. In cooler climates, the virus has become immune to the cold. You on the other hand are still vulnerable to these harsh conditions. Will frostbite get you first, or will you succumb to the virus?

The Mustard Virus has gone global and wiped out humanity. You're all that remains, well - you and the endless waves of infected. How long can you last? Will your base be strong enough to stop the horde?

Horror Island is a Minecraft 1.12.2 Modpack that focuses on creating a terrifying gameplay experience. It utilizes many horror themed mods to add tons of ghoulish enemies to the game such as: parasites, ghosts, phantoms, mutants, weeping angles & more!

A deadly fungus has started to spread in the world. It starts out as a small relatively harmless mushroom. This mushroom has the ability to wipe out the entire world. What will you do when the fungal infection reaches the creatures of the world?

Experts say: “One single Flood spore can destroy a species.” and it seems to be spreading at a quicker rate than ever before. What will you do to survive this alien infection that took the world by storm. Will you thrive or perish?

After a terrible accident, you have crashlanded in a place that does not seem to welcome you. You can hear the many animalistic noises coming from the woods. You won't be saved anytime soon, so it's time to survive on your own.

Peaceful days have come to rest as a new infection is spreading. What will you do against these wither infected enemies?

Welcome... to the kingdom of Daldar! How long can you survive these dangerous medieval lands, where threats lurk at ever corner?

A Medieval Fantasy MMO Modpack as seen in the video "Minecraft Players Simulate a MMO on Hardcore Minecraft" by ForgeLabs