- Added the Zoomify mod. You can hold the ` key, to the left of the number 1 key on the top of the keyboard, to zoom in and release it to zoom back out.
- Added a default binding to turn on only attack when cooldown full to the delete key, to the right of the \ key on a full keyboard.
- Added the Twitch Chat Bridge mod as per a request.
- Changed some default sound values to be lower (music from 100% to 50% and weather from 100% to 30%)
- Turned on autojump by default.
- Changed pack used from blind pack to a higher contrast extended pack hosted on modrinth
- Enabled high contrast accessibility setting by default.
- Fixed keybind conflicts.
- Added the start of the mods for visually impaired players with hotkeys to change gamma (left and right arrow) and toggle between 3 preset levels quickly (Z key).
- Added a high contrast pack to hopefully improve visually impaired player's experience.
- Added a default options loader mod so keybinds could be resolved and packs could be autoloaded.
- Added a few larger UI mods for advancements and the command block editor.
- Added Reeses Sodium Options
- Updated Dynamic FPS
- Updated Minecraft Access to v1.7.0