Remarkably Optimized 1.13
- Updated many mods
- Ported config file changes to older versions
- enabled mixin.experimental in Lithium config (besides 1.20.1 because of a crash)
- enabled experimental_universal_hud_batching in ImmediatelyFast config
- options.txt file changes
- Render distance is set back to the default, 12
- Simulation distance is set to 8 for a performance improvement
- Creative save toolbar activator is unbound in controls making Zoom work with C by default
- The default Iris hotkeys have been unbound
- Telemetry opt-in is set to false
- advanced tooltips should also be enabled by default on most, if not all versions
Remarkably Optimized 1.13
- Updated many mods
- Nvidium is removed from 1.20.1 in favor of Sodium 0.5.13
- Ported config file changes to older versions
- enabled mixin.experimental in Lithium config (besides 1.20.1 because of a crash)
- enabled experimental_universal_hud_batching in ImmediatelyFast config
- options.txt file changes
- Render distance is set back to the default, 12
- Simulation distance is set to 8 for a performance improvement
- Creative save toolbar activator is unbound in controls making Zoom work with C by default
- The default Iris hotkeys have been unbound
- Telemetry opt-in is set to false
- advanced tooltips should also be enabled by default on most, if not all versions
Remarkably Optimized 1.13
- Updated many mods
- Ported config file changes to older versions
- enabled mixin.experimental in Lithium config (besides 1.20.1 because of a crash)
- enabled experimental_universal_hud_batching in ImmediatelyFast config
- options.txt file changes
- Render distance is set back to the default, 12
- Simulation distance is set to 8 for a performance improvement
- Creative save toolbar activator is unbound in controls making Zoom work with C by default
- The default Iris hotkeys have been unbound
- Telemetry opt-in is set to false
- advanced tooltips should also be enabled by default on most, if not all versions
Iris has not updated yet for Sodium 0.6.9 on 1.21.3, so that version will be skipped for now.
- Updated many mods (mostly for Sodium 0.6.9)
- Updated many mods
I know pack updates have been a lil slow (and I kinda need to update older versions), but school and work have been crazy recently so I haven't had much time. It should get better in a few weeks once this quarter is over though.
- Updated many mods (yay Sodium update)
- Fabric Loader version bump
- Updated C2ME, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Lithium, Mod Menu, ModernFix, Resourcify
- Bumped Fabric Loader version
- Updated many mods