Added mod "Animatica." This mod adds support for animated textures.
Added support for 1.21.2. In alpha. Missing features:
- CIT Resewn
- C2ME
- Continuity
- Entity Culling
- FabricSkyBoxes
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop
- FerriteCore
- Iris
- Particle Core
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- ThreadTweak
- TxniLib
Updated mods.
Backported to 1.17.1. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shadaer Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Polytone
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
- BadOptimizations
- Yet Another Config Lib (YACL)
- Entity Model Features
- OptiGUI
- More Culling
- ScalableLux
- CIT Resewn
- C2ME
- Placeholder API
- Continuity
Altered features:
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
- Substituted WI Zoom for Zoomify
- Substituted Phosphor for ScalableLux
- Substituted MinecraftCapes for Capes
- Substituted LambDynamicLights for Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Added MoreMcmeta
- Added MoreMcmeta Emissive Textures
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.17.1. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shadaer Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Polytone
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
- BadOptimizations
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Yet Another Config Lib (YACL)
- Entity Model Features
- OptiGUI
- More Culling
Altered features:
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
- Substituted WI Zoom for Zoomify
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.18.2. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shadaer Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
- BadOptimizations
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Yet Another Config Lib (YACL)
Altered features:
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.19. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Polytone
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
- BadOptimizations
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Entity Model Features
Altered features:
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.19.1. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shadaer Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Polytone
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Model Features
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
- OptiGUI
Altered features:
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.19.2. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Polytone
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
Altered features:
- Substituted LambDynamicLights for Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.19.3. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- TxniLib
- ThreadTweak
- Polytone
- Particle Core
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
Altered features:
- Substituted LambDynamicLights for Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted Puzzle for Sodium Options API and Sodium Options Mod Compat
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.19.4. Missing features:
- Fzzy Config
- Noisium
- Particle Core
- Polytone
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- ThreadTweak
- TxniLib
Altered features:
- Substituted LambDynamicLights for Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Added support for Quilt! Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shader Support
Updated mods.
Backported to 1.20.1. Missing features:
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Leaf Culling
Altered features:
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.20.2. Missing features:
- Cull Leaves
- Polytone
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- TxniLib
Altered features:
- Substituted LambDynamicLights for Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.20.3. Missing features:
- CIT Resewn
- Cull Leaves
- Entity Culling
- FerriteCore
- Fzzy Config
- Sodium Core Shader Support
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- ThreadTweak
- TxniLib
- YetAnotherConfigLib
Altered features:
- Substituted LambDynamicLights for Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Substituted Starlight for ScalableLux
- Substituted WI Zoom for Zoomify
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.20.4. Missing features:
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- TxniLib
- ScalableLux
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.20.5. Missing features:
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- TxniLib
- CIT Resewn
- Cull Leaves
- ScalableLux
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.20.6. Missing features:
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- TxniLib
- CIT Resewn
- Cull Leaves
- ScalableLux
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.
Backported to 1.21. Missing features:
- Sodium Extras
- Sodium Leaf Culling
- Sodium Options API
- Sodium Options Mod Compat
- TxniLib
For the full experience, please use any version from 1.21.1-latest.