🦾 Multi-Threading
This is a highly experimental modpack based on Wing Server, but it is extremely efficient thanks to multithreaded entity processing.
Once again, this is a highly experimental modpack; you should expect everything to break. Make backups.
✨ Features
- Multithreaded Entity Processing(Async mod)
- All the Benefits of Wing Server
💽 Installation
- Convert the .mrpack to .zip using the Modrinth Pack to Zip Converter
🏳️ Java and Flags
- Use java from Oracle or Adoptium, and this site to collect flags. Do not allocate more than 16gb of RAM to your server, as this can cause the JVM's garbage collector to become congested. This can lead to increased GC pause times and will slow down your server. Only allocate as much memory as you need, your goal should be to allocate as little memory as possible.
🗺️ Chunk Pregeneration:
To prevent lag caused by players generating chunks, it’s recommended to pre-generate them. Use the Chunky mod for this task.
You can estimate the size of your future world on this website.
- Select the world where you want to pre-generate chunks:
/chunky world minecraft:overworld
- Set the radius:
/chunky radius 5000
- Start the chunk pregeneration process:
/chunky start
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed MIT
Published 3 months ago
Updated 2 weeks ago