- Updated AE2, Amecs, AE2 Wireless Terminals, Badpackets, Biome Makeover, Building Wands, Calibrated, CC: Tweaked, Continuity, Coxinha Utilities, COTV-Farmer's Delight Compat, EMI, Extended Drawers, MineCells, ModernFix, Moonlight, Mouse Wheelie, Plethora Peripherals, Promenade, QSL, Repurposed Structures, Searchables, Soulbound Enchantment, Supplementaries, and Travelers Backpack.
- Updated Airbag so it attributes correctly.
- Updated to official versions of Soulbound-Enchantment and QSL.
- Switched to custom Indium build to maintain Sodium-0.4 compatibility while supporting newest FRAPI.
- Updated Ad Astra, Additional Structures, AE2, Almost Unified, Appleskin, Arch Ex, BlossomPVP, C2ME, Chat Heads, Dynamic FPS, EMI, Entityculling, Extended Drawers, Geckolib, Lighty, Loadingscreentips, Mega Cells, Modern Industrialization, Modernfix, Moonlight, Peripheralium, Supplementaries, Tablesaw, Tree Hollows, Universal Graves, Xaero's Minimap, YACL, Yung's Api, Yung's Better Desert Temples, Yung's Better Dungeons, Yung's Better Jungle Temples, Yung's Better Mineshafts, Yung's Better Ocean Monuments, Yung's Better Strongholds, Yung's Better Witch Huts, and Yung's Extras.
- Added Crawl and Jump Over Fences.
- Add Modrinth description syncing.
- Attempted to fix Modrinth publishing function (4th try).