Felineification! Let your eye boggle and your hearts speed up at this fluffy modpack! Felineification is a vanilla+ modpack aimed at providing the player game-changing features without straying too far from vanilla.
Check out our Offical Resource Pack
- AppleSkin [2.5.1+mc1.20.3] by squeek502
- SereneSeasons [] by Adubbz, Forstride
- Falling Leaves [1.15.4] by Fourmisain, BrekiTomasson, RandomMcSomethin
- CraftPresence [2.3.5] by CDAGaming
- Handcrafted [3.2.1] by Alex Nijjar, Kekie6
- Visuality [0.7.3+1.20.4] by PinkGoosik
- Iris [1.6.17] by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- Mod Menu [9.0.0] by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- Better Advancements [] by way2muchnoise
- Presence Footsteps [1.11.2] by Hurricaaane (Ha3), Sollace
- FancyMenu [3.1.2] by Keksuccino
- Ears [1.4.6] by unascribed
- Lithium [0.12.1] by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- More Chat History [1.3.0] by JackFred
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod [1.6.11] by tom5454
- Controlling [15.0.3] by Jaredlll08
- InvMove [0.8.5] by PieKing1215
- Konkrete [1.9.2] by Keksuccino
- GlitchCore [] by Adubbz
- Forge Config API Port [20.4.3] by Fuzs
- Mouse Tweaks [2.25] by Ivan Molodetskikh (YaLTeR)
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts [1.20.4-Fabric-4.4.1] by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- Panoramica [1.3.0] by Keksuccino
- Highlighter [1.1.9] by Grend
- Sodium [0.5.8+mc1.20.4] by @jellysquid3
- Trinkets [3.8.1] by Emi, C4
- Equipment Compare [1.3.8] by Grend
- CraterLib [1.1.0] by HypherionSA, Misha
- Dark Loading Screen [1.6.14] by Neecko5b84
- Iceberg [1.1.18] by Grend
- Drip Sounds [1.19-0.3.2] by PieKing1215
- Better Ping Display [1.1.1] by Quintinity
- Fabric API [0.96.11+1.20.4] by FabricMC
- Eating Animation [1.20+1.9.5] by theone_ss, spusik_, PinkGoosik, DoctorNight1
- Carry On [2.1.3] by Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow
- Boat Item View Fabric [0.0.5] by 50ap5ud5, Treblero
- Chat Heads [0.10.32] by dzwdz, Fourmisain
- LambDynamicLights [2.3.4+1.20.4] by LambdAurora
- AntiGhost [1.20.4-fabric0.91.2-1.1.5] by Giselbaer
- YUNG's API [1.20.4-Fabric-4.4.2] by YUNGNICKYOUNG
- Cloth Config v13 [13.0.121] by shedaniel
- YUNG's Extras [1.20.4-Fabric-4.4.0] by YUNGNICKYOUNG, Acarii
- Melody [1.0.3] by Keksuccino
- Resourceful Lib [2.4.10] by ThatGravyBoat, Epic_Oreo
- Searchables [1.0.6] by Jaredlll08
- Legendary Tooltips [1.4.5] by Grend
- Prism [1.0.6] by Grend
- LazyDFU [0.1.3] by tuxed
- Memory Leak Fix [1.1.5] by FX - PR0CESS
- ToolTip Fix [1.1.1-1.20] by kyrptonaught
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Minecraft: Java Edition
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Licensed ARR
Published 11 months ago
Updated 10 months ago