- Render item in slot 1 in tow if have luck effect (for filming purposes)
- /give_power_up command
- Platforms no longer move boats horizontally unless not made of ice
- Players with ghost effect should pass though blazes instead of deleting the blaze
- Apply changes in platform velocity to the boat, even on ice platforms
- Can no longer roll a Vex if there are vexes in the world, also reduced chance of Vexes in general
- Shields play sounds when blocking TNT
- Made fireballs faster
- Show horn bar even when F1 toggled
- Swap + and - on scoreboard time diffs
- Spectators can now see lap and time diffs
- More of a fanfare when u finish a race
- Kinda replay mod support (for viewing anyway, nod not included as can still cause issues. Can also only record other ppl's boats not your own)
- Don't do moving platform checks on server side
- Ghost power-up!
- Utilize track camera positions during the race grid cutscene
- Clear spawned power-up collectables server side on world unload (for single player)
- E-Track bee
- Extra clear track calls
- Change what entities are killed on race start
- Custom HUD!
- Code changes for E-Track
- For BRS, if target y is 0 treat as 5 blocks above trigger top, else use provided y level
- Vex Power-up
- New menus
- Moving platforms!
- Fireball movement changes
- Prevent fireballs locking on to non-racer players
Bug fix for previous
- Add_BRS command now aligns top of box to feet
- Loading screen effect
- In the media room, only switch to the camera angle when sitting
- Media room screen
- Add idle camera angles when no player to use in camera system
- Make music play for spectators in races
- Special sauce
- Anti honk technology
- Remove Bobby
- Install Immersive Portals
- Remove Zen Font
- Use Immersive Portals to chunk load the track for all players
- Show latency for bodkin boat packets when F3 is open
- Changed boat on boat collisions at high speeds
- Change default values for bodkin boat packet
- Swap out Distant Horizons for Bobby
- Added FerriteCore to mod-pack
- Disable boat breaking
- Remove unnecessary debug log
- Maybe improve spectator cam jitter?
- Prevent crash with music system when admin uses /reset mid-race
- Increase distance between packet and current boat pos before TP instead of lerp
- Decrease angle between lerp and tp for boat rot in packet
- Change titles for system clock out
- Make so if boat rotation is > 720 off will snap to it
- Fix issue with applying WASD inputs over network
- Change other aspects of BodkinBoat packet
- Make all clients and server use move calls for boats they don't control
- Make values when applying bb packet configurable over network
- Better spectator camera smoothing
- Effect to disable Gliding (low friction in mid air)
- Only show time-trail scoreboard while in a boat
- Allow players to exit chairs mid race
- Laps reset on re-join fix (needs testing)
- Use NTP time
- Creative inventory tab
- New ice types
- Mini launch pad
- Fireball only goes for what's in the player's direction of travel, or boat direction if stationary
- Lock on indicator of whom the fireball will hit
- Send messages to both players when a fireball is blocked with a shield
- Change how starting grid is randomised
- Don't render power-up debug outlines
- Change camera debug outline to orange
- Hide power-up UI when F1 is on
- Hopefully fix server crash on grid
- Music set 4
- Reduce hitbox size for getAboveIceBlocks check (used to check when is safe to exit warp)
- Time trail scoreboard has colors for lap in progress, best lap, and worst lap
- Balanced honk volume and range
- Custom status effects instead of vanilla ones
- Render checkpoint numbers when hit-boxes are on