Fixed a bug where you couldn't sneak and dig at the same time
updated in line with curseforge pack from flow
Downgraded to 1.20.1 for the sake of content mods
LevelZ progression system disabled by default (enable by going to Esc --> Mods --> LevelZ --> Options Icon --> Progression Settings --> Set to true)
LevelZ JobsAddon RPG Difficulty Fabric Language Kotlin Bountiful Kambrik Clumps ModernFix Tiny Item Animations Immersive Thunder Spawn Animations Farmers Delight Diagonal Walls Nyf's Spiders Dungeon Difficulty Enhanced Celestials
Majrusz Library Marjusz's Difficulty Libz YACL Sushi Bar Particular Owo Lib
Fabric version of Better Adventures+, meant to be played on modded servers/singleplayer worlds using BA+