a 1.18.2 version for a friend
***Note if Experiencing performance issues delete your
options.txt before updating to this release.***
Updated mods to their latest versions
Added Euphoria Patches for complementary shaders
Updated the Default Options
Fixed a Cloud bug
Fixed a slight mipmaping performance issue
Fixed sort keybind added shader options various fixes
CTL ALT DEL Natergamers balls
Fixed the sign issue as mentioned in the last update.
Tweaked the f3 menu
Re added 19's virginity
Changed the Versioning
Optimized the GUI a bit and optimized signs and becons.
Knowen Bugs: Signs are broken from more than 5 blocks away
Performance and Cloud enhancements "depending on your hardware Cough 19"
Removed Natergamer101's Balls
Fixed Abyssal Craft not shipping with resource packs or shaders
Optimized single player performance by alot
Re-added the Old create world menu Added the vanilla Mix texture pack by default Added a few shaderpacks (pre configured)
Version 20 Completely rebuilds the pack to remove broken configs and clean up a few things.
Reinstall as a fresh instance
Updated sodium and updated configs
Updated sodium and its extras to improve performance
delete your old instance for this Update
Removed redundant mods.
Fixed a few settings
Optimized a few things and re added hand boobing
Performance tweaks
My Wang Studios logo
General Fixes
Fixed lighting performance?
removed 1957C's balls