- 将偷窃所造成的声誉损失调整到了可挽回的程度 Adjusted the value of reputation lost when stealing to make it reparable.
- 修复破坏自己的床会惹怒村民的问题 Fixed the issue that breaking your own bed will annoy villagers
- 将盗窃被发现的提示改为tellraw Changed the information of being caught stealing into tellraw message
- 稍微降低了每次玩家盗窃被发现时所损失的名声值,并使其可以被叠加 Slightly decreased the lost value of reputation when player get caught stealing
- 村民睡眠时,对偷窃的察觉距离缩短到原来的一半 Villagers now can't hear sounds of stealing in a distance when they fall asleep
- 添加俄语翻译 Added Russian lang file
- Added barrel detection
- Doubled the loots in village containers
- Fixed the serious issue of mod not working