- Fixed a critical bug causing team data to leak between consecutive singleplayer games
New Features:
Added a "Hidden Items" card option (page 3) to hide all items on the card until they're found by the team
Make items on the bingo card "blink" for a brief period when captured
If the mod is installed client-side, any bingo map now renders at full brightness! (might not work with shaders)
Bingo cards now show the team color in their item texture to make them easier to distinguish
Bugs Squashed:
"Inventory" mode now tracks players' saved inventory if they log out, so the team does not lose items if a player loses connection
Fixed lobby menu entities occasionally spawning in the wrong position
Improved the player settings menu hitboxes/alignment
New Features:
- Scoreboard "auto-hide" behavior is now configurable as a player setting! (defaults to false, to reduce confusion when the scoreboard disappears)
Bugs Squashed:
Fixed scoreboards misbehaving on client-side LAN multiplayer
Fixed intermittent lag spikes on clients connecting to a server game (caused by scoreboard update errors)
Fixed the timer menu allowing negative values for some reason
Updated the fabric loader version requirement (now requires at least 0.15.0)
New Features:
The mod can now be installed on the client for single-player bingo games! (it adds a big "BINGO!" button for starting a bingo game from the start screen)
This has a known issue with LAN games hosted from the client, but should work fine in singleplayer.
If there is only one player in the lobby, the game now auto-assigns a team when "Start" is pressed.
Thanks to Xenia725 and Dewlan for help with early testing!
New Features:
Added a 1.20.1 version!
Created a "Preview Card" option (menu page 3) that, if enabled, allows players to see the current Bingo Card in the lobby before starting the game.
The Bingo Card is now generated from a random "Bingo Card seed"! (not to be confused with the Minecraft world seed)
This seed can be viewed or changed using the
/bingo seed
command. As long as you're using the same tier lists and settings, applying a seed should generate the same bingo card.
Bugs Squashed:
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the BINGO game state from saving properly. This caused some confusing behavior whenever server restarts after crashing during a game.
New Features:
I've added split versions for 1.20.2 and 1.20.4 so that both can continue to get new updates. If you're upgrading from the last 1.20.2 version, check the previous release notes for all the changes!
command now also prints the dimension if used in the nether/end.
Bugs Squashed:
Fixed the inventory desync issues when a player drops another team's map after the game has ended.
Fixed the "KeepInv" feature not showing up on the scoreboard if turned on with the
command. -
Fixed the
command not updating a player's gamemode when used in-game.
New Features:
- Updated for 1.20.4!
- Unfortunately this means earlier versions also lose support - but we get new stuff in exchange!
- The team spawn distance can now be changed from the game lobby menu.
- Setting it to "0" will now spawn all teams at the same spawnpoint.
- Added a
/join <team>
command, which allows players to join teams in the lobby.- Operators can also use
/join <team> <player>
to switch a player's team mid-game, which will properly respawn them at their new team's spawnpoint.
- Operators can also use
- The scoreboard now shows more information about the game (e.g. whether Elytra Mode, Keep Inventory, or PvP are configured)
- It also no longer has meaningless score numbers on it! (thanks to
numberformat blank
- It also no longer has meaningless score numbers on it! (thanks to
- A new "Ranked" game mode has been added:
- In "Ranked", the game does not end when the first team wins. Instead, it keeps going until the time limit and lists the winners when it ends.
- "Game Mode" settings can now be toggled individually. This means that you can use "Lockout" and "Inventory" together!
Changes to the pre-game lobby:
- The default lobby has been changed sightly to prevent accidental interactions with the floating menus.
Bugs Squashed:
Players can no longer get stuck in the lobby by logging in, joining a team, leaving, and then re-joining after a game has started.
"UUID of added entity already exists" warnings should no longer appear on server startup.
The world deletion behavior now only deletes the world after a successful shutdown when the game has ended. This means that the server can be restarted mid-game without losing the world.
The game will now dynamically locate new team spawnpoints if a player is added to a team that didn't have one.
This release changes the tier list format! If you're using custom tier list files, you can upload them into the tier list editor (using the .txt option at the bottom of the page) to migrate them to this version.
If you aren't using custom tier lists, then you have nothing to worry about!
New Features:
- Select multiple tier list sets!
- The default tier lists are "overworld" and "nether"; turning off "nether" will only use the list of overworld items, and vice versa.
- Tier lists are now a single JSON file, making them easier to share and configure.
- New scoreboard/bossbar settings:
- Detailed game info is now displayed in a scoreboard by default. The scoreboard is hidden during the game unless the player is holding the bingo card.
- The scoreboard, bossbar, and chat messages can be toggled on or off per-player.
- There are also game options to show or hide information about the remaining time, completed items/lines, or leading teams.
- The item distribution can now be configured with less than 25 items!
- Instead of requiring items in every space on the card, it will treat any missing items as a "free space".
- The "Team Outlines" option can be enabled to show exactly which teams have obtained each item on the BINGO Card.
- Added a
/coords list
command to get a list of all coordinates previously sent from your team, in case the chat history isn't big enough.
Bugs Squashed:
- Fixed the end portal not taking players to the overworld when the spawnpoint is in the end.
- Fixed issues with NBT data on spawn kit items preventing players from crafting them with the recipe book.
- Prevent team spawnpoints from being obstructed if a block is placed at the team spawn.
- Fixed a few instances of unclosed InputStreams. (bad fennifith!)
Various bugfixes following the previous update:
Fixed the spawn kit using multiple references to the same ItemStack object, which creates very confusing behavior
Fixed "the end" spawn dimension timing out and crashing the server because it thinks the entire dimension is underwater
Added stricter conditions for choosing team spawnpoints in the nether
Added commands for some of the config settings, which can be changed after starting the game:
/bingo timelimit
/bingo wincon
/bingo elytra
/bingo itemdist
New features!
- 1.20.2 compatibility!
- New "Spawn Dimension" setting:
- Start your bingo games in the end or nether, for extra fun!
- (might be a lil buggy, I haven't tested this much yet)
- Configurable "spawn kit" options:
- "Player Items" gives a set of items to every player when the game starts
- "Team Chest" creates a shared chest near each team spawnpoint
- Server will now automatically close/restart when all players disconnect after the game has ended. (configurable with
in config.json)
Bugs squashed:
- Fixed misaligned hitboxes on the item distribution menu
- Fixed menu entities still being referenced/updated after the game starts.
- Fixed a compatibility issue preventing the server from shutting down on some hosting platforms / mod combinations
Changes to game behavior:
- Improved bingo card interactions to behave more predictably
- When the card is in the mainhand, it should open as long as the offhand item is not usable
- When the card is in the offhand, it requires the mainhand to be empty in order to open
- Improved the win message to state if a team won with more lines or more items
- Added a message/sound to indicate when the game is starting
Changes to the pre-game lobby:
- Added a visual "shuffle teams" menu
- Redesigned time limit menu
- Timer can be adjusted in 30-minute increments
- Also allows the time limit to be turned off entirely
- Added support for custom lobby structures
- Advancement and death messages are now hidden in the pre-game lobby
Bugs Squashed:
- Fixed: Game failing to declare a winner if no lines are scored
- Fixed compatibility with the Very Many Players mod
- Fixed a rare edge case where the game could enter an infinite loop upon starting
- Added smithing templates to the default tier lists, which I'd somehow forgotten in the last update
- Added more distinct item images for glass panes & waxed copper
- Fixed "cherry leaves" incorrectly being tinted green on the card
- Improved bingo map rendering performance (~20ms -> about 1ms per redraw)
- Attempts to improve bingo card color accuracy:
- Maps have a limited color palette to work with, so I've been messing with the color similarity comparison being used to generate it. It's not perfect, but should look better than before.
If you're updating this on an existing server, you may need to delete the previous tier lists from ./config/bingo/
for these changes to take effect.
- Re-organized the default tier lists to include a lot more items!
- Added default images for almost all Minecraft items
- Added more win condition & time limit options
- Fix: players set on fire in the lobby would not be extinguished when starting a game
- Fix: occasional crash in "inventory" gamemode
If you're updating this on an existing server, you may need to delete the previous tier lists from ./config/bingo/
for these changes to take effect.
- Performance fix: prevent edge case in "lockout" mode where bingo card re-renders on every tick
- Change "lockout" stalemate condition to activate only when there are no remaining lines available
- Add configuration property for the team spawn radius
- Small changes to lobby menu style/placement
- Initial release