Another substantial update, the mod moves towards its first non-beta release
- Rite of Moving Earth moved from config-based customization to Craft-Tweaker scripting
- Regenerating configs and porting configuration over is recommended, but not required
- Kettle Crafttweaker integration now does not require a string ID for each recipe. Update your scripts accordingly
New integrations
- More Patchouli content
- Familiars section with all familiars described
- Creature section has been expanded with toads, owls, treefyds, ents
- Some changes and fixes to poppets, circle magic, creatures, armors, infusions, symbology, mutations, vampirism and lycanthrophy
- Expanded the book with Apple of sleeping, Mutating sprig, crossbow pistols, some resources
- TOP integration for Treefyds
- Owner, if is Sentinel (standing), Boost level
- CraftTweaker integration
- Treefyds: now Booster items can be changed through CraftTweaker and other mods through the API
- AnimalTrades: customize trades for Animals with the Polynesia Charm
- Baubles integration
- Moon Charm now works as a Bauble, preventing forced transformations if the player is wearing it
- Charm of Fanciful Thinking can now be worn as a Bauble, retaining its effect against Nightmares
- Fix an incompat with CubicChunks
New Tweaks
- Treefyds
- Upgrade overhaul (optional, default false): instead of requiring a Creeper heart OR Demon Heart, now you need both, with the latter applying additional stats to the treefyd
- Speed, Health and Damage can be set separately for unboosted, creeper heart and demon heart boosted treefyds
- Add Mono versions for the original Stereo sounds (credits to TechnoMysterio)
- Now Wolf Curse lvl 5 or higher will force transform the player into Wolfman form instead of wolf form during full moon (Implements #72)
- Tweak to add Translucency to Perpetual Ice Blocks, Slabs, Stairs, Fences, Fence Gates, Pressure plates and Stockades
- Avada Kedavra can now be customized in config for the amount of damage (or insta-kill) they do against certain types of entities: Players, Bosses, Golems, Demons, Witches and others
Witchery bugfixes
- Fix Statue of Hobgoblin Patron becaming being rendered as "adult" Entity under certain circumstances
- Fix Perpetual Ice Stairs xray-ing through terrain
- Fix Brew of Frost shield generation
- Fix Perpetual Ice slabs not being slippery (sometimes it still won't work due to a Vanilla bug)
Companion bugfixes
- Fix JER integration for TOADS appearing way too small
- Correctly require to restart the game if the backported Villagers AI is disabled in config
- Fix crash on servers when Patchouli is not installed
Huge update, introducing many new big features and tons of bugfixes. Al always, with the addition of new codes, new bugs might sneak through. Report them on Github for an easier and faster bugfixing :)
New Features
- Return of throwing skill! Throw splash brews to improve this stat, so that next potions will be thrown further!
- MutandisAPI to define custom mutations (grass-type, clay-type and plants)
- Kettle, Cauldron, Distillery, Spinning Wheel and Brazier APIs to add/remove recipes
- Return of Mirror in Mirror! Place and power Mirrors inside the Mirror dimension and travel across rooms. Don't get lost!
New integrations
- CraftTweaker
- Custom recipes for Kettle (WIP, wiki to be updated)
- Custom recipes for Cauldron (WIP, wiki to be updated)
- Custom recipes for Distillery (WIP, wiki to be updated)
- Custom recipes for Spinning Wheel (WIP, wiki to be updated)
- Custom recipes for Brazier (both summoning recipes and effect recipes) (WIP, wiki to be updated)
- Custom Mutandis mutations
- The One Probe
- Crystal ball (Cooldown time)
- Sun collector (progress)
- Kettle (added required dimension and familiar)
- Statue of Hobgoblin Patron (owner and worshippers)
- Patchouli
- Tons of new pages, fix typos and some broken links, more content and progress-unlocked secrets
- Added crafting recipe
- Implemented required altar power for cauldron brew ingredients
- Optional Rite input ingredients are rendered with transparency (compatible with CodeChickenLib, but other mods might break it)
- Sun Collector
- Wolf Altar
- Mirror
- Mutandis (block conversions and plant conversions)
- Forge
- Enable universal bucket (makes it so that when W:R and Companion are installed witchery fluids, like Flowing Spirit, can be picked up in a bucket. Other mods might enable it on their own)
New Tweaks
- Wolf Trap: warn players when a werewolf has spawned
- Wolf Trap: tweak to always drop itself (normally it breaks and its lost, intentionally)
- Wolf trap & Bear trap: tweak to break and drop when block below is removed
- Crystal Ball: tweak cooldown and altar power cost
- Kettle: tweak to configure chances to produce bonus brews (with witches clothes and baba's hat)
- Duplication grenade: tweak to modify duplicates' lifespan
- Statue of broken curses and occluded summons: tweak to shrink their bounding box
- Statue of worship: tweak to shrink their bounding box
- Tweak to remove villagers' backported AI. Should fix weird behavior
- Tweak to modify Mirror-in-mirror required altar power
- Tweak to modify Infusion bars rendering position
Witchery bugfixes
- Fix Alder Door rendering when disguised
- Fix Alder Door behavior to redstone
- Fix JEI Spinning Wheel plugin never loading recipes
- Fix a few bugs regarding the spirit portal, also restoring its original appearance
- Fix Icy Needle only working when used on a block
- Fix coven witches giving quests not completable in peaceful, when player is playing peaceful mode
- Fix Garlic Garland inconsistent bounding box and wrong facing on placement
- Fix a minor issue with /witcheryprogress command
- Fix wolf altar and statue of goddess face shape (things like buttons can no longer be placed on the statue)
- Fix wolf altar and statue of goddess kicking player out of servers for flying when standing on top of it. To achieve this, their height has been shrunk from 2 blocks to 1.6. Bounding box and models are shrunk accordingly
- Fix Cane Sword durability on (un)sheathing
- Fix statue of hobgoblin patron broken statue texture overlay
- Fix statue of hobgoblin placing held blocks when right-clicking the statue
- Fix crash when baubles is installed, botania is not and a vampire player dies (lol, really?)
Companion bugfixes
- Fix Patchouli book not reloading after config change
- Observations of an immortal book will no longer appear as locked icon if disabled in config
- Fix JEI Bark Belt integration missing texture
- Fix JEI Imp Gifts having zero recipes
- Fix vampire still being able to fly when exiting bat form
Companion bugfixes
- Fix a Patchouli crashe related to rendering
- Fix several Patchouli crashes related to accessing protected fields
- Fix some Patchouli crashes related to other mod interactions
New Tweaks
- Added Banshee loot table
- Added Hobgoblin loot table
- Crystal ball cooldown and power usage can now be customized
New features
- Observations of an Immortal book: add config option to revamp the book. A new category will appear in the Patchouli book and right-clicking Torn Pages will reveal new pages in it
- Extended Player Data Api now can read "isFortuneTeller" attribute. Players unlock when they first craft a Crystal Ball and makes them able to predict the future with the crystal ball
Patchouli pages
- New pages: crystal ball, mirror, sun collector, duplication and sun grenade, fairest, goblin hut, witch shack, mirror and torment dimensions, creeper heart, heart of gold, quartz sphere, baba yaga, impregnated leather
- Moved Spinning Wheel to a new category under constructs: devices. Also contains crystal ball, mirror and sun collector
- Misc fixes and detail additions
- [Companion bug] Fix crash on dedicated servers on startup
- [Companion bug] Fix crash on rare occurences when Patchouli pages related to Circle Magic
- [New feature] Added a page to Rite of Shifting Seasons listing the Foci that can be used and for what biome type
- [Companion bugfix] Fix step height being updated to 0.5 instead of the vanilla default 0.6
- [Companion bugfix] Fix wrong patchouli description for Rite of Binding (copy waystone) pages
- [Companion bugfix] Fix crash on config reload if Patchouli is not installed
- [Companion bugfix] Fix server crash on startup due to Patchouli integration
- [Companion bugfix] Fix witchery progress not being tracked and unlocked (big derp)
- [Companion bugfix] Fix dimension progress not being tracked
- [Companion bugfix] Add missing Kettle icon in Patchouli doc
- [Witchery bugfix] Fix default creature step height being set to 0.5 instead of the vanilla default 0.6
- [Witchery bugfix] Fix Rite of Binding (Copy waystone) giving empty waystone as result
- [Witchery bugfix] Fix Witches Oven particles spawning partially in the ground
- [Patchouli enhancement] Add a few more pages worth of content (Torment dimension, Lord of Torment, Torment Scroll and Stone Circle (multiblock))
New Features:
- Add Patchouli Integration
Companion Bugfixes:
- Player Step height being set to 0.5 instead of 0.6. Fix #64