- Support 24w34a
- Updated libs
Hotfix keybinds
- Added new category: Additional
- API Configs moved to Additional
- Added speaker selector
- Added cache reset
- Added Waterland
- Added discord integration
- Added track filters
- Fixed(maybe) file name for local tracks [icons]
- Fixed keybinds for control screen (and modern)
- Updated libs
youtube-source 1.6.0...........
I forgor [fix lyrics]
- YouTube has been reconfigured
- Removed WPLF
- Updated AlinLib
- Fixed creation of song lyrics
- Cleanup code
- Fixed crash due to file system
- Added support for playlist icons (backend)
- Rewritten playlists screen
- Rewritten edit playlists
- Added support for icons in playlists
- Added PlaylistButton
If you have any issues with the new icon system, check out GitHub Issues
- Fixed file icon
- Updated libs
- Fixed drag-and-drop in ModernControlScreen
- Added support for audio file artwork
- Added Traditional Chinese (zh_tw.json)
- WaterPlayer API V1 -> V2