- Fixes tuna swimming animation stopping when it is not moving
- Adds flopping animation for tuna and nautilus when on land
- Adds translation for the showmaster spawn egg item
- Updates to latest version of blockbench-import-library to reduces client-side logs caused by missing particle texture
- Fixes the item of the nautilus shell only showing a missing model
- Fixes the 'hurt' color of mobs
- Fixes attibutes of some mobs
- Reduces spawnrates of some mobs, especially butterflies
- Fixes atrtibutes of some mobs
- Reduces spawnrates of some mobs, especially butterflies
1.21.4 update
1.21.2 release version
- Fixes a crash with fabric permission api
1.21.2 version
- Fixes an issue with the butterfly textures when using CIT resewn on the client
1.21.2 version
This version bundles polymer 0.10.0-alpha with a small bugfix.
Fixes Penguin head texture
Fixes Penguin head texture
Updates the penguin model to resemble the lost mob vote penguin