fixed a small bug where if you turned off a tis-3d machine while string module was outputting it would become unresponsive untill you put it back in (and satasified the Idea linter)
updated Markdown Manual Documentation
add RAM/ROM module peripheral support
add translation key for String module (oops)
internally changed how text is centered to use math instead of hardcoded offsets
- reworked Interop module API (and made it easier to extend upon java side)
- fixed missing translation key
todo: documentation for CC lua functions
Changes: trimmed module textures so you can see locked indicators on modules made it so modules dont render when on the back face of casings or when the controller is off
the interop module allows TIS-3d and CC: Tweeaked to speak with eachother I will make a better Texture later (it currently uses the Parse Module without any text rendered on it)
- added Parse Module (and docs,recipe,lang)
- fixed some formatting in main TIS-Stringify tis3d tab
- HEX/UHEX modes for printing hex
- write the documantation for markdown manual
a first working release what works:
- Unsigned -> string
- Signed -> string
- Float (TIS-advanced) -> string
to implement:
- Hex and Uppercase Hex output options