-Fixed Being able to access wild digimon inventories
-Fixed Digimon not dropping the contents of inventories when killed
-Buffed Unfair Digimeat drops
-Fixed Potion effects or fire kills not counting as wins
-De evolution lowers the level to actually be able to get requirements for other evos in time
-No limit to amount of evos a digimon can have
-Digimon can now have more than one data types (3 max)
-Xp required to level up increased to allow for more time to complete evolution requirements
-Config evolution level affects wild spawn digimon levels
-Filling evo requirements isn't enough to evolve to a specific evolution anymore selecting the evolution is also needed
-New GUI textures
-New Agumon model
-New Pulsemon model
-New Bibimon model
-New Thunderballmon model
-New Mamemon model
-New Biyomon model
-New Vmon model
-New BlackGalgomon model
-New Gabumon/Blackgabumon model
-New Tentomon model
-New Lopmon model
-New Patamon model
-New Namkemon model
-Certain digimon drop vanilla resources
-Certain digimon glow in the dark
-Vanilla mobs give 1 xp when killed by digimon
-Plantable Big Digimeat
New Stuff:
-In game full evolution line gui
-Dyeable Digivices
-Added Diets
-New Digi Meat Ribs Item
-Poop System
-New Digi Sushi Item
-Crap diet digimon eat poop
-New Digi Card Ore Block
-New Deepslate Digi Card Ore Block
-New LED Shroom Block
-Digivice 2020 Item
-Secret Identity Move
-Added Botamon
-Added Petitmon
-Added Chicomon
-Added Jyarimon
-Added Bubbmon
-Added Pipimon
-Added Cocomon
-Added Punimon
-Added Dokimon
-Added Keemon
-Added Puyomon
-Added Poyomon
-Added Nyokimon
-Added Sunamon
-Added Zurumon
-Added Pagumon
-Added Tyumon
-Added Scumon
-Added Nanimon
-Added Raremon
-Added Vegiemon
-Added Doggymon
-Added Cerberumon
-Added BlackRapidmon
-Added SkullGreymon
-Added Digitamamon
-No more evolution and special chip crashes
-Digimon don't consume two food items now
-Digimon moves wont hit owner anymore
-Added missing digitron evos
-Fixed not multiple shooting specials shooting twice
-tame leash will consume in survival
-data items will consume in survival
-digimon professions wont work when mob griefing is off
-digimon cant hurt owner and friend digimon nor apply (hurtful) effects on them
-ranks depend on the evolution line not on particular digimon
-better evolution particles
-digimon will follow their owners at faster speed
-new digimeat textures
-new guilmon bread textures
-nerfed meat crops and item
-pushing digimon while sitting also makes them walk animation
-converted sounds to mono (you will hear them less when far from the source)
New Stuff
-nest structures
-config digimon spawning in world
-config digimon lifes
-config digimon evolution level
-config for chance of item drops
-config for digimon size
-new digimon render effect when evolving
-champion digimon can spawn being riden by rookie digimon
-fire attacks burn blocks they hit
-sit sound
-Boss Cube item (boss maker item)
-Big Digimeat
-Rotten Digimeat
-Digi Cake
-Gold Arrow Attack
-Digimon now have inventories
-digimon professions wont lag servers any longer
-digimon trying to work on unreachable blocks will look for others after some time
-If a digimon is being riden in multiplayer, other players will see the moving animation instead of the idle while moving
New Digimon:
-Shoutmon x2
-Red Veedramon
-King Shoutmon
-Black Gabumon
-Shoutmon x3
-Divine Axe stating that burns when it doesnt
-Petit Twister not up knockbacking
-Bakemon could not evolve to Monzaemon
-Garudamon playing sitting animation as shooting animation
-lowered volume from level up and xp sounds
-Opening the digivice gui wont drastrically decrease fps anymore
-Bubble attack missing texture
-Move effects not applying
-Digimon names sticking to pre evos names
New Stuff:
-Level up sound
-Black Digitron sound
-Xp up sound
-Chip Cruel Scissors name typo
-Love song not hitting
-Goods and Training Bag sometimes crashing servers at spawn
-Lot of Chips having typos in their names
-Thetimon being called TeslaJellymon
-Fixed vital bracelet recipe not working
-Mod Items wont trigger Digivice Gui when held in the oposite hand to the Digivice
-Stat up items cant be used on wild digimon, except in creative (edited)
March 4, 2024
-BlackGrowlmon using wrog texture
-Some sp move chips assigning wrongly the move names making the game crash
-Fixed crash upon killing entities with digimon
-Fixed crash on digimon killing entities
-Fixed loot disapearing if a digimon kills you
-Better performance while digivice gui opened
-BlackGarurumon not evolving to BlackMachGaogamon
-Petit Thunder having Mega Blaster's description
-Fixed typo on the stat up items
-Memory command closes screen
-Changed spawn rates to allow for more rookies than champions spawning
-Updated chinese translations
-Regular mobs dont give xp anymore
-Coredramon Blue can evolve to AeroVeedramon
-Babie totems in head came back
-digimon not rendering on servers
-shawujinmon not having an icon for evolution conditions
-fixed birdramon evolving to MachGaogamon instead of Garudamon
-fixed darklizzardmon display name
-fixed mochimon couldn't evolve to tentomon
-fixed sunarizamon not spawning
-fixed evo conditions saying "joyfull"
-transition between attack animations made smoother and not look laggy
-fixed Yarmon being called Keemon
New Stuff:
-digimon evolutions and evolution conditions are now stored in jsons, they can be edited on data packs!
-digimon deal their level value as damage to non digimon entities
-digimon will randomly express mood
-ultimate digimon!!!
-digivice gui tamer commands
-attack command
-sit command
-stand up command
-fly command
-feeding command
-added digimon professions
-added storage profession
-added some sound effects
-non digimon mobs give xp now
-added Digimon Card
-added Blue Card
-added new training good m2 disk
-champion evos require more specific data
-digivice gui can be opened without having to interact with digimon
-evolution conditions in the digivice gui show the name of the evo
-evo conditions name gets green if meeting evo requirements
-defeating higher level digimon counts as win too
-flying digimon tilt a bit to the front while flying
-move particles create in a spherical pattern rather than a disc pattern
-data/xp is directly gained by digimon defeating other digimon
-data/xp items are now admin items, thus can only be accessed in creative
-digimon can attack players to balance fights as now the attack command exists
-move items get consumed now
-digimon gain more stats through training
-high tier training goods rarely spawn in the wild
-changed damage function to allow for longer battles
-all high tier goods changed
-gabumon added
-drimogemon added
-garurumon added
-garurumon black added
-mamemon added
Fixes: -new Icedevimon won't crash the game on attack
Changes: -Digimon can't target players -Chapmon's sp.move is bubbles now -Babies can't get in boats now Fixes: -Fixed name saving issues with name tags -Fixed impmon crash when attacking (impmons prior to this will disappear sadly)
Fixes: -fixed digimon not spawning in servers
-fixed flying mounts moving very slowly
-fixed crash at mounting
-fixed digi core not crafting
Digimon: -added Flarerizamon -added Datirimon -added Chapmon -added Kamemon -added Gawappamon -added Archelomon
New Stuff: -new digimon line gui -new digicore texture -deevolution added -new devolution trigger added: dark tower shard -wandering state for tamed digimon -certain digimon can be ridden at bare hand interact -shooting animations -evolution conditions can be checked in game -new stat raise items stat bytes -new Guilmon Bread item -added digimon rank system -babies can be put on player's head -babies can be stacked upon each other -water swimming ai added for certain digimon
Changes: -changed digimon item description -gui revamp -evolving raises stats -life lost results in care mistakes -digimon can eat every edible item -feeding particle and animation added -digimon attack ai adapted for sp attacks -lowered chance of goods giving xp -baby digimon have multiple rookie evos now -dub digimon names changed to original -foe digimon drops babies 3% chance moves 5% stat bytes 7% digi meat 10%
Fixes: -fixed some goods only giving xp -fixed translations not changing digimon names
-new digimon not spawning fixed
-chinese translation