Terrastorage 1.0.4 for Minecraft 1.21 and 1.21.1. This update fixes some bugs and enhances compatibility:
- Fixes potential Apache Commons Lang version conflicts, as seen in issue 2.
- Fixes potential language related issues, as seen in issue 3.
- Fixes a bug where animated block entities would get stuck in their open state if the player entered the rename screen and left it without actually renaming the storage.
- Compatibility enhancement - Renamed storage block entities lack a dedicated
of their own should now have their nametags rendered correctly.
Terrastorage 1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.21 and 1.21.1. This update brings many compatibility enhancements.
- Storage option buttons are now added to and work with any screen handler that has at least 27 inventory slots.
- Screen title updating now works with any screen.
- Nametag rendering for block entities now works with many more modded storage blocks.
- Quick stacking to nearby chests now works with many more modded storage blocks.
with that being said, there were some issues found, a new section "Known Issues" was added to the description.
These are the results of testing with some storage mods:
Reinforced Chests - no issues found.
Reinforced Shulker Boxes - no issues found.
Reinforced Barrels - Nametag rendering issue, more info is available in the new "Known Issues" section in the description.
Expanded Storage - An issue with Quick Stacking To Nearby Storages and nametag rendering, more info is available in the new "Known Issues" section in the description.
Glad to finally release Terrastorage! version 1.0.0 for Minecraft 1.21 and 1.21.1.