- Moved both loaders, Fabric and Neoforge to a single file, and added Forge loader for the same file
- Reduced Java Version needed: 21 → 17
- Improved code
- Added cache formulas and variables, so it gives the result faster after processed the formula given once
- Fixed: StrEq NeoForge needs to be in both sides. It should be optional for both sides.
- Added least common multiple
- Added greatest common divisor
- Factorial
- Absolute Value
- Removed allowNeg boolean in method evaluate
- Removed modID String in method evaluate
- Improved performance
- Removed pack.mcmeta
- Removed logo file
- Removed Logger Initializer Advice
⚠️ Warning! All mods that are using StrEq with, at least, version 1.0.2 aren’t compatible with version 1.0.3.
- Added method areEqual to compare between various formulas. It returns a boolean.
- Added method getDifference to compute the difference between the results of two expressions. It returns the numerical difference between two expressions.
- Added arctan (I forgot to add it in ExpressionEvaluator class)
- Added logarithmic functions
- Added “e” integrated variable
- Added “phi” integrated variable
- Changed integrated variables so they are unmodifiable variables
- If allowNeg is false and the value is negative, it will say in the IllegalArgumentException the modID of the developer instead of the StrEq modID
- Improved multiplication without explicit “*”
- Added sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan
- Added “pi” as an integrated variable
- Added exponential and root square
- Hardened Tokenizer and ExpressionEvaluator classes to prevent modification
- Improved performance
- Changed needed java compatibility from 21 to 17
- Now it allows negative numbers without using (0 - number), just put -number.
- Now it allows that multiplications can be 2x instead of 2*x.
- Moved Mod ID to common file