v0.1.1-0.1.1r-1.19.3 2023/03/07
- Fixed the texture error of Spider Chrysalis humanoid
v0.1.1-0.1.1r-1.19.2 2023/03/07
- Fixed the texture error of Spider Chrysalis humanoid
v0.1.1-0.1.1r-1.19.- 2023/03/07
- Fixed the texture error of Spider Chrysalis humanoid
v0.1.0-0.1.0p-1.19.3 2023/02/24
Reconstruct the Java code and slightly improve the game performance
Now piglin will ignore AuCu armor
Now all "Spontaneous-Replace" spiders are regarded as a group
Now the Mushroom Fields, ocean biome and Deep Dark will no longer refresh the SR spider
Reduced the probability of respawn the SR spider
The trigger radius of Spider Egg Cocoon is changed from 5 block to 7 block
Due to technical reasons, 1.19.3-version spider egg cocoons no longer spawn in the world
Add the Fabric translation keys for Re-translation
Optimized the text format and annotation system of the translation file
Re-update and make new mod icon
List a pack separately for all mod resource and data