Fixed the mod version
Fixed an issue where the latest modonomicon would cause a crash
Fixed the Soul Meter being able to reach -1
Fixed Geckolib not being declared as a dependency in the mods.toml
Fixed the Soul Gem icon in the Divination Table using the old sprite
Made the Soul Altar not void items when it doesn't accept them
Added some config options
Made it so shift right clicking the soul altar will cancel the recipe and return the items
Added jade support
Fixed a small bug where an absurdly long number would show up with the lapis wand
Made the soul meter only show when you are in a situation where souls may be used
Added a few tags
Fixed the Spiritus Libri recipe
Fixed the required entry for crafting the Soulcaster's Table
Removed some text leftover from development in the Soul Ritual entry
Fixed the mod crashing servers
Fixed the mod accidentally having old textures that were used in development
Fixed a bug where the Divination Table would not drop when broken
First version of the mod, Adds the initial content