Add fun particles whenever you land a strike on your foe!
Sparkles Particle
The sparkles particle
March 15, 2023
Stars Particle
The stars particle
March 15, 2023
Hearts Particle
The hearts particle
March 15, 2023
Flowers Particle
The flowers particle
March 15, 2023
RBG Fairy Lights Particle
The fairy lights particle
March 15, 2023
Secondary Particle
The secondary particle in action
March 15, 2023
One Hundred Particles
The Primary Particle Config allows up to one hundred particles to be spawned
March 15, 2023
Two Hundred Particles
The max possible particles to be spawned. If you set the primary particle amount to 100, and the secondary particle amount to 100, you can get up to 200 particles per hit!