- Added recipes to be able to craft oak chest or spruce barrels (including limited ones) from combination of planks/wooden slabs of different wood types or from wood types that don't have specific sophisticated chest / barrel variant (modded wood types)
- Updated recipes that reference minecraft:stick to use forge:rods/wooden tag instead so that other modded wooden rods can be used in them
- Updated recipes that reference minecraft:stick to use c:rods/wooden tag instead so that other modded wooden rods can be used in them
- Fixed flat barrels to have them pass strong redstone signal to neighbors
- Fixed storage blocks to render their upgrades / free upgrade slots in world when player is holding upgrade as well as applying the upgrade in world
- Updated Chinese translation (Thanks ZHAY10086)
- Fixed ids of recipes registered to JEI to properly work with recipe bookmarking and as part of this polished the ids so that they don't have that much unnecessary data in some cases
- Fixed version number
- Fixed double chest to not drop enormous number of items from right side of it when it has infinity upgrade applied and right side is broken
- Fixed double chest upgraded using recipe to keep all of its contents and added special recipes for double chest so that packing chests can't be abused to save on upgrade materials
- Fixed compression upgrade to properly handle uncompacting recipes only defined in its config
- A few changes related to addon mod upgrades to properly support rendering upgrades on storages when these are in hand and adding the upgrades to storages in world
- Updated Chinese translation (Thanks ZHAY10086)