- Updated methods
- ACTUALLY fixed the method...
- Fixed some ray-casting logic
- Fixed version numbering that broke mods that used ShadowizardLib as a dependecy.
- Added new methods: "getBlockPoint" and "summonParticleLine"
- "getPoint" method can now check for liquids.
- Fixed bugs in the "getPoint" method.
- Improved targeting methods
- Ported new methods from 1.16.5-version
- Added solid check for more ray-tracing methods
- Improved "getPoint" method raycasting
- Methods "getEntitiesAround" and "getNearestEntity" now take a @Nullable list of LivingEntities to exclude as viable targets.
- Improved "getPoint" -method
- Added new methods
- Renamed CommonEvents.class to ShadowEvents.class
- Added new methods
- Improved stability
- Added more methods
- Improved stability
- Changed visibility of certain methods