(Completion of Justice corpse system, bugfixes, and a new throwing animation to Star Platinum)
- You can now order your corpses to do the remaining tactics menu options (the movement ones)
- You can now switch between team colors in the tactics menu so your justice corpses can clash enemy armies more distinctly
- You can now ride spiders, they can't jump but they can climb up walls
- New item throwing animation for Star Platinum
- Fixed mobs who have been resurrected by fog losing that on relog and playing sounds again
- Fixed fallen skeletons sometimes dropping bows
- Fixed fallen spiders having overly small corpses
- Fixed justice highlighting stands in control mode
- Added corpse related damage types to the attacks of corpse mobs with a custom death message
- Corpses now have their hole textures when activated for the first time and can't be rebagged
- Corpses no longer despawn when you leave the chunk
- Added new command /roundaboutReplenish, it is like the /heal command which has been exclusive to the fabric version, but works on both versions, and restores hunger as well (does not provide saturation)
- Fixed justice's creeper corpse crashing game when hit by barrage from star platinum or the world
- Fixtry a bug where some users would see the TS shader when screen freeze TS happens (not normal) and these users would have to press f5 to fix it
- Fixed corpses under rare circumstances forgetting their owners partially making them able to target attack but not auto defend
- Gave corpse mobs their basic AI (creeper, skeleton, spider, zombie, etc), note that their damage values are 100% placeholder
- Right clicking the ground when a corpse mob is selected gives them a path to follow
- Right clicking a creeper corpse in pilot mode detonates it (as does flint and steel like a normal creeper)
- Added new command /RoundaboutSetStand, it lets you set the stand in a format like this: /RoundaboutSetStand @p star_platinum 8 3 2 true -> This means give star platinum to the nearest player, at level 8, with skin id 3, pose id 2, and its secret skin (atomic) unlocked, if I can figure out how to add tab complete to stand names without it crashing the game on world load I will
- Possibly fixed a bug where Star Platinum's finger has an inconsistent size when on other players on servers (not mobs or yourself, just other players specifically)
- Fixed a mostly unreported bug where the power inventory item slots did not work in multiplayer: moving the bottom row of items caused ghost item desync, and visages would not be placed because none of the item slots were synced unless you are playing singlplayer or an LAN world host
- Corpses resurrected by justice now defend you automatically (the speed, strength, and AI of these mobs are just a placeholder and will be much different when this feature is complete)
- In control mode you can now direct corpses to attack mobs third person tactical rpg style by left clicking them, then left clicking a target (targets in control mode are highlighted)
- Third ability key for control mode opens up a menu for tactics. Lets you select and deselect all corpses, currently the strategies of defending/hunting monsters/hunting players/hunting target/being peaceful work and are applied to all highlighted mobs when selected. The movement based strategies do not have functionality yet.
- Added two new idle poses for stands: floaty, which makes them bob up and down, and "the star" which is based on a Star Platinum pose
- Fixed a bug where the player's main body's position desyncs between client and server while you are getting hit in pilot mode
- Fixed Justice's skill 2 icon not being dulled out properly while sneaking while in control mode
- Fixed justice control mode being able to open doors/interact with blocks while you are holding a foggy block in particular
- Possibly fixed wave mod crash
- Fixed an issue when two people try to stop time at the same time and music overlaps causing a crash
- Some translation updates (thank you!)
- Added Creeper, Skeleton, Villager, and Spider corpses
- Finished functionality of corpse bag item, and corpses now raise when fog gets them for a preview of how that ability will look when it is fully implemented
- Added creative mode corpse bag which has infinite corpses
- Added client config option to disable ability keys summoning stands
- Possibly fixed a bug where two people in multiplayer with the screen freeze config setting stop time at the exact same time and trigger a client crash
- Fixed bug where if you stop time with star platinum on a server with someone using the world, the person using the world will here the noise of time stopping that plays from a the world user (specifically the sfx and not the voice line)
- Fixed a bug where glass visage did not stop the voice lines of time stop when equipped in the microphone slot
- Fixed forge only bug where body bags were stackable
- Added body bag, killing zombies with executioner axe (always) or scissors (with Justice as your stand) makes them turn into corpses that the bag can collect. Currently has no other functionality, you will eventually be able to put the corpses back down
- Updated some animations, thank you Garlic
- Fixed a bug where if you have screen freeze config turned on, and enter justice control mode, and get time stopped, your stand will teleport far away the second time stop ends and despawn
- Fixed f5 toggling canceling the TS shader
- Fixed capes and elytras not rendering properly during poses
- It is now much more difficult to x-ray with justice pilot (in vanilla it is also difficult)
- Fixed certain inventory updates (Like getting hit while wearing armor) allowing you to grab those items from the justice inventory and dupe them
- Added simple time stop shader, the vanilla screen desaturation shader. Can be turned off in the client config. If you can't see it, you may have a mod installed that deletes or replaces all vanilla shader code entirely. Eventually, we will likely add a more complex shader that is in the works, but for now I hope you all enjoy this one.
- Added all of the remaining poses for the pose button (wamuu, jotaro, wryy, joseph, jonathan, and koichi) so you can now strike a ton of jojo poses if you bind that button! (thanks generic!)
- standDiscsDropWithKeepGameRuleOff config option (for stand discs dropping on death with death loss gamerule)
- blockRangeNegativeOneIsInfinite config option for time stop. It lets you adjust the range, and setting it to -1 makes it dimension wide and freeze the actual time.
- Fog chains now aim from justice during control mode
- Fixed Justice's position desync on servers with justice control mode
- Fixed screen being fully obscured when you are under a block with a minecart and using justice control mode
- Fixtry the bug where stand stops following user if the user is behind a wall, likely caused by entityculling
- Fixed Justice always crashing servers when summoned (check yesterday's update log if you haven't)
- Added new gamerule, roundaboutKeepStandsOnDeath -> Lets you choose whether or not you keep stands when you die!
- Mob interrupting stand attacks defaults to true (if your config is already generated you will have to edit it back)
- Fixed stand barrages being uninterruptable by players, making them broken in pvp
- Fixed justice's head not rendering on other players' screen while using justice's control mode and the camera set to first person.
- Fixed justice control mode mode not updating location of the stand on server
- Fixed client crash if you join a multiplayer server while you have the screen freeze TS setting and invade another player's time stop specifically
(some commonly requested community features + major bug fix)
- Added config option to increase stand damage based on level of stand, for those who are fans of the RPG-like experience
- Added a config option to grant stands to players with arrows as well
- Added many config options related to interrupting windup moves, including separate ones for barrage and TS, mobs and players, stand damage etc
- Moved windup configs to this section (so you have to re-edit them)
- By default, impale/assault/star finger are no longer interrupted by standard mobs, only by players and stand attacks used by mobs
- Added client config to hide worthiness arrow creative mode text
- Moved config option for ghost mobs needing stand to see to client config
- moved gas splatter rendering to client config
- fixed 0.4.8 bug where pirate justice crashes the game
- fixed pirate justice model being much higher up than the others|
- fixed star platinum UV